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  1. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in Meet the Human Viersell   
    Viersell Averos, The Vampiric Bard, Class Archer & Bard, Rouge & Ninja, Pugilist & Monk. Of the Aether Siren Server.


  2. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in Hi owo   
    well hello there *waves*
  3. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in A mabinogi role play video series   
    sounds good to me here feel free to add me on Skype

    gregmciver26 and or email me: [email protected]
  4. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in Tale That Was Not Told (Iria II opening theme)   
    I'm sure one of the bards here can help you with this and Yes it's pretty
  5. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in [Fulfilled] A very special request   
    I'd like this made for me if at all possible please

    for the piano
  6. Upvote
  7. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🚩Blargel in tanino's Workshop   
    Since this person clearly said that she(?) is not going to be reading any replies to this thread, I suggest just ignoring what she posted. I've put her on a probation period where anything posted needs to be reviewed by me before it's allowed through.
  8. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in tanino's Workshop   
    Nino don't let that person (it she he whatever) get to you, I know for a fact all of your music is done by hand yourself and not copy and paste, same with alot of the ppl here, yes some of us aren't as good as you, kyu, jain and many others. Yes I do midi to mml for my music and Yes I don't alot on 3mle but at least I try. I just hate the fact that someone joins this site and try's to be all better then thou and says your looking for Self Flattery. 

    Blarg Ty for being on top of this. I know we haven't talked much or know each other well yet, but ty
  9. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in Mabinogi Goals   
    well as for goals I've never really had any on Vier as I have played the game before and have been op as heck before. So I don't know I guess:
    Master Warrior/Fighter/Gunner/Ninja/Knight/Battle Alch Get Soul Star and Vates Title Getting RK Set again, Seals to get Shock past Novice Rank 1 Transformation and Get Cichol/Nuadha/Legatius Trans coins from the Shamala coin exchange Get Duke's Rapier, Rosemary Gloves, Sword Of Elisnore, Cressida Suit, Trinity Wear,  Making a Web Role play video series involving mabi Making the White Dragon Knuckles, Hunter and Huntress, Blk Dragon Armor. Gaining Royal Alch Making the Ch 6 Concerts a Main thing that Ch6 is known for and have the crowd that comes always be big from all ch's and maybe even getting known by Nexon itself
  10. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in Nostalgia Attack! (2015)   
    any reason I can't view the tracks them self's on Soundcloud?
  11. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in A mabinogi role play video series   
    Here on the forum in this topic: If u have video editing skills and such
  12. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in A mabinogi role play video series   
    I know it would be soo fun
  13. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Alynnia in A mabinogi role play video series   
    Needs an inspiring speech like this
  14. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in Ch 6 Concert [Alexina]   
    Tonight concert: Same as before invite friends, bards, lovers of music.
    Rules no overplay, respect to all the guests and performers, No PVP/EVG
    Single lines for jams or solos out back of stage, no line cutting

    Emain Macha Concert Stage Ch 6 Alexina:
    8pm est time to 10pm est with a  small after party to follow.

