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🎶 danilo227

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  1. Nice, very cool.
    🎶danilo227 got a reaction from BrantSn in 3MLE MabiBeats has been updated to Version 4!   
    ayy time to get deaf from the tuned flute
  2. Entranced
    🎶danilo227 got a reaction from GalenFeld in 3MLE Updated with Harp Option   
  3. Sad / Emotional
    🎶danilo227 got a reaction from GalenFeld in 3MLE MabiBeats has been updated to Version 4!   
    ayy time to get deaf from the tuned flute
  4. Amazing!
    🎶danilo227 got a reaction from BrantSn in 3MLE Updated with Harp Option   
  5. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 reacted to Mairujyat in Hi and stuff!   
    Kinda found this site by chance - I've been an avid Mabi player since it hit NA back in 2008, though never did much with the composition skill until recently (never felt ambitious to really chase it down, haha). Incidentally I've been pursuing a career in music composition (mostly retro-sounding stuff and 90s RPG-sounding noises), so since coming back to the game after I think a 2-ish year hiatus the MML side of things has been pretty fun to play with here and there!
    I'm mostly kinda interested in writing as well as transcribing original compositions and using Mabinogi's MML as a sort of playground to mess with MML formatting, and just ease into figuring out how to use it, as I'm more used to MIDI spreadsheet formatting, or the piano roll in FL Studio. I've already put down two arrangements of a couple of my songs on the in-game bard board, but I think MabiBeats might have that feature beat (OH NO A PUN!!!!!). One of them's a solo thing for lyre, the other's a HORRIFYING 16-PIECE MESS BECAUSE THE MUSIC Q UPDATE TEMPTED ME - I also have no idea how the latter one sounds though because I haven't found a good way to hear them all play at once - and finding 16 players in-game for a jam session is pretty hard, turns out! lol
    Speaking of original compositions - is there a section or category for them? I see a lot of genres but I kinda have no idea where to put my stuff later down the line. lol
    Anyway, I'm looking forward to being a member of the MabiBeats community!
  6. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 reacted to 🌟Yasuno in I'm no SSR, but we need new SSRs.   
    There are a total of: 0 Pending Submissions currently.
    So, I think we are ok. If it gets so busy that the queue begins to have longer than a 2 day average wait time I will ask if anyone wants to join SSR.
  7. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 reacted to 👑Ivy in I'm no SSR, but we need new SSRs.   
    I'm willing to cool you down if you get burned, just sayin'. 
    naw, i do agree on it. why even have a 'retired staff' group as well if there's little staff actually left too...
    As i said before, it just means this place needs more delegates.
    some tidbits from when the website was still white background kinda shows too (like the copy mml button on submissions), but as far as i'm concerned, it's very minor compared to staff shortage.
    we need more crafters in da house, get my drift?  (staff. staves. yeah its just late dont mind me)
  8. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 reacted to 👑Bran in I'm no SSR, but we need new SSRs.   
    Since Couch is working now, and Poke & Sam are greatly inactive for whatever reason(s), well... yeah.
    I'm not sure how filled the queue is atm, but it would be best not to burden Couch if there's over 20 or so submissions.
    Eventually, people are going to be waiting a couple of weeks, but I'm just saying.
    I know the process takes a while too since Yasuno's going to have to set up another application form, then he and/or Couch will have to look through to see who's suitable, or something, and then train the new people, etc..
    Don't burn me, please.
    P.S: Font color in tags needs to be changed for light theme since it's white, which makes it unreadable.
  9. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 reacted to 🌟Yasuno in 3MLE MabiBeats has been updated to Version 4!   
    Hi All,
    Our version of 3MLE has been updated to Version 4, which along other things brings it in tune/line with the Music Q patch. Massive thanks to @Blargel for updating it this time for us. You can find the new version on the download page here, The filesize is smaller than before (148mb instead of 366mb) but you will need winrar, or something that can extract .rar files to open it. Reveal the spoiler contents below to see the change log, or view the change log on the download page itself.

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  10. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 reacted to 👑opalthira in Meep   
    Wheres the mml?
  11. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 got a reaction from 👑opalthira in Meep   
    I dare you to watch dis e.e 
  12. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 reacted to 🎶Kyandoru in Guess Who's Back <3   
    I'll see you in game at the concerts then. :3
  13. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 got a reaction from 👑Bran in Guess Who's Back <3   
    Nice to see u guys again and omni shhhhh o:<
  14. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 reacted to 🎶Kyandoru in Guess Who's Back <3   
    Ohmai, It's a Dani, Welcome back! I've been doing well.
  15. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 reacted to 👑Bran in Guess Who's Back <3   
    O-oh. Uh...
  16. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 got a reaction from 👑Pokemonher01 in Guess Who's Back <3   
    Hey  Guys I came back from i guess a break? How's everyone doing o: ?
  17. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 got a reaction from 🌟Yasuno in Guess Who's Back <3   
    Hey  Guys I came back from i guess a break? How's everyone doing o: ?
  18. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 reacted to 🌟Yasuno in 3MLE Updated with Harp Option   
    Just a quick post, the 3MLE file on the download page here, has been updated with the Harp option in the instrument list. Thanks @Blargel for this!

