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🎶 Atropos

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  1. Jammin
    🎶Atropos reacted to 🎶Viersell in Peeks In   
    Well it certainly has been some time, guess who has a pc? and who is making songs again? and sadly..... low key playing mabi again................ 
  2. Love
    🎶Atropos reacted to 🚩Falaflame in People Belonging to which server in-game   
    I returned a while back. Though,

    -Nao server now, by default since I was previously in Ruairi server.
    -New name is now Lordrylus.
  3. Like
    🎶Atropos reacted to 👑Bran in PSA To Visitors Looking For MMLs   
    If you're planning on posting MML arrangements from here onto the bard board, please give credit to the maker of the arrangement.
    Most composers here don't care regardless, but there are some like me that take pride in their work, especially if we're throwing in a couple of hours minimum into making the MML.
    (Me, personally, I have to transcribe mine from scratch or transfer scores to MuseScore and arrange them from there. If you've ever done those before, you'll know that both processes take a lot of time.)
    All of the submissions may be free for the picking, but that does not mean that you're allowed to take all of the credit of the MMLs you choose.
    The same thing also applies if you're submitting MMLs from Naver's MabiCafe site and/or other Mabinogi sites onto Mabi Beats. Just giving a heads up, and thank you for taking the time to read this.
  4. Upvote
    🎶Atropos reacted to 🚩Falaflame in [Alexina] Concerts Return   
    I have no preference on where to host the concerts. However, I would highly suggest a place that I feel hasn't been explored enough, and that is Ch3 Tir Chonaill School. The reason I have for this is actually quite simple.

    -It's the least latency-intensive location in the entire game.
    -The location is rather small, so it's hard to actually miss the concert.
    -First-time players start in this location.
    -Ch3 is the default channel for first-time players.
    -Everyone has access to this location's moon gate by default.
    -Many of the beginner's quests involve this location.

    That way, we have the best of both worlds. Not only is it latency-friendly, not only will people pass by and be able to see the concert, but we can potentially draw new and upcoming players into wanting to play and compose music.

    I very highly suggest 5-8pm EST for the time zones. That way, night owl Europeans can at least be able to participate (it'll likely be 10pm to 1am for them), as well, many people come home from school, college, or work, around 5pm EST in the states, which is around the time for them to wind down after a hard day's work.

    As for myself, I'd like to attend, but I can't guarantee being able to participate. Life's been getting in the way for me, and now more than ever now that I have to take care of someone that is essentially bedridden. Not to mention, my memory is about as sharp as a dull knife in a kitchen drawer. So, I will need a reminder that these are actually happening. DM me on discord, or something. But if I can afford to, and if I actually *remember* to, I'll definitely attend and make some noise.
  5. Upvote
    🎶Atropos reacted to Hymmnos in People Belonging to which server in-game   
    Amyure - Mari
    I'm the one playing the piano in Belv all the time.
  6. Upvote
    🎶Atropos reacted to Tohkachi in People Belonging to which server in-game   
    Mari - Tohkachi (main) [Human]
    Mari - Kaorisama (2nd) [Elf]
    Mari - Haezlnut (3rd) [Giant]
    I play on Tohkachi most often, and I do play daily especially because it's summer.
  7. Upvote
    🎶Atropos got a reaction from joeyghost in Counting Game   
    I wonder if this ever will break 500 XD.
  8. Upvote
    🎶Atropos reacted to Rydian in Dumping & Converting Video Game Soundtracks With VGMTrans   
    - Intro
    Older video game systems didn't have the capability for long recorded audio data.  Even if they could handle modern compression like MP3 (while still running the game on top), storage space was a limiting factor.  While your average MP3 might measure a few megabytes for one song, compare that to the entirety of Super Mario World for the SNES, which is 512KB (half a megabyte)!  Getting futher back, the original Legend of Zelda for the NES measures just 128KB, which is 1/8th of a megabyte.
    For these games, they used sequenced music instead.  That is, they had musical notation (which notes from which instrument go where), and then they either generated the samples using FM synthesis (NES/Genesis and such), or had tiny little pre-recorded samples that they pitch-shifted and used repeatedly (SNES/PSX and such).
    What does this have to do with Mabinogi?  Well, MML is also a sequenced format and uses the second method, it's musical notation using pre-recorded instrument samples.  Since older game systems used sequenced music, it can be converted into various other sequenced formats (like MIDI and then MML).  VGMTrans is a dedicated program for dumping and converting sequenced music from old video games.
    VGMTrans: https://github.com/vgmtrans/vgmtrans/releases
    - Why?
    Why go through all the trouble of making MIDI conversions instead of using an existing MIDI?
    1 - MIDIs don't exist for everything, for more obscure games or tracks they tend to be missing or you only have low-quality options.
    2 - This method dumps the audio from the game itself, getting you as close to the original composition as you can reasonably get.  The tempo is what the game used, the notes will be what the game used, you can see how many tracks there are, etc.
    2 - You don't have to deal with various "tricks" people do in MIDIs that make the resulting import messier and harder to handle (like strange timing, splitting something across too many tracks, reliance on effects instead of notation, and more annoyances).
    - Dumping The Music
    As far as actually getting the raw music data from the games, you have three options.
    A - If you intend to dump music from specific container formats that VGMTrans natively browses (like the Nintendo DS), you're in luck because you can just drag and drop an .NDS ROM onto the open VGMTrans window.
    B - For most formats you can just download archives of dumped soundtracks.  The VGMTrans page lists the formats it supports along with the common file extensions, and some googling can find collections.  While many are on Zophar's Domain in one form or another, there's also dedicated sites for specific consoles, such as http://snesmusic.org.
    C - For most systems you'll have to dump/extract the audio files from ROMs/ISOs yourself using various tools before VGMTrans will parse them.  This may involve using an emulator to play the game and using a function to dump audio data when it's playing (SNES), browsing the disc image to find the music files (PSX/PS2), or specific tools that can browse ROMs/ISOs.  The exact procedure differs from system to system (and even different tools for different types of audio on the same system) so I'm not going to attempt to walk you through this.  A good place to start would be the tools section on Zophar's Domain (choose the system on the left and browse the tools).
    (You will not get any help on downloading ROMs/ISOs from me.)
    - Converting The Music
    Once you have VGMTrans open, you can simply open your file(s) in it.  You could also drag and drop the files in if you happen to have a large collection you want to browse at once.  VGMTrans will parse the files (shown in the upper-left) and any recognized tracks it can deal with will be displayed in a scrolling list at the bottom.

