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🌟 Yasuno

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Reputation Activity

  1. Nice, very cool.
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from PepaBulac in Lowering Octave of a MIDI file   
    Hey @PepaBulac,

    While 3MLE is still a great tool and has plenty of uses once you master it, there are a lot more "built" in track editing tools in this editor, it is newer and actively maintained. You can find the download here:

    Once you download it, it is available in english.
    I also recommend joining our discord for faster responses if you have Discord:
  2. Amazing!
    🌟Yasuno reacted to SalilPT in Touhou 6 EoSD MML and MS2MML FIles   
    A week ago, Global Maplestory 2 discontinued service, and its online servers were closed. Around the end of 2018, while it was still active, I made MS2MML files of some of the tracks from The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. While I personally enjoyed them in-game, I had never posted them here until now. I figured it was better late than never since there are still people who can play localized versions of MS2, and others who may simply be interested in listening to them in 3MLE.
    Making these was a lengthy process that included manually creating monophonic tracks from MIDI content in FL Studio, isolating a tempo track, having multiple instances of 3MLE open, using the mml_thing command prompt tool to propagate tempo events to all tracks (linked below), removing "MML" from text exported from 3MLE, and much more. I would put the entire process in this post, but I didn't write it down when making these, unfortunately. I tried my best to make sure each composition was both detailed yet optimized to fit into 3,000-, 5,000-, and 10,000-character limits in-game. If you would like to do something similar, here are some caveats about this process that I'd like to mention:
    Every track in the MS2 composer has its own tempo events. This means that tracks can become desynchronized if one track doesn't have the same tempo events in the same spots as the others. The way 3MLE splits polyphonic tracks into monophonic tracks from MIDI is very inefficient and can result in compositions taking up many more characters than they need to, which also results in them being less detailed. This is why I did this process manually in FL Studio. Make sure to optimize all your tracks in 3MLE last before exporting them into MS2, in case you need to make any edits. I believe optimizing tracks messes with the note velocities, but I'm not entirely sure. MIDI track 10 is often reserved for percussion. In 3MLE, if you put "//#using_extension [new line] //#using_channel = 10" at the start of a track, it will play using a percussion track. 3MLE exports tracks with "MML" prepended to the data, but this is not needed to successfully compose a song in-game. You may need to re-align the events of an imported MIDI file in FL Studio to make sure its note data starts from 0:00.  
    To the best of my knowledge, each MML file attached has data that corresponds to the MS2MML file with the same name, though I could be wrong because I created a lot of files in the process of making these. I made the 5,000-note version of Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea first, but hadn't yet understood tempo tracks at the time. It doesn't have proper tempo events, but I felt like including it anyway. Also, I'm pretty sure I did all the tempo events of the 10,000-note version of Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea by hand, but I'm not entirely sure.
    Touhou Project is owned by ZUN.
    If you have questions about this post, feel free to message me on Discord at SalilPT#7568.
    A Dream More Scarlet Than Red - 3000 Notes.mml A Dream More Scarlet Than Red - 3000 Notes.ms2mml A Soul As Red As A Ground Cherry - 10000 Notes.mml A Soul As Red As A Ground Cherry - 10000 Notes.ms2mml Apparitions Stalk The Night - 3000 Notes (Version 1).ms2mml Apparitions Stalk The Night - 3000 Notes (Version 1).out.mml Apparitions Stalk The Night - 3000 Notes (Version 2).ms2mml Apparitions Stalk The Night - 3000 Notes (Version 2).out.mml Beloved Tomboyish Daughter - 3000 Notes.mml Beloved Tomboyish Daughter - 3000 Notes.ms2mml Beloved Tomboyish Girl - 10000 Notes.ms2mml Beloved Tomboyish Girl - 10000 Notes.out.mml Centennial Festival For Magical Girls - 10000 Notes.ms2mml Centennial Festival For Magical Girls - 10000 