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List of Friend Codes, NNID, Steam ID, PSN IDs, Gamertags, and others.

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Post your IDs and such for various consoles, handhelds, and other gadgets! Also, if you can, post the games you have on the respective consoles too!

This does not mean you can advertise your tumblr, twitch, youtube, and other social media accounts here. There will probably be another thread for this. This is just for game consoles and the like.

If you're a moderator, feel free to edit this first post. I'll try to do editing, but I can't make promises on how often I'll do it.


3DS FCs:
Falaflame: 4682-8909-2378 (Pokemon OR, Pokemon Y, Mario Kart 7, Super Smash Bros 3DS, Fire Emblem: Awakening)
BeastExe: ? (No games specified)
KuramaVII: ? (Super Smash Bros 3DS, Pokemon?)
Viersell: ? (Pokemon Omega Ruby, Pokemon X)
Spencer: 3926-6013-3088 (Pokemon Omega Ruby, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, Super Smash Bros 3DS)
latias1236: 1719-3180-4501  (Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, Pokemon X)
Aquaris: 2079-7481-6402 (Pokemon X, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Fire Emblem: Awakening)

Wii U NNIDs:
Falaflame: Falaflame (Dr. Luigi, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros Wii U)
Endymion0: Endymion0 (Super Smash Bros Wii U)
Spencer: GameSerpent (Super Smash Bros Wii U, Mario Kart 8)
A_Dirty_Couch: NurTheCouch (Super Smash Bros Wii U, Mario Kart 8)
JoeyDee9: JoeyDee9 (no games specified)

Steam ID:
Falaflame: Falaflame (Mabinogi, Team Fortress 2)
Lyxi: Rainbowmists, Rainbowmistz (No games specified)
Saito8546: 020153465/Saito8546 (No games specified)
Darkfire16: Short-Factor (No games specified)
BeastExe: BeastExe (No games specified)
Viersell: Viersell (No games specified)
Alynnia: savepvttaco
Spencer: Spencer3343 (Castle Crashers, Team Fortress 2)
Aquaris: furby4537568 (no games specified)
WinterWyvern: TundraDragon (Team Fortress 2, Left4Bread2, Dota 2, Mabinogi, GunZ 2)
JoeyDee9: JoeyDee9 (no games specified)

Darkfire16: Short-Factor (No games specified)
KuramaVII: TubTub98 (Naruto Storm Revolution, DB Xenoverse, CoD BO2, CoD MW3, CoD BO1, Freedom Wars)
JoeyDee9: JoeyDee9 (No games specified)

Gamer Tag:
KuramaVII: SidewaysBurner (Destiny, CoD BO 2, SSF4 Arcade Edition, Tekken Tag 2, Persona 4 Arena)
Viersell: LucianBlackWolf (CMTY Ambassador and Elite Enforcer)
Spencer: GameSerpent (Dragon Ball Xenoverse, Titanfall, Watch Dogs)
JoeyDee9: JoeyDee9 (No games specified)

Edited by Falaflame
Posted · Hidden

I really only use Steam out of everything here.

Steam ID: Rainbowmists (or Rainbowmistz), however currently under visible name Lyxi.
(One way to find me as well is to search for the Friend Corner group)

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Updated the list.

Also posted this thread in the wrong section. Would a mod be so kind as to move it to its rightful spot? (General Discussion)

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Steam: BeastExe

I have a 3DS fc... but my 3DS isn't with me.

And it's not just you. I was doing a quick type up for my profile and I found the spacing to be... unique... when using the enter/return key.

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PSN: TubTub98 (mostly on Naruto storm revolution, DB Xenoverse, cod black ops 2, mw3, cod black ops 1, Freedom Wars on vita)

XBL gamerta:  SidewaysBurner (mostly on Destiny, black ops 2, SSF4 Arcade Edition, Tekken Tag 2, Persona 4 Arena )

3DS I need to find if for my FC, but I'm usually play Pokemon on it (I'll get smash soon)

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I have Steam, XBL, 3ds.

Steam: Viersell (Used for chat, I don't play mabi via steam I use Client version of mabi)
XBL: LucianBlackWolf (CMTY Ambassador and Elite Enforcer, atm on vacation from that)
I have to find my 3ds and FC (Pokemon OR/X)

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Nintendo ID: Endymion0 , though atm I'm getting my gamepad repaired, but add me if you'd like (if you dare). 

Smash bros for Wii U.

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Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Spencer3343/ (Castle Crashers, Team Fortress 2.)

Wii U NNID: GameSerpent (Super Smash Bros Wii U, Mario Kart 8, Hyrule Warriors)

3DS FC: 3926-6013-3088 (Super Smash Bros 3DS, Pokemon X & Y, Pokemon Omega Ruby)

Gamer Tag: GameSerpent (Dragon Ball Xenoverse, Titanfall, Watch Dogs)

Posted · Hidden

The Steam profile doesn't look like it's set up. But I'll add the rest.

​I edited a bunch of stuff on my steam right now. I also edited my post and added my games.

Posted (edited) · Hidden

3DS friend code: 1719-3180-4501  (Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, Pokemon X)

Edited by latias1236
I forgot a game.
Posted (edited) · Hidden

Wii U NNID : CouchTheNur (Super Smash Bros Wii U, Mario Kart 8)

Let's get some matches going :P

Steam: A Dirty Couch

Edited by A_Dirty_Couch
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Steam: furby4537568

3DS: 2079-7481-6402 Pokemon X, MH3U (I suck at this 8D), FE:A

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JoeyDee9 for everything! (Well except 3DS)

I really don't play anything but Mabi and smite though, but feel free to add me as I do own most of the multiplayer games listed here. 

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As surprising as this may sound, I'm a pretty avid YuGiOh player, following the scene competitively for nearly eight years. My handle on DuelingNetwork (the most well known dueling terminal (also browser based, feel free to give it a try)) is Jain vi Bookshelvia.

Also dabble into League of Legends. Summoner Name is Toon Gemini Elf.

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