    (You may need to resize things to properly browse a bunch of tracks at once.)
    Depending on the type of files you're dealing with, you may see only file names, internal names (as in the screenshot), or even titled tracks.  Clicking one and then pressing the space bar (or clicking the play button in the top toolbar) will preview the track for you.
    Note that VGMTrans is still a work in progress and may crash when attempting to play some tracks, especially dummied-out or test tracks in some games, since they can be missing vital data or might be in different unsupported formats from earlier in the game's development.
    Once you've found a track you want, right-click and and choose "Save as MIDI and DLS."  Choose the place to save the file, and there's your dumped and converted MIDI ready to be imported into 3MLE!

  9. Upvote
    🎶Atropos got a reaction from aecus in do people not know that jam band parties are guaranteed play without hamelins and dont require tuners?   
    I didnt know. Thank you for the information.
  10. Upvote
    🎶Atropos got a reaction from 🎶Argysionnach in tuplets (again)   
    My bad, I should totally have done it on the 3MLE itself, I would had realized the numbers were off.
    ....>//> At least the idea was the good one!
    P.D. Sorry for messing up so badly.
  11. Upvote
    🎶Atropos reacted to 🎶Argysionnach in tuplets (again)   
    The note measures per 4 beats would be 8 8 8 12 24 8 8 12 24 12 24 | 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 24 12 24 | 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 24 12 24
    A triplet fitting in a half note would be 6th notes, a triplet fitting in a quarter note would be divided up into 12ths, a triplet in an eighth note would be 24th notes, and so on.  In this instance, it's triplets fitting into an eighth note, but with a double-length note taking the place of two of the sub-beats.  Lachesis was close, but was up a triplet size.
    Sorry I didn't see this last May lol.
    Here's the sample mml for what you posted, as an example
  12. Upvote
    🎶Atropos reacted to 🎶WinterWyvern in Writing from music sheet into mml guide   
    The Guide

    Nothing too much to ask, just start taking piano lessons and you are well on your way to writing mmls

    Will continue updating or fixing stuff up if people spot mistakes etc.(my music theory is a little hazy)

    Jokes aside this is just my style of writing 3ML by looking at a music sheet; it most likely is different from most mml writers in the community. In my opinion, this method of writing is easy to understand when you read it and help find those mistakes easily, I’m not the most proficient with 3ML so there are probably shortcuts that could have been done that I have not done. At the end of the day when you’re done writing the mml, you can optimize it so it hopefully can be composed in mabi so the shortcuts are done there. This guide hopefully will show you how read music sheets and compose in mml form on the program 3ML. Can be used for music sheets for piano and any music piece that has a treble clef in it. That means instruments like viola which has a clef of its own (alto clef) is not covered here.

    Getting started

    First read the 3ML (basics section to learn the basic stuff of the music writing program 3ML. Then you can move on to music theory that will hopefully allow you to read music sheets to convert into mml format using 3ML.