Notes.out.mml Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial - 5000 Notes.mml Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial - 5000 Notes.ms2mml Lunate Elf - 5000 Notes.ms2mml Lunate Elf - 5000 Notes.out.mml Shanghai Alice Of Meiji 17 - 5000 Notes.ms2mml Shanghai Alice Of Meiji 17 -5000 Notes.mml Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea - 10000 Notes.mml Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea - 10000 Notes.ms2mml Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea - 5000 Notes.mml Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea - 5000 Notes.ms2mml Voile, The Magic Library - 10000 Notes (Version 1).ms2mml Voile, The Magic Library - 10000 Notes (Version 1).out.mml Voile, The Magic Library - 10000 Notes (Version 2).ms2mml Voile, The Magic Library - 10000 Notes (Version 2).out.mml
  3. Sad / Emotional
    🌟Yasuno reacted to Lazy_Venusaur in Queen- The show must go on- request   
    I'm surprised that someone replied
  4. Like
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from 👑XuetankBoi in mordhau Lutebot   
    Lol I had to google it, didn't know what you were talking about. That is pretty neat.
  5. Like
    🌟Yasuno reacted to Pyrrus in Hi   
    I've been playing Mabinogi on and off since 2008-ish, one of the first things that got me playing for hours was being able to play music, not composing though. That was before music had magical properties *im old * ... Anyway, I'm not a bard in game, I'm an archer!
    I really enjoy that people can play music in game but most of what people play I dont recognize, I dont watch all that much anime, I've seen a few though! So I've taken it upon myself to compose music from MIDIs I find online. I love this website when I found it yesterday when I started my research into composing (even though i can't in game). I'm so glad Mabi still has a thriving community and even though I mostly dont play this game anymore I still want to give back!
  6. Good Job!
    🌟Yasuno reacted to StarlightInfinite in Ar tonelico - EXEC_CHRONICLE=KEY/. [Piano]   
    I'm very pleased to say that I was able to make it myself, thanks to the sheet music I found! Even cut down to only the first half, it's over 7500 notes. I did manage to make a full-length version, but I had to sacrifice a few of the harmonies to do it and wasn't happy with how it sounded.
    EXEC_CHRONICLE=KEY (Maestro).ms2mml
  7. Amazing!
    🌟Yasuno reacted to LifeisReal in Intro - LifeisReal   
    I am LifeisReal, played Maplestory 1 many years ago, quit at lv180, and started Maplestory 2 late 2018, but stopped after reaching max level, since I didn't want to grind for end game gear, since I could have fun doing things with friends elsewhere. Anyway, I have taught myself MLE and have been making a few songs already, so I'm happy to help or join others in East NA server for ensembles. In real life, I have played Piano on and off, so I can't say I'm a pro at it, but I know enough to play a few songs that I enjoy. As for now, I'm just checking up on this community to see what others are up to and maybe make friends. Cheers! o/
  8. Nice, very cool.
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from GalenFeld in Website Updates   
    Hi all,
    We have done some website updates over yesterday and I just wanted to touch on them here. These are mainly back end, and underlying software updates so if this kind of talk makes your eyes glaze over I will understand if you skip the announcement. ?
    The Elephant in the room - Advertisements
    As the expression is told, lets go ahead and get the elephant in the room out of the way. Yes, we have enabled ads however we have tried to make sure that they are non-intrusive. No pop up, or pop under ads will happen, and we tried to make sure all of the ad placement was in a way to prevent accidental clicking and also not ruin the flow of content.
    The ads help us do things like: Renew our licensing for the website software, pay our server and bandwidth bills (Our bandwidth increased by 300% during the MapleStory 2 closed beta test), as well as work with developers for custom additions to the site or to buy existing add-ons. We may consider an optional donation option for those of you would rather donate than see ads. We know a lot of people use an ad blocker of some kind. But if you are feeling nice every once in a while and want to turn off your ad blocker for a few page visits we would really appreciate it.
    Backend Changes

