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  1. Upvote
    Don_Vader got a reaction from Laviexclaus in Pretty huey Glitch I was experiencing the other day   
    So like, the other day I was playing Mabinogi, I think you guys may have heard of this game. If not....well...your like is clearly better than ours. 

    Anyways, I was playing and hanging around Alexina CH3 and I was playing my piano with friends in dunbarton and all of a sudden my Piano disspawned as I was playing. I thought it was so weird, but it got even weirder. Someone setup  a shop and I got teleported there. So of course, keeping my calm I said to my friends" WHAT THE WHIPPERSNAPPER IS GOING ON?!?!?! SAVE ME BABY HAYSUESS" (Actual player on Alexina too) And the following photos shows this. And at one point I noticed that when people summoned AOE pet or people sat down in chairs,  I would be summoned too and on top of them even if I wasn't using Playing Instrument, and so with that in mind, the following screen shots capture that night. 

  2. Upvote
    Don_Vader got a reaction from 🎶Alynnia in Those Who Loves Undertale and Kazoos   
    Thanks little buddy... this makes my day a ton better....A skele-TON

  3. Upvote
    Don_Vader got a reaction from Laviexclaus in Those Who Loves Undertale and Kazoos   
    Thanks little buddy... this makes my day a ton better....A skele-TON

  4. Upvote
    Don_Vader reacted to 🎶Alynnia in Those Who Loves Undertale and Kazoos   
    Ran by this guy's channel and saw these covers. ^^; Really like them a lot and thought you Undertale fans/lovers would like to enjoy this.
  5. Upvote
    Don_Vader reacted to 🚩ADirtyCouch in Undertale Jam Bands~   
    I really like Undertale's ost and tried my best to make'em work in Mabi jams.  Some harder than others 
    I'm sure whatever you have is great Jain!
  6. Upvote
    Don_Vader got a reaction from Spencer in Undertale Jam Bands~   
    I don't think I can forgive myself for having missed this....

  7. Upvote
    Don_Vader got a reaction from 👑Pokemonher01 in Undertale Jam Bands~   
    I don't think I can forgive myself for having missed this....

  8. Upvote
    Don_Vader reacted to Spencer in Undertale Jam Bands~   
    I didn't have many friends online to do these jams, so I put up a party and made new friends!  Thanks A_Dirty_Couch for making the MMLs
  9. Upvote
    Don_Vader got a reaction from Laviexclaus in Undertale Jam Bands~   
    I don't think I can forgive myself for having missed this....

  10. Upvote
    Don_Vader reacted to 🎶Flameberge in A Question Worth Asking   
    get more str
    str gives u more def so you will be more tanky.
    get rank 1 final hit
    get rank 1 lulluby to stall monsters so u can pick them off 1 by 1.
  11. Upvote
    Don_Vader reacted to 🎶Darkfire16 in A Question Worth Asking   
    10/10 - IGN i r8 gr8
    Anyway Don, I would honestly consider working on whatever skills you have left in the warrior tab and go ahead and rank them. Then after that, i'd just follow what Falaflame said in here. Lances help quite a bit but can be tricky to get used to.
    I might also suggest ranking Fighter (or do the questline starting with Horrifying herbert if you havent already), but that might just be my bias as a Grandmaster Fighter.
  12. Upvote
    Don_Vader reacted to 🚩Falaflame in A Question Worth Asking   
    You should consider taking up lances, as that will boost your Strength considerably. Since your main source of damage comes from close combat weapons, and your damage from said weapons come off of Str, it's good to take up skillsets that reward large amounts of Str.
    Rank everything on Knight talent to 1 except for Lance Counter. Rank that to r1 only if you plan on maining lances (as some of the end-game lance enchants do require r1 in Lance Counter), but otherwise leave that for last.

    Once you've mastered Lance talent, you could as well move on to Ninja, as that's your next major source of Str. However, this skill is extremely grindy, and will require a major test of patience. (Trust me, Ive went through it. It REALLY tested my patience.) You can rank every single skill in Ninja except for Explosive Kunai (r2) and Smokescreen (r3).
    Once you've mastered Ninja, you can work on Carpentry, as that's another major source of Strength. This one is almost as bad, and may even consume some money if you're not already well-versed with Weaving. What I suggest doing is buying a bunch of Carpentry Woodworking Planes, and keep (regular) reforging them until you get Carpentry Exp 2 level on the plane. That way you can avoid the dumb requirements like "create a signed bow" as that is completely luck-based. That being said, be prepared to Harvest Song a lot, and I may suggest doing speed-upgrades on your Lumber Axes, as this WILL take a while.

    I dont even think you even need to rank Handicraft under Carpentry Talent to master it. But if you do, I'd say raising it to B is probably best. That was my rank when I got Master Carpenter.
  13. Upvote
    Don_Vader got a reaction from Laviexclaus in A Little Comic...   
    You guys know what favorite area in Mabi and on a women is.... The Pantay Region... 

  14. Upvote
    Don_Vader reacted to Laviexclaus in A Little Comic...   
    So Don was talking about how creepy his Talking Skull Totem was
    so I made alittle comic about it...

  15. Upvote
    Don_Vader reacted to Laviexclaus in Free Drawings Of Your Character/Characters!   
  16. Upvote
    Don_Vader got a reaction from Laviexclaus in Free Drawings Of Your Character/Characters!   
    Stupid Dragons and their fire. Also this drawing remind minds me of this gif. Tokau is sensitive guy there while yoz and I is the p.i.m.p.s on the right.  B) I love shields.  

  17. Upvote
    Don_Vader reacted to Laviexclaus in Free Drawings Of Your Character/Characters!   
    Yoooooo hey hi, so I had free time and was wanting to make ya'll happy so I'm doing free drawings!!! here is my DA page so refs http://panderisbyyourside.deviantart.com/
    And here is a mabi picture I drew alittle awhile ago though I would only be doing only character drawings no backgrounds unless someone makes me this song in game http://mabibeats.com/?app=cms&module=pages&controller=page&path=solos/anime/zero-no-tsukaima-i-say-yes-wedding-version-r740 ; u ;;;; then I would (I cant make it cause no rank 1 //cries) (that goes for other rank 1 songs) (yayyy)
    Ahem so here this is

    Cant see characters well I know sorry ;; I love doing lighting/darkness and stuff its my favorite! ; o ;;; perhaps I will do that
    sO YEAH PLEASE LINK ME TO YOUR CHARACTER PICTURES AND Tell me if you want anything a certain way and I will do my very best to do so, if not I will still try my best and stuff
    Share this with all of your mabibeats friends so they can get in on this goobness!!! 83
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