    I recommend remembering the keys of a piano, as it helps visualize what the notes are and how to go about writing it. If you can try memorizing that it will be really helpful when writing mmls.

    Here’s a link of a piano octave and try memorizing it:


    or just type in google images ‘one piano octave’ This can helpful as it helps you visualize the notes on the music sheet. The ‘♭’ in this picture are hard to see and kind of looks like a comma, so be vary it’s a flat!.


    3ML is a good way to know what your composing and plays roughly what you would hear in-game in mabinogi. There are restrictions with this program, but the only ones that come to my attention are: flats, vibrato, note values, triplets and characters. Methods of doing this in 3ML are explained further on. If you want to compose an mml in 3ML by reading off the music sheet, first read the basic music theory.

    Characters: In 3ML you can compose whatever length of song you want, but keep in mind that in mabinogi, there is a character limit for composing music scores.

    (rank 1 composing: Melody and Song notes Max 1200, Harmony 1 notes Max 800, Harmony 2 notes Max 500).
    Tip: if you have say 3 tabs worth of music that have roughly 1000 characters, you will have to turn that to a 3-man ensemble. i.e. cut paste each tab to the melody bar of each score.

    Basics of 3ML

    3ML format is strange, if you tried reading the basic music theory on notes/rests, you would know that in a 4/4 time signature: a crotchet is 1 beat, semiquaver is ½ a beat, etc. but in 3ML it’s written different. The table below shows the difference (hopefully). The note ‘C’ will be used as an example for the 3ML column:

    British/American Terminology

    Value (beats)

    3ML (note length)

    Semibreve/Whole Note



    Minim/(1/2) Note



    Minim/(1/2) Triplet Note



    Crotchet/(1/4) Note



    Crotchet/(1/4)  Triplet Note



    Quaver/(1/8) Note



    Quaver/(1/8) Note



    Semiquaver/(1/16) Note



    Demisemiquaver/(1/32) Note



    Hemidemisemiquaver/(1/64) Note



    -Note that some sites refer 1 value to be a semibreve and hence crotchet would be named ‘quarter note’ (4 crotchets in a semibreve) but in this guide 1 beat (not value) is 1 crotchet. So 1/8 is not 0.5 technically speaking.

    -The Default note value is 1 beats called a crotchet, so if you write in 3ML of the note ‘g’, it will be the same as ‘g4’ i.e. a ‘G’ note with the value of a beat.

    Music Theory

    Now for the fun part and to confuse you all.

    Reading music sheets: musical Symbols/Terms

    When reading music sheets refer to the Wikipedia symbols list and learn what they mean if you can:

    There are some things Wikipedia surprisingly missed out or didn’t explain properly as well so watch out for those.

    If you’re unsure about something ask on the forum and others will answer it, if not I’ll have a go.

    Here are some terms you may wanna remember if you want to read off music sheets as it will help you understand what I’m blabbering about further. (Or read the part you want and refer to this later)

    Octave:  An octave consists of the notes: C , C#/D♭, D , D#/E♭ , E , F , F#/G♭ , G , G#/A♭ , A , A#/B♭, B. If you don’t understand refer to the image from the first link in ‘getting started’

    Where C is the lowest note and B is the highest. The next octave will have the notes in the exact same order, expect they will be of higher values, or lower values if it is the octave below. C on lets say octave 4 (middle octave of a piano) compared to octave 5 will sound the same, expect higher. Hard to explain until you hear it.

    Flats/Sharps(♭/#): These are written depending on the key signature usually and rarely will you see both flats and sharps here and there in a music sheet. If you remember from the one piano octave picture, C# = D♭,D# = E♭and so on.

    Natural(♮): This symbol just means play the original note (no flats/sharps).

    Clefs: Just remember that the notes are different in both respective clefs so make sure you are reading the right clef. See ‘reading musical notes’ for more information.

    Flats/Sharps(♭/#): When a note in a bar has a flat/sharp written on it, which tells you to play a flat/sharp for that note in the bar only. So if there is a C# represent in the bar, any other C notes that appear in this bar has to be played as C#. If you memorized one octave of a piano and its notes to its corresponding keys, you might wonder: what about C♭,E#,F♭, B#. This isn’t often used, but when it is, it just means you play the notes D,F,E,C (one octave higher) respectively.

    Natural(♮): This only happens in music sheets if there are flats/sharps present, especially when there is a key signature. Like flats and sharps, whenever is this applied on a note in a bar, it lasts for the duration of the bar. Sometimes it will appear twice for the same note in the bar to remind you it’s a natural (optional for the writer).

    Time Signature:  The number on top of a number (a bit like a fraction) or the letter ‘c’ in the beginning of the bar of a song. This is optional and is not really needed for mml formatting, but if you understand how it works it can be helpful to track down if you have the right values of notes in a bar. See time signature (advanced) for more detail.