    Redis Caching (Not Reddit)
    Improved caching on the site has been enabled with a Redis server. Before we were not actually using any server-side caching and instead relying on Cloudflare to do as much heavy lifting as possible and it definitely did a lot of heavy lifting for us. It served over 2.5 million requests from its edge servers, and saved us about 100 GB of bandwidth on 1 TB of bandwidth spent which is good considering a chunk of our bandwidth is actually .mp3 previews with Cloudflare does not cache natively. The Redis cache engine will help take some of the load off of the MySQL database and the over-all web server by caching page output, searches and tags for guest users.
    Improved Search with Elastic Search
    Some of you might have noticed while using the site yesterday that for a brief period of time search didn't work, and all of the activity feed disappeared. This was me fumbling through an Elastic Search server set-up and then re-indexing all of the content to the new Elastic Search cluster and shards. Before, search was using the MySQL database directly this can put a huge strain on the database as it is having to support normal website use plus searching through thousands of rows of data for multiple users. By offloading the search system to the Elastic Search cluster it will speed up performance in general for searching but also provide better search results.

    It will now weight search results based on keywords and other factors. You should see improved search results going forward, and they should improve over time as well. It will search the entire index based on your keywords and then pull out 10,000 rows of data and compare them to your keywords and other factors to try to provide better results. It does all of this within a second or so basically.

    Search has been made more clear in general as well, before it was kind of a "Am I searching the entire website? Just this submission? Just this category?" Now when you begin a search a pop up window specifically says if you are searching every where, or just in a specific section.

    Improved Login & Account Security Options
    We have added support for faster login and improved account security options. Now when logging in, or registering you can choose to use one of the external providers instead of just filling out all of the information manually on the login or registration form. You can choose to login or register with the following providers:
    Facebook Google Microsoft Twitter 2-Factor Authentication - We have also added the ability to enable 2-Factor Authentication in your account settings. You can use the following options to add extra login security to your account:
    Security Questions & Answers Google Authenticator Authy
    Multiple System Languages now Supported
    We have added language packs back to the site! You can find the drop down selector on the left hand side of where the menu is at the top, Or at the very bottom. We already have 10 languages supported, with Chinese (Traditional and Simplified) on the way. In the future we hope to support Korean and Japanese as well since we get a decent amount of traffic from those countries already. Please note, this only translates system text, if the post is written in English that will still be in English.

    Phone Style Emoticons now supported
    When clicking on the emote button in the editor now, it will have options to choose a skin tone, search and look through categories just like on a phone or tablet.

    Coming Soon
    We have the following releases / changes coming up which will be available in a separate news post as this one is already very long.
    A "Light" version of our theme for users who do not like the constant dark mode. Adding the 3 - 8 person ensembles to the Maple Beats section News on how we are currently using the source from Mabilcco to modify it to support code editing, 10 tracks per part, and more.
    View full article
  9. Nice, very cool.
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from GalenFeld in Website Updates   
    Hi All,
    It has been some time since we have had a website update, our license expired a while back for the software behind the site so we were not able to update for some time. Thanks to those of you that do not use ad-block on our site we were finally able to meet the minimum requirement for a pay-out from the ads. We used the ad money to renew our license and then upgrade the website. I also ported over the dark skin I have been working on.
    There are a few other goodies available now that came with the update and the theme refresh, I will touch on them below via spoiler tags so the page does not get dragged out.
    Profile Backgrounds & Youtube Videos
    Changes to Group Icons
    Solo Music Hall Changes
    There have been many other slight changes throughout the board over-all since the theme was completely re-done but here are some specific things that are no longer enabled/available at this time.

    View full article
  10. Like
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from Ridgema in 3MLE Maple Beats Edition Updated (Drums added!)   
    The drums are already in game, at the NPC shop in Tria.
  11. Like
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from BrantSn in Showcase Hall Available + Public Discord   
    Hi all,
    As promised in the last news post the Showcase Hall is now available, please note that this music hall works a bit different from the other ones! I have made a very short, but precise FAQ below.
    Q. Why can't i see any MML Code?
    A. The Showcase Hall is for being able to preview a song only. Usually this is for composers who have made some fantastic music, but do not wish to share the code with others in-game (but still let people listen to it, and review it). Also, sometimes a song may be an impossible play rank still, but they wish to get early feedback, etc.
    Q. How come there are no ranks posted?
    A. The showcase hall is for previewing the music only, since there is no public MML code there is no point in showing the play rank.
    Public Discord
    We now have a public discord for our communities, we recently moved our staff chat from Slack to Discord. It made sense for the next step for it to be available to all of the community. Currently there are only a few channels, however as/if it grows we will continue to make more room with new channels.
    Discord Invitation Link