    Host: Viersell
  15. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in [Fulfilled] Truly, madly, deeply- Savage Garden   
    I actually have a Duet of that Lyre and Piano, I haven't touched it in a couple years its from my days on mari server. if u like can send it to u
  16. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in [Fulfilled] Truly, madly, deeply- Savage Garden   
    here you go:
    [email protected]>cc16.cccc&c32ccc16.c&c32<ab+a>d4&d16.c&c32ccccc16.cccc&c32<a>ccdd.&d32ccccc&c32c<a>ccc<ab+a>d4.cccccccccc<ab+a>c16.cgl4cc-cc&c32cc-c8.&c32c&c32cc-c16.<g&g32g2l8&g>edcc2l4dc16.d<g2>ec8cl32&ce2c16.d2.e4c8&cc8.&ce4&ed4c8d8.&d<g2l8&g>dcc4e4d4cd1&d4&d32ccc16.cccccc&c32c<ab+a>d4.cccc16.cccc&c32c16.c<a>c&c32c16.d&d32d4cc16.<a>ccccccc<ab+a>dd4ccccccc&c32ccc<ab+a>ccgc4c-4c.&c32cgc4l32&c<b8.&b>c4c8g8c4&c<b8.&b>c8&cl8<gag2&g>edcc.&c32l4edc8d<g2>ec8cedl32&dc8d2&d8.&de8&ed16.c8l4cedc8d<g2l8>edcc4&c32e.&e32d4cd1&dc2<al32&a>c16.d8&de8.&ed4c4d8&dc4&c16.e8e8.&ee8d8d16c4&c16.e8&ee8&ee8&ed16.l8cd.c2<a>cde4d4l1c&c&c&c&c2.l8ccccccc16.c&c32cc<ab+a>d4.cc&c32cccc16.cce&e32ecee16.ff4ec&c32cc16.cccccc<ab+a>dd4c2.<a4g1&g2&g32>edc16.c4e4d4cd4<g2>edcc4e4d4cd2.&d32edcc.&c32e4d4cd4<g2>edcc4&c32e4d4cd2&d.&d32edcc4e2cd4<g2&g32>ed16.cc4.<ab+a>cd2&deefl4g.fec8d<a8l32&ag4.&g16.>d8c8c2&cd8.&dc8&cd2.l16&d.b4ag2.&g8.a4g4.f8e.d8dc2&c.e8d8&d32c.d2&d32,l1rr<c<g2.&g8.l32&gf1&fg1>c2.&c8.&c<g1&gf2.&f8.&fg1>c1&c<g1f1g2.&g8.&ga1g1f1&fg1>c2.&c8.&c<g1&gf2.&f8.&fg1b+1g1f1&fg1>c2.&c8.&c<g1f1g1&g>c2.&c8.&c<g1&gf1g1a2.&a8.&ag1f1g1&g>c2.&c8.&c<g1&gf1g2.&g8.&g>c1&c<g2.&g8.&gf1&fg2.&g8.&gf1&fg2.&g8.&gf1g2.&g8.&gf1&fl1gb+gfg>c&c&c&cc<gf&f&fb+gfgb+gfgb+gf&f32g2.&g8.&g32b+gfgb+gfgb+gfg>c&c32<g2.&g8.&g32fgb+g2.&g8.&g32f&f16g>c2.&c16.,l1rred2.&d8.&d32<fb&b32>c2.&c8.&c32<babg>dl32&d<a2.&a8.&ab1a1g1&ga2.&a8.&ab1&bg2.&g8.&gl1bb+bb+bb+bgb&b32a2.&a8.&a32bb+b>cl32&cd1c2.&c8.&cd1<a1&ab2.&b8.&bl1b+gb+g>ed<aba&a32g2.&g8.&g32agab&b32>c2.&c8.&c32d<fb&b32>e&e&e&e2.&e8.&e32<gba&a&agb2.&b8.&b32a&a32gb+babg>d<fbb+bl32&ba2.&a8.&a>d1c2.&c8.&cd1&d<f1b1&bg2.&g8.&gl1bb+ggbabb+ba&a32b>c2;
  17. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in [Fulfilled] Truly, madly, deeply- Savage Garden   
    A solo for Lyre or Piano, best I can do if it's not to your liking let me know and I'll have some peep's touch it up for you.
  18. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in A mabinogi role play video series   
    I am looking for people to partake in a fun web video series that would exclusive to mabi beats
    We need someone to help think of funny things/mis-adventures/ fake news based in Erinn/story's/plots
    A person who is very good with video editing
    BGM (is always important)

    Cast members of all vary things and walks of life (Cos-plays too)

    A active You tube channel when I say active i don't mean like Sub's i mean like you post their regularly.  (prefer a non monetized one as this is my idea and the players helping with it it would be un fair for someone to be making money of our work and us get nothing)

    So Please leave thoughts, Idea's, Applications, feedback etc down below

  19. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in got called a hacker for length of music lol   
  20. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in got called a hacker for length of music lol   
    what WOW!!!!!!!!!
  21. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in Free Pretty Cool Backgrounds   
    ​my fav one
  22. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in hello   
    hey there and welcome
  23. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in Free Drawings Of Your Character/Characters!   
    Here is Vier and Veir The Twin Vampires of the Ancient Averos Family line. 

  24. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in Close Combat Renovation Discussion Thread   
    *Stares and looks down* and if I am?
    I already have a r1 BDK and Tryfing and 2 special red ceo island war hammers and a Ego Katana which I will switch to a Wasazacki. But I love to add to my Vaults
  25. Upvote
    Kirito26 reacted to 🎶Viersell in Close Combat Renovation Discussion Thread   
    I defently know I want 2 of the Celtic Royal War Hammer and 1 of Celtic Royal Knight Sword. I am looking forward to this. and I can't wait to see the new armors.
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