    Time Signature (advanced):  The top number of the time signature represents the number of notes in a bar. The bottom number represents the number of beats one note will have in a bar. Most songs are of 4/4 or C time signature, which means 4 notes of the value 4, which is a crotchet, similar to 3ML format. Thus other signatures such as 4/8, 8/16 will mean 4 notes of the value 8 (quavers) and 8 notes of the value 16 (semiquavers) and so on.

    Key Signature:   The stuff in front time signature often has a number of sharps or flats at different places. If there is no sharps/flats in the beginning bar of the song present you can read the sheet normally. If there is, your life is just made harder.

    Tempo: Most music sheets should have this and will be displayed as a crotchet symbol = a number above the treble clef.  The higher this number is, the faster the whole song is to be played and the lower the number, the slower it is played. When there is not crochet symbol = a number written, there probably will be an Italian word there such as: moderato, allegro. Refer to this link to get your tempo number:


    Reading music sheets: musical Notes

    Open this link here to show you some notes along the treble and bass clef:


    Note that these notes do not have ‘staves’ or long vertical line that appears on the note, so they do not really have values (except for G4 which is semibreve). This is merely an example, you will not come across stateless notes in an actual music sheet.

    In the treble clef, you can see an octave and a half worth of notes, starting with C note in the octave 4 ending with G note in the octave 5. In 3ML the default octave is o4, so writing ‘C’ in 3ML is the note labelled C4 in the link shown above. You will notice two ‘C’ notes present. Refer to musical terms: octave to learn why is this case.

    Writing the treble clef notes in 3ML will have the following format, assuming all the staveless notes are crotchets:


    If you do not understand this format, scroll down to read the 3ML section

    In the bass clef, the starting note is E in octave 2 (two octave lower than E of the 4th octave) up to the note B in octave 3. Note that in the treble clef, the note of the same position is note C in octave 4, so be wary which clef you are reading.



    ‘♭’ in 3ML

    There is no such thing as a flat in 3ML so you need to convert it to a sharp. Referring to this link again for the example:


    Examples: G ♭= F#,  B♭ = A#, C♭ = B

    Key Signature in 3ML:

    If you read the previous explanation of key signature it will explain what it is. Now if you apply it to 3ML it can be helpful to spot mistakes or notes that you entered that are assigned the wrong value. In 3ML you will notice two sets of piano keys. One on the very top that’s in blue and black and the one that is facing sideways in black and white with a grey columns everwhere. Notice that there is a silver bar on top of the grey columns and black/white piano keys as this is important for time signature. The numbers displayed represent the bar number and will have a dark vertical line to differentiate between each bar. And the columns between two light/dark coloured vertical lines represent a beat of the assigned value in the time signature. So in a 4/8 time signature, there will be 4 columns a bar. Each column represents a value of 1/8 of a beat (quaver). In a 4/4 time signature, there will also be 4 columns in a bar, but compared to 4/8 the columns will noticeable be smaller as their beat values are different.

    The coloured bars:

    If you’ve seen music videos on youtube, you might have come across something similar to this:


    This works exactly how it does in 3ML, but if you still do not understand, read further.

    The coloured bars just represents the note value according to the time signature assigned. Reading this can help you determine whether a note has the wrong value or is not the right note before even playing the ‘play’ button to listen to what you have written. The coloured bars closest to the piano on the left is shows note what is being played according to the piano keys (so if you memorized the piano octave earlier it will be helpful). The length of the coloured bars will represent the note value. Read the “key signature” in 3ML for more detail.


    You can also refer to this site, or you can read mine and see which one you prefer and understand better from:



    ‘o’ refers to octave and the number in front refers to which octave. In mml, you can see there’s all the keys to a typical piano. So o1 being the lowest, and o8 being the highest. The default octave is the middle octave (o4) so you don’t have to type it in.

    ‘>, <’

     ‘>’ makes the next note you write an octave higher, while ‘<’ makes the next note you write an octave lower.


    These are used for tied notes or a dotted note.  So a dotted minim (2beats+half=3beats). Will be written as : ‘a2&a’. Occasionally used for ties.


    The ‘t’ before the number represents the word tempo and the number after it the tempo speed. In 3ML is can be seen has BPM (beats per minute). Higher values mean a faster paced song. Ranges from t32 – t255


    The ‘l’ represents length and the value after it represents the note length/value.


    These two mean the same thing. So C# = C+



    ‘l’ represents length and the number after it represents the note value. So any note written after this is assigned the note value stated by the length command. So for ‘l8’ , writing the following notes: cdefg is the same as writing c8d8e8f8g8. This is merely a shortcut in writing notes, especially when a bar is composed of nothing but quavers.