    View full article
  12. Perfect!
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from BrantSn in 3MLE MapleBeats Edition now available   
    Hi Everyone,
    Unfortunately we did not finish the 3MLE package in time while the first closed beta test was still running for MapleStory 2 but at least it will now be available going forward. The 3MLE Download page has been updated to include a link for the MabiBeats version, and the MapleBeats Version.
    All of the instruments that show up on the in-game composer have been added to the instrument drop down list. In the coming weeks we will add the rest of the ensemble halls to MapleBeats (You can have up to 8 people in an Ensemble for MS2).
    Going forward, all previews generated in the MapleBeats section will now sound how it would sound in the game. We will not be retro-updating the previous previews to match.
    On another note, Welcome and Thank you to all of the new members who have joined us from the Maple Story 2 side. Our spike in traffic has been tremendous taking us from 900K hits a month to already 2.1 Million hits and this was just during the one week beta. We are looking forward to release and serving the needs of the global MS2 community when the time comes. We hope that 3MLE MapleBeats Edition will be useful to the music community, and we look forward to everyone's contributions to the Music Halls!
    - Yasuno

    View full article
  13. Love
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from BrantSn in 3MLE Maple Beats Edition Updated (Drums added!)   
    The drums are already in game, at the NPC shop in Tria.
  14. Entranced
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from BrantSn in Website Updates   
    Hi all,
    We have done some website updates over yesterday and I just wanted to touch on them here. These are mainly back end, and underlying software updates so if this kind of talk makes your eyes glaze over I will understand if you skip the announcement. ?
    The Elephant in the room - Advertisements
    As the expression is told, lets go ahead and get the elephant in the room out of the way. Yes, we have enabled ads however we have tried to make sure that they are non-intrusive. No pop up, or pop under ads will happen, and we tried to make sure all of the ad placement was in a way to prevent accidental clicking and also not ruin the flow of content.
    The ads help us do things like: Renew our licensing for the website software, pay our server and bandwidth bills (Our bandwidth increased by 300% during the MapleStory 2 closed beta test), as well as work with developers for custom additions to the site or to buy existing add-ons. We may consider an optional donation option for those of you would rather donate than see ads. We know a lot of people use an ad blocker of some kind. But if you are feeling nice every once in a while and want to turn off your ad blocker for a few page visits we would really appreciate it.
    Backend Changes

    Redis Caching (Not Reddit)
    Improved caching on the site has been enabled with a Redis server. Before we were not actually using any server-side caching and instead relying on Cloudflare to do as much heavy lifting as possible and it definitely did a lot of heavy lifting for us. It served over 2.5 million requests from its edge servers, and saved us about 100 GB of bandwidth on 1 TB of bandwidth spent which is good considering a chunk of our bandwidth is actually .mp3 previews with Cloudflare does not cache natively. The Redis cache engine will help take some of the load off of the MySQL database and the over-all web server by caching page output, searches and tags for guest users.
    Improved Search with Elastic Search
    Some of you might have noticed while using the site yesterday that for a brief period of time search didn't work, and all of the activity feed disappeared. This was me fumbling through an Elastic Search server set-up and then re-indexing all of the content to the new Elastic Search cluster and shards. Before, search was using the MySQL database directly this can put a huge strain on the database as it is having to support normal website use plus searching through thousands of rows of data for multiple users. By offloading the search system to the Elastic Search cluster it will speed up performance in general for searching but also provide better search results.

    It will now weight search results based on keywords and other factors. You should see improved search results going forward, and they should improve over time as well. It will search the entire index based on your keywords and then pull out 10,000 rows of data and compare them to your keywords and other factors to try to provide better results. It does all of this within a second or so basically.

    Search has been made more clear in general as well, before it was kind of a "Am I searching the entire website? Just this submission? Just this category?" Now when you begin a search a pop up window specifically says if you are searching every where, or just in a specific section.