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  19. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 reacted to Solodarkness in [Fulfilled] YMCA!   
    Its amazing, Great job! >.> you should put it under review ^^ 
  20. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 got a reaction from Solodarkness in [Fulfilled] YMCA!   
    i tried it isnt the best but i hope you like it  
    [email protected]>d<br2bagab>d4c-d4e<br2bagab>d4c-d4ecr2c<bab>ce4ge4l4.f+edc<b4a4l8>d<br2bagab>d4c-d4e<br2bagab>d4c-d4ecr2c<bab>ce4ge4l4.f+edcl4<ba>ddddl8dc-dc-dc-d4e2d4edrc-dc-d<baga2b4ag4e4.r4>geggge4.geggge4.gegedg4g4e4<ggegeg4e2d4edrggeggl4gg2ge8ge.rl8geggge4.geggge4.gegedg4g4ed2r2>d<br2bagab>d4c-d4e<br2bagab>d4c-d4ecr2c<bab>ce4ge4l4.f+edc<b4a4l8>d<br2bagab>d4c-d4e<br2bagab>d4c-d4ecr2c<bab>ce4ge4l4.f+edcl4<ba>ddddl8dc-dc-dc-d4e2d4edrc-dc-d<baga2b4ag4e4.r4>geggge4.geggge4.gegedg4g4e4<ggegeg4e2d4edrggeggl4gg2ge8ge.rl8geggge4.geggge4.gegedg4g4ed2r2>e2d4edrc-dc-d<baga2b4ag4e4.r4>geggge4.geggge4.gegedg4g4e4ggegeg4e2d4edrc-dc-d<baga2b4ag4e4.r4>geggge4.geggge4.gegedg4g4e4ggegeg4g1,v9e8r.c2r1e.r8c2r1d.d8d.l8dd1rgr1rb4r2gr1rb4r2gr1r>c4rc4l4.dc<agg4f+4l8rgr1rb4r2gr1rb4r2gr1r>c4rc4l4.dc<agl4gf+>ccccc8r2.r8<b2r.b8r1d2gr.c-.r2b+8rg+.rb+8rg.r2r8>ercr2.r8<<b2r.b8r2>d8r.e2r2r8c-.r2c8r<g+.rb+8rg.r>c8rer1.l8gr1rb4r2gr1rb4r2gr1r>c4rc4l4.dc<agg4f+4l8rgr1rb4r2gr1rb4r2gr1r>c4rc4l4.dc<agl4gf+>ccccc8r2.r8<b2r.b8r1d2gr.c-.r2b+8rg+.rb+8rg.r2r8>ercr2.r8<<b2r.b8r2>d8r.e2r2r8c-.r2c8r<g+.rb+8rg.r>c8rer1r.b2r.b8r1d2gr.c-.r2b+8rg+.rb+8rg.r2r8>ercr2.r8<b2r.b8r1d2gr.c-.r2b+8rg+.rb+8rg.r2r8>ercr2.r8d1,v9o2dddd8>d8d1<dddd8>d8d1<ddddddl8d>d<d>dl4<ggggggggeeeeee<bb>cccccc>ccf+.e.d.c.<baggggggggeeeeee<bb>cccccc>ccf+.e.d.c.<ba>dddd<d8r2.r8g>g8g8<g>g<ggdd+e>e8e8<e>e<eegg+aaaaaaaa>dd<dd>dd<df+gg8g8gggggge>e8e8<e>e<eegg+aaaaaaaa>dd<dd>ddl8<d>d<d>dl4<ggggggggeeeeee<bb>cccccc>ccf+.e.d.c.<baggggggggeeeeee<bb>cccccc>ccf+.e.d.c.<ba>dddd<d8r2.r8g>g8g8<g>g<ggdd+e>e8e8<e>e<eegg+aaaaaaaa>dd<dd>dd<df+gg8g8gggggge>e8e8<e>e<eegg+aaaaaaaa>dd<dd>ddl8<d>d<d>d<g4>ggl4<g>g<ggdd+e>e8e8<e>e<eegg+aaaaaaaa>dd<dd>dd<df+g>; 
  21. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 reacted to Solodarkness in [Fulfilled] YMCA!   
    Hey guys I have  a request of a classic! I am surprised its not anywhere to be found   I would greatly appreciate this being made, Ill provide the score.
  22. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 reacted to Aidan in [Fulfilled] Can anyone make this song Time is a Place?   
    Time is a Place from Finding Paradise
    It plays in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF5kvAdlgJU
    Would be cool if it could be a 2 piece with a piano and cello.
  23. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 reacted to 🎶Alynnia in [Fulfilled] Can anyone make this song Time is a Place?   
    What a lovely song~ I would do this but I cannot find a music sheet for it to transcribe. Hopefully someone can fulfill your request ^^
  24. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 reacted to Aidan in [Fulfilled] Can anyone make this song Time is a Place?   
    Yeah, it's fairly new but it's so pretty. Thanks for the luck
  25. Upvote
    🎶danilo227 reacted to 🚩ADirtyCouch in [Fulfilled] Can anyone make this song Time is a Place?   
    Hope this is to your liking.
    Rank 4 Piano: 
    Rank F Cello:
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