    ‘r’ represents a rest and ‘c’ is the note (can be any note i.e. A,B,D,E,etc). The value after r and c is the note value. In this case it is a quaver (half a beat/quarter note).


    ‘n’ represents ‘number’ and 35 represents a particular note in the octave ranges, in this case n35 is the note B in the octave 2 . Refer to this link to find the note and its octave:



    ‘V’ represents ‘volume’ and the number after v is the intensity/loudness of the volume. Where v0 is the softest and v15 is the loudest. Anything after you set the v5 command will be played in volume 5 until you change it. Default volume is v8, so if you write your music without including v15 in front, all notes will be played in v8 unless changed.

    After writing an mml of this format,  right click each tab and click optimize. As the word suggests it will turn whatever you created into the shortest form possible.

    Note/rest values:

    Because it’s hard to show pictures/symbols of notes here ill direct you to a Wikipedia site:


    Refer the Wikipedia table from 4th row downwards; I’ll try to explain those better than Wikipedia.

    Notes and rests have the same value, but different symbol. Obviously note=play, rest=pause/silence for the duration of the beat(s).

    Whatever is in first three rows: I’ve never seen these before so I won’t bother explaining, never seen them on music sheet either, I highly doubt that will be on whatever music you wanna compose.

    Semibreve: Value of 4 beats. Tip: the semibreve and minim rests are very similar, expect ones upright and the other upside-down, a tip one of my music teachers taught my long ago that you could use to differentiate between the two is upside = stronger (can support its weight), therefore higher value. Upright=weaker (needs support). No matter the time signature, one semibreve is a rest for the whole bar.

    Minim: Value of 2 beats.

    Crotchet: value of 1 beats

    Quaver: value of ½ a beat (half a crotchet), also known as a quarter note.

    Semi Quaver: value of ¼ a beat (quarter of crotchet, half a quaver)

    Prefix Quaver : personally I did not learn any quavers below semiquaver, but if you see a note that has say 3 curly ends of a semi quaver it is half the value of the note with 2 curly ends of a semi quaver. So looking at Wikipedia you can tell that by the note values they give you. Often when reading music, you usually won’t come across demisemiquaver or lower.

    Reading a music sheet to convert into 3ML format

    Again, you might want to refer to : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_musical_symbols
    when reading through this.

    Key Signature:   Depending on the number of flats and sharps on the key signature, you make have a hard time remembering what note is what especially for flats, where it needs to be converted to sharps in 3ML. The number of #/♭has their respective major/minor, but that will not need to be covered. Reading the flats/sharps from the left they have the order:

    Key Signature



    Number of #/♭


    3ML (♭)






    F#, C#

    B♭, E ♭

    A#, D#


    F#, C#, G#

    B♭,E♭, A♭

    A#, D#, G#


    F#, C#, G#, D#

    B♭, E♭, A♭, D♭

    A#, D#, G#, C#


    F#, C#, G#, D#, A#

    B♭, E♭, A♭, D♭,G♭

    A#, D#, G#, C#, F#

    There are more, but I cannot be bothered listing more and its unlikely the music sheet will have that many. So basically whatever key signature you have with the respective number of #/♭, the notes according the table will be applied to EVERY note in the whole music sheet UNLESS the key signature changes elsewhere, so look out for those key signatures.

    Natural(♮): If this is come across in the key signature, then certain notes that are meant to be played as a sharp/flat is played normally. So, according to the table above, if you see ‘##,N,#’ from left to right for a time signature for #, it means that only F#, C#, D# are changed, the G note is played normally.

    Dotted Note: If you come across a note with a dot on the right hand side of the note, it means add half the value of the dotted note when you play that dotted note. So a dotted minim (2 beats) means play a minim plus half a minim (1 beat) which totals to 3 beats to be played for that dotted note.

    Tie: This appears as a curved convex time linking two notes together. This just means you play that one note for the value of the two notes combined. Composers use this when a value of a note they want played is not half the value of the original note.

    For dotted notes: crotchet + quaver = 1.5 beats, if the composer wants crotchet + semiquaver, by definition that is not a dotted note, so a tie is used: crotchet + semiquaver = 1.25 beats.

    Staccato: This appears as a dot on top of a note and means it’s played at roughly half the value of the note. To imitate this on 3ML write the note of half its original value and add a rest also half fo its original value.

    Example: A staccato placed on a crotchet ‘C’ note will be written as the following in 3ML: ‘c8r8’

    Accent: This tells you that the note with a ‘>’ sign on top is played louder than the other notes without the accent. So in 3ML change the volume to a higher value i.e. v10 (higher than base volume 8)

    8va----------: This is written on starting note and the ‘----‘ part will span to all notes that this is applied to. This is usually written so that the instrument player doesn’t not need to read ridiculously high notes that they probably will not know (unless they start counting from the highest note they know. It means play those notes an octave higher. So in 3ML you will just need to up the octave by one.