    Improved Login & Account Security Options
    We have added support for faster login and improved account security options. Now when logging in, or registering you can choose to use one of the external providers instead of just filling out all of the information manually on the login or registration form. You can choose to login or register with the following providers:
    Facebook Google Microsoft Twitter 2-Factor Authentication - We have also added the ability to enable 2-Factor Authentication in your account settings. You can use the following options to add extra login security to your account:
    Security Questions & Answers Google Authenticator Authy
    Multiple System Languages now Supported
    We have added language packs back to the site! You can find the drop down selector on the left hand side of where the menu is at the top, Or at the very bottom. We already have 10 languages supported, with Chinese (Traditional and Simplified) on the way. In the future we hope to support Korean and Japanese as well since we get a decent amount of traffic from those countries already. Please note, this only translates system text, if the post is written in English that will still be in English.

    Phone Style Emoticons now supported
    When clicking on the emote button in the editor now, it will have options to choose a skin tone, search and look through categories just like on a phone or tablet.

    Coming Soon
    We have the following releases / changes coming up which will be available in a separate news post as this one is already very long.
    A "Light" version of our theme for users who do not like the constant dark mode. Adding the 3 - 8 person ensembles to the Maple Beats section News on how we are currently using the source from Mabilcco to modify it to support code editing, 10 tracks per part, and more.
    View full article
  15. Like
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from GalenFeld in 3MLE Updated with Harp Option   
    Just a quick post, the 3MLE file on the download page here, has been updated with the Harp option in the instrument list. Thanks @Blargel for this!

    View full article
  16. Nice, very cool.
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from BrantSn in 3MLE Updated with Harp Option   
    Just a quick post, the 3MLE file on the download page here, has been updated with the Harp option in the instrument list. Thanks @Blargel for this!

    View full article
  17. Nice, very cool.
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from GalenFeld in Showcase Hall Available + Public Discord   
    Hi all,
    As promised in the last news post the Showcase Hall is now available, please note that this music hall works a bit different from the other ones! I have made a very short, but precise FAQ below.
    Q. Why can't i see any MML Code?
    A. The Showcase Hall is for being able to preview a song only. Usually this is for composers who have made some fantastic music, but do not wish to share the code with others in-game (but still let people listen to it, and review it). Also, sometimes a song may be an impossible play rank still, but they wish to get early feedback, etc.
    Q. How come there are no ranks posted?
    A. The showcase hall is for previewing the music only, since there is no public MML code there is no point in showing the play rank.
    Public Discord
    We now have a public discord for our communities, we recently moved our staff chat from Slack to Discord. It made sense for the next step for it to be available to all of the community. Currently there are only a few channels, however as/if it grows we will continue to make more room with new channels.
    Discord Invitation Link

    View full article
  18. Amazing!
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from GalenFeld in 3MLE Maple Beats Edition Updated (Drums added!)   
    The drums are already in game, at the NPC shop in Tria.
  19. Amazing!
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from BrantSn in Website Updates   
    Hi All,
    It has been some time since we have had a website update, our license expired a while back for the software behind the site so we were not able to update for some time. Thanks to those of you that do not use ad-block on our site we were finally able to meet the minimum requirement for a pay-out from the ads. We used the ad money to renew our license and then upgrade the website. I also ported over the dark skin I have been working on.
    There are a few other goodies available now that came with the update and the theme refresh, I will touch on them below via spoiler tags so the page does not get dragged out.
    Profile Backgrounds & Youtube Videos
    Changes to Group Icons
    Solo Music Hall Changes
    There have been many other slight changes throughout the board over-all since the theme was completely re-done but here are some specific things that are no longer enabled/available at this time.

    View full article
  20. Jammin
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from Ridgema in Website Updates   
    Hi All,
    It has been some time since we have had a website update, our license expired a while back for the software behind the site so we were not able to update for some time. Thanks to those of you that do not use ad-block on our site we were finally able to meet the minimum requirement for a pay-out from the ads. We used the ad money to renew our license and then upgrade the website. I also ported over the dark skin I have been working on.
    There are a few other goodies available now that came with the update and the theme refresh, I will touch on them below via spoiler tags so the page does not get dragged out.
    Profile Backgrounds & Youtube Videos
    Changes to Group Icons
    Solo Music Hall Changes
    There have been many other slight changes throughout the board over-all since the theme was completely re-done but here are some specific things that are no longer enabled/available at this time.