    Vibrato/Arpeggio: This tells you that all those notes are played quickly in ascending order for the duration of the value.

    Using the Wikipedia example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_musical_symbols#/media/File:Music-arpeggio.svg

    Assuming treble clef, 3 notes: G,B,D with the value of 4 beats. So G is played first, followed by B then D.

    To imitate this is 3ML I would write:

    g8b8>d2&d2 or  g16b16>d8&d2&d8

    The first two notes are played at whatever speed you prefer then the last note is held for the remaining duration of the note value. So in case 1, two quavers are used (1 beat) and the remaining duration is (4 - 1 = 3 remaining beats). While in case 2, 2 semiquavers are used (0.5 beat) and the remaining duration is (4 - 0.5 = 3.5 beats)

    If the vibrato has more than 3 notes piled on top of each other, the method does not change, only the last note (the remainder) will have a different value.


    Triplets (tuplet): Triplets are typically notes that have 3 joined quavers (can be 3 minims, crotchets, etc too!) with a ‘3’ written on top. This indicates that those 3 notes are played for duration of 2 quavers (or crotchet). Refer to the basics of 3ML table for the triplet values.

    You do not need to know this unless you encounter other tuplets or triples in semiquavers or higher: For triplets, you need to get the total beat duration (American terminology) divided by the number of notes to get the 3ML note length.


    Crotchets: beat duration (2 crotchets = 1 minim = (1/2) note) / number of notes (triplets: 3) = 1/6

    So C6 is used.

    Likewise for quavers: beat duration (2 quavers = 1 crotchet = (1/4) note) / note duration (triplets: 3) = 1/12

    So C12 is used.

    Appoggiatura/Acciaccatura: These are notes (usually quavers or lower values) that are printed really small before or in between notes. This wants you to play that note quickly without playing the next note. This is notably seen in most versions of “River Flows in You” by Yiruma.


    Fermata: To do this in 3ML obviously just assign that note value to be longer. So if a fermata is placed on a semibreve for example, perhaps play it for the value of two semibreves.

    Example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_musical_symbols#/media/File:Music-fermata.svg

    Assuming treble clef, the note is ‘G’ with a value of 1 beat.

    So instead of writing ‘f’ you write ‘f2’ or ‘f1’ or however long you want the value to be.


    Crescendo, Decrescendo: These are the wide ‘greater than or less than signs’ on top of a group of notes. Crescendo being the long less than, and the decrescendo being the long ‘greater than’, each meaning gradually getting louder and gradually getting softer. To imitate this, change the volume of each note or group of notes i.e. assigning v10 for louder notes, v6 going softer, v2 going even softer…etc. The volume increments are entirely up to you. A little playing around may help.

    3ML layout

    When reading from sheet to 3ML, you should assign the line of bars (several bars of music writing in a line before starting a new one below the previous line of bars) on the music sheet to also be a line of notes in 3ML by pressing ‘spacebar’. This will allow you to quickly navigate what sections of music of the music sheet you have already written, opposed to writing one song is one long line in 3ML. You will also notice that after you pressed spacebar there will be an arrow pointing down, which juts indicates that the next note to be played will be found on the next line. If you follow the time signature, you can also tell whether the notes you write are of the right values by checking the time signature lines (see 3ML (adv), time signature).


    Basic 3ML Example

    Using ‘mary had a little lamb’ as an example from: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/music/sheetmusic/maryhadalittlelamb.shtml

    The entire first row of bars it can be written as:


    Notes: Notice that there is a sharp before the time signature, which is F#. There is not ‘F’ note on the first row so it is not used. As the first note starts in octave 4, there is no need to write ‘o4’ in front as it is the default octave.

    Intermediate 3ML Example

    Using ‘Axel F’ as an example:


    The entire first row of the TREBLE CLEF with (5) bars it can be written as:

    Bar1: fg#8&g#16f8f16a#8f8d#8

    Bar2: f>c8&c16<f8f16>c#8c8<g#8


    Bar5: fg#8&g#16f8f16a#8f8d#8

    Whole row: fg#8&g#16f8f16a#8f8d#8 f>c8&c16<f8f16>c#8c8<g#8 f8>c8f8<f16d#8d#16c8g8f8&f2r2 fg#8&g#16f8f16a#8f8d#8


    Notes: There are 4 flats before the time signature, which means there’s B♭, E ♭,A♭,D♭. So any B,E,A,D notes you come across are all flats. Since this is at a 3ML format you have to remember that it is A#,D#,G#,C# instead.






  13. Upvote
    🎶Atropos reacted to Marad in Another rookie around   
    Did you know...?

    There was a story about a child who reached a mysterious land, guided by a celestial being.

    "You're free to start a new life, the way you want it to be..."

    Her words sounded sincere and pure, just like her sky-blue eyes. It wasn't his mind, but his heart that got embraced by their warmth.

    As years continued passing by, this world became his homeland where he grew from a naive child to a very kind man with a strong passion for music and folk.

    But one night, a girl with a pair of pitch-black wings appeared in his dreams. She was laying on the ground, bound tightly by some iron chains.

    She asked him for help with tears-filled eyes. Calamity was going to spread out in his world.

    As soon as he woke up from nightmare, his mind was already poisoned by this thought.

    "Is it true...? This place is..."

    For this reason, he chose to believe in the illusion of the dark-winged angel.

    Yet he knew the only way to succeed was by the sweat of his brow. So, for the peace of his world, he worked day and night, but he also paid with his only joy without even realizing it.


    All this time, even after defeating all foes and gaining glory, he was still feeling empty.

    “What have I done wrong? I thought this was the right path…”

    Just another sad and confused soul resting in the world, not knowing what to live for… Yes, that was him.

    Laying on the green carpet under the hot sun, looking at the azure sky that became the playground of snow-white clouds, he sighed deeply.

    That shade of blue was familiar, don’t you think so?

    And then a soft voice made its presence felt in the atmosphere:

    “Even if the outcome wasn’t as you wished, you can still change it. Believe in rebirth.”

    As he heard it, he opened his eyes and found himself laying in his old bed. When he looked in the mirror, he felt like he had been pierced by the memories of eleven years ago.

    All he was able to see was just a childish silhouette, greeting him with an innocent smile accompanied by two bright, yet teary eyes, just as pure as before.

    Was it a dream? Or maybe a magic spell?

    He didn’t know either, but he was grateful that fate gave him a second chance…

    Opening the drawer, avoiding the spiderwebs, he found his old violin and a piece of paper next to it:

    “Live your life the way you want.”

    Holding his dear instrument, he opened the wooden door and took a peek around.

    “Good to see you, Duncan.”

    Hey, guys!~
    So basically... All this time I've been focused on doing quests in game (the storyline was awesome lol), but I forgot the other talents besides warrior and lance combat. First I wanted to be a tailor, then a cook, but my wish wasn't as strong as it was for being a bard. The concept itself was really awesome to me, unique I could say (because of the compose skill). So now I decided to focus a bit more on the music-related skills.
    I always thought a bard must be able to tell stories, besides to sing and play songs. Everytime I try to imagine a bard, he's around more people, at night, in front of a campfire. Just like when I started playing lol. But anyway, I've written this because I love stories. Even since childhood, I've been writing and drawing fantasylike things. I can't say that it was perfect, but this way I'm progressing more and more, heh!
    However, I never tried composing in game. It seemed too difficult for me, so I avoided doing it by myself. But now I was thinking to give it a chance when I have free time.
    Here, I'm mostly interested in OSTs of video games (Ys Origin, Hexyz Force, Tales of, Final Fantasy, Xenoblade Chronicles, Ragnarok Online etc.), however I also love usual songs and even noticed a few wonderful anime soundtracks, but I'm not a fan of OP/EDs. Anyway, I'm glad I can find these here and even leave reviews to tell people how good they sound even in game.
    In any case, sorry for the whole length of the text  (Probably this place wasn't the right one to write stories lol)

  14. Upvote
    🎶Atropos got a reaction from joeyghost in Counting Game   
  15. Upvote
    🎶Atropos reacted to 👑opalthira in The Scariest Little Ghost event guide   
    NOTE: I found a forum thread with all the answers on it  you can find it here:http://mabinogi.nexon.net/Community/forums#%2Fshowthread.php%3F1556027-The-Endings-You-Got-The-Choices-You-Made-(Little-Ghost-Event-Possible-Spoilers)%26nxid%3D10
    However I have also posted the answers on this thread as well Enjoy.
    I would recommend trying to do this event on your own first so that you can enjoy it more. 
    I figured i would post how to get the all the ending for the event so that people don't get too stumped. 
    This guide should be spoiler free.