    View full article
  21. Jammin
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from Ridgema in Website Updates   
    Hi all,
    We have done some website updates over yesterday and I just wanted to touch on them here. These are mainly back end, and underlying software updates so if this kind of talk makes your eyes glaze over I will understand if you skip the announcement. ?
    The Elephant in the room - Advertisements
    As the expression is told, lets go ahead and get the elephant in the room out of the way. Yes, we have enabled ads however we have tried to make sure that they are non-intrusive. No pop up, or pop under ads will happen, and we tried to make sure all of the ad placement was in a way to prevent accidental clicking and also not ruin the flow of content.
    The ads help us do things like: Renew our licensing for the website software, pay our server and bandwidth bills (Our bandwidth increased by 300% during the MapleStory 2 closed beta test), as well as work with developers for custom additions to the site or to buy existing add-ons. We may consider an optional donation option for those of you would rather donate than see ads. We know a lot of people use an ad blocker of some kind. But if you are feeling nice every once in a while and want to turn off your ad blocker for a few page visits we would really appreciate it.
    Backend Changes

    Redis Caching (Not Reddit)
    Improved caching on the site has been enabled with a Redis server. Before we were not actually using any server-side caching and instead relying on Cloudflare to do as much heavy lifting as possible and it definitely did a lot of heavy lifting for us. It served over 2.5 million requests from its edge servers, and saved us about 100 GB of bandwidth on 1 TB of bandwidth spent which is good considering a chunk of our bandwidth is actually .mp3 previews with Cloudflare does not cache natively. The Redis cache engine will help take some of the load off of the MySQL database and the over-all web server by caching page output, searches and tags for guest users.
    Improved Search with Elastic Search
    Some of you might have noticed while using the site yesterday that for a brief period of time search didn't work, and all of the activity feed disappeared. This was me fumbling through an Elastic Search server set-up and then re-indexing all of the content to the new Elastic Search cluster and shards. Before, search was using the MySQL database directly this can put a huge strain on the database as it is having to support normal website use plus searching through thousands of rows of data for multiple users. By offloading the search system to the Elastic Search cluster it will speed up performance in general for searching but also provide better search results.

    It will now weight search results based on keywords and other factors. You should see improved search results going forward, and they should improve over time as well. It will search the entire index based on your keywords and then pull out 10,000 rows of data and compare them to your keywords and other factors to try to provide better results. It does all of this within a second or so basically.

    Search has been made more clear in general as well, before it was kind of a "Am I searching the entire website? Just this submission? Just this category?" Now when you begin a search a pop up window specifically says if you are searching every where, or just in a specific section.

    Improved Login & Account Security Options
    We have added support for faster login and improved account security options. Now when logging in, or registering you can choose to use one of the external providers instead of just filling out all of the information manually on the login or registration form. You can choose to login or register with the following providers:
    Facebook Google Microsoft Twitter 2-Factor Authentication - We have also added the ability to enable 2-Factor Authentication in your account settings. You can use the following options to add extra login security to your account:
    Security Questions & Answers Google Authenticator Authy
    Multiple System Languages now Supported
    We have added language packs back to the site! You can find the drop down selector on the left hand side of where the menu is at the top, Or at the very bottom. We already have 10 languages supported, with Chinese (Traditional and Simplified) on the way. In the future we hope to support Korean and Japanese as well since we get a decent amount of traffic from those countries already. Please note, this only translates system text, if the post is written in English that will still be in English.

    Phone Style Emoticons now supported
    When clicking on the emote button in the editor now, it will have options to choose a skin tone, search and look through categories just like on a phone or tablet.