    Aflie 1: (This one works)
    Find the little ghost
    Who says you need to be scary?
    I know i know
    I want to go to the haunted house
    Leave him alone
    Fight Colton
    Fight Colton again
    Tell me about your past
    We should go together

    Alfie 2:
    Find the little Ghost
    So what happened Yesterday?
    Take your time
    (Fight Colton again)
    I saw Colton
    It is better to know
    We should go together 
    Look behind you

    Kyle 1: (This one works)
    Haunted House
    You should be more kind to your brother
    I was there for a minute
    (use force)
    Is that really best for him?
    Will you think it over once more?
    Kyle 2: 
    Haunted House
    You should be more kind to your brother
    I was there for a minute
    (use your words)
    (Use force)/Will you think it over once more?
    Colton 1: (This one works)
    Go to the pasture
    Force him to listen
    What happened Yesterday?
    Its his fault
    See Kyle
    Tell the little ghost to pretend he doesn't know
    Who are you talking about?
    Colton 2 
    (Wait for him to talk)
    No its not his fault
    Go see Kyle
    Give him a sincere apology
    William 1 (This one works)
    You intrigue me...
    We should go back to the house together
    With the little Ghost
    Not with those intentions
    Because this is best for everyone
    William 2 
    Go to William
    You intrigue me...
    We should go to the house together
    With the little ghost
    I will not stop you
    Because you are wrong
    I will continue to update feel free to add your choices on here as well. 
  16. Upvote
    🎶Atropos got a reaction from 🎶Telmes in Composing in MapleStory2?   
    No overplay? I am liking it more and more.
    Scrolls in 5k in total, without individual restrictions?
    (I could have a song with 1.650 chars in 3 tracks, or 1250 in 4 tracks, or 4000, 500, 250, 250? so many posiblities)
    I am liking it more and more and more.
  17. Upvote
    🎶Atropos got a reaction from 🌟Yasuno in Composing in MapleStory2?   
    No overplay? I am liking it more and more.
    Scrolls in 5k in total, without individual restrictions?
    (I could have a song with 1.650 chars in 3 tracks, or 1250 in 4 tracks, or 4000, 500, 250, 250? so many posiblities)
    I am liking it more and more and more.
  18. Upvote
    🎶Atropos reacted to 🎶Flameberge in How to make midis with only 3 tracks?   
    depends on the midi your using midis that uses alot of instruments have more tracks. if the midi your using is just one instrument it could have 5 notes playing at once in some parts which will give you 5 tracks. You more or less have to manually edit it to 3 tracks.
    taking a guess could be wrong.
  19. Upvote
    🎶Atropos reacted to 🚩ADirtyCouch in Request to change Mabibeats profile name   
    There you go.
    Edit: You might still show up as Orbital on the online users list, but your display name and profile should list you as Tskamato.
  20. Upvote
    🎶Atropos got a reaction from 🎶Viersell in something thats been bugging me   
    Maybe we could also, for each request thread only ask for one song, and 
    make one thread per song.
    this would avoid the "half-done" issue altogether and also would look more organized imo.
  21. Upvote
    🎶Atropos got a reaction from 🎶Telmes in something thats been bugging me   
    Maybe we could also, for each request thread only ask for one song, and 
    make one thread per song.
    this would avoid the "half-done" issue altogether and also would look more organized imo.
  22. Upvote
    🎶Atropos reacted to 🌟Yasuno in Showcase Hall Available + Public Discord   
    Hi all,
    As promised in the last news post the Showcase Hall is now available, please note that this music hall works a bit different from the other ones! I have made a very short, but precise FAQ below.
    Q. Why can't i see any MML Code?
    A. The Showcase Hall is for being able to preview a song only. Usually this is for composers who have made some fantastic music, but do not wish to share the code with others in-game (but still let people listen to it, and review it). Also, sometimes a song may be an impossible play rank still, but they wish to get early feedback, etc.
    Q. How come there are no ranks posted?
    A. The showcase hall is for previewing the music only, since there is no public MML code there is no point in showing the play rank.
    Public Discord
    We now have a public discord for our communities, we recently moved our staff chat from Slack to Discord. It made sense for the next step for it to be available to all of the community. Currently there are only a few channels, however as/if it grows we will continue to make more room with new channels.
    Discord Invitation Link

    View full article
  23. Upvote
    🎶Atropos reacted to 👑Pokemonher01 in [PLEASE READ] Fantastic Chorus Update   
    Dear Users,
         I am Pokemonher01, Song Submission Reviewer, MabiBeats is going through some updates and we hope you'll help out. If you've submitted songs please review the list and make sure you update the Songs that use "Fantastic Chorus." Also if you're browsing and you notice a song has Fantastic Chorus but isn't marked as such please use the "Report" button in the corner.
    We're only human so we will miss some and it will take time. We hope you will cooperate with us in making sure everything is filed correctly. Thank you for reading and I hope you'll aid our endeavors.
  24. Upvote
    🎶Atropos got a reaction from CoffeeBird in Hello, CoffeeBird here.   
    Be very welcome.
    Dont be afraid to learn and get better and better.
    I started from being a novice too.
    Just do your best, and lets all get along ♥
  25. Upvote
    🎶Atropos reacted to 🚩Falaflame in Introducktion   
    Welcome to our humble abode!

    If you need any help regarding submission and in general 3mle, I'll try to provide as much insight as I can.
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