    Coming Soon
    We have the following releases / changes coming up which will be available in a separate news post as this one is already very long.
    A "Light" version of our theme for users who do not like the constant dark mode. Adding the 3 - 8 person ensembles to the Maple Beats section News on how we are currently using the source from Mabilcco to modify it to support code editing, 10 tracks per part, and more.
    View full article
  22. Jammin
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from GalenFeld in 3MLE MapleBeats Edition now available   
    Hi Everyone,
    Unfortunately we did not finish the 3MLE package in time while the first closed beta test was still running for MapleStory 2 but at least it will now be available going forward. The 3MLE Download page has been updated to include a link for the MabiBeats version, and the MapleBeats Version.
    All of the instruments that show up on the in-game composer have been added to the instrument drop down list. In the coming weeks we will add the rest of the ensemble halls to MapleBeats (You can have up to 8 people in an Ensemble for MS2).
    Going forward, all previews generated in the MapleBeats section will now sound how it would sound in the game. We will not be retro-updating the previous previews to match.
    On another note, Welcome and Thank you to all of the new members who have joined us from the Maple Story 2 side. Our spike in traffic has been tremendous taking us from 900K hits a month to already 2.1 Million hits and this was just during the one week beta. We are looking forward to release and serving the needs of the global MS2 community when the time comes. We hope that 3MLE MapleBeats Edition will be useful to the music community, and we look forward to everyone's contributions to the Music Halls!
    - Yasuno

    View full article
  23. Nice, very cool.
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from GalenFeld in 3MLE Maple Beats Edition Updated (Drums added!)   
    Hi All,
    Since the update came out that added Cymbals, Snare Drum, and a Bass Drum I have updated 3MLE to add these instruments plus the Celesta and Recorder.
    The drums in-game only play 1 note sound, no matter which note you play. To try to mimic this function I have locked the drums in 3MLE to their corresponding notes in-game. Normally with drums you can have a little bit of variance in the sounds, or since this is digital use pitch bending to achieve the same function.
    Nexon has opted out of this method so the drums have been locked to their 1 sound. Unlike in-game where you can play any note to hear the sound, you must keep your notes on the right note in 3MLE to hear the drum sound. The drums have been locked to the following notes:
    Snare Drum: D2
    Bass Drum: C2
    Cymbals: C3
    When viewing the drum in the instrument list, it is also included in it's name what the notes need to be.

    These sounds are originally in the drum kit. I extracted them from the drumkit dls and spliced them manually back as individual instruments so they can be selected correctly in 3MLE.
    We can see here how it sounds, as long as they are on the right note as in the video:
    2018-12-06 15-40-09.mp4
    You can download the new version of 3MLE Maple Beats Edition on its usual download page here.

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  24. Entranced
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from GalenFeld in 3MLE MabiBeats has been updated to Version 4!   
    Hi All,
    Our version of 3MLE has been updated to Version 4, which along other things brings it in tune/line with the Music Q patch. Massive thanks to @Blargel for updating it this time for us. You can find the new version on the download page here, The filesize is smaller than before (148mb instead of 366mb) but you will need winrar, or something that can extract .rar files to open it. Reveal the spoiler contents below to see the change log, or view the change log on the download page itself.

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  25. Perfect!
    🌟Yasuno got a reaction from Ridgema in 3MLE MapleBeats Edition now available   
    Hi Everyone,
    Unfortunately we did not finish the 3MLE package in time while the first closed beta test was still running for MapleStory 2 but at least it will now be available going forward. The 3MLE Download page has been updated to include a link for the MabiBeats version, and the MapleBeats Version.
    All of the instruments that show up on the in-game composer have been added to the instrument drop down list. In the coming weeks we will add the rest of the ensemble halls to MapleBeats (You can have up to 8 people in an Ensemble for MS2).
    Going forward, all previews generated in the MapleBeats section will now sound how it would sound in the game. We will not be retro-updating the previous previews to match.
    On another note, Welcome and Thank you to all of the new members who have joined us from the Maple Story 2 side. Our spike in traffic has been tremendous taking us from 900K hits a month to already 2.1 Million hits and this was just during the one week beta. We are looking forward to release and serving the needs of the global MS2 community when the time comes. We hope that 3MLE MapleBeats Edition will be useful to the music community, and we look forward to everyone's contributions to the Music Halls!
    - Yasuno

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