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🚩 Blargel

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Everything posted by Blargel

  1. I've been in a dungeon with one who just stood around. It was back when Glowing Statue Karu was hard as fuck and a few thousand damage was a lot of damage. The GM punched a gold mask ghost for like 600 with his bare hands and took 1 damage from it, lol.
  2. I'm not familiar enough with alchemy to know about enchants, but you can view a list of alchemy related enchants here: http://wiki.mabinogiworld.com/view/Alchemy_Modifiers
  3. Alchemy damage usually only affects actual damage. For example, on Water Cannon, you'll get a bonus to the base damage if you use an upgraded Gospel. This bonus will be affected by charge multiplier as well which makes it stack up pretty high if you get enough bonus damage. Unfortunately, it will not affect things like freezing duration for Frozen Blast or golem size for Golem Transmutation. Elemental boosts on the other hand will affect other things besides damage. Frozen blast duration, golem size, blinding duration, rain cloud duration, barrier spike health, and probably a lot of other stuff that I forgot will get boosted if you have the corresponding elemental boost on your cylinder. For damage, rather than adding to the base damage, it is added to the multiplier -- the same place in formula Alchemy Mastery and [X Element] Alchemy skills would add their bonuses. Chances are this elemental boost will increase your damage a bit better than the alchemy damage upgrades on the Gospel Cylinder, assuming rank 1 alchemy skills. Since most of the skills you're using aren't really intended for damage, except for Hydra, you should probably carry an Earthquake and a Hurricane. Assuming, of course, that you don't mind switching cylinders every time you want to use a skill with a conflicting element.
  4. Do you mean how the + or - on an element affects your skills? Or how the Gospel's alchemy damage upgrades compare to the natural elemental boosts?
  5. It depends on how much you care to maximize effectiveness for each individual skill. If you want maximum effectiveness, you will want both the Hurricane (+36% wind, -12% everything else) and Earthquake (+18% earth, -6% everything else) to switch between. If you don't care for effectiveness and would rather only have one cylinder, then Gospel is probably your best bet. It'll have the same base effectiveness (+/- 0% on all elements) as a regular cylinder, but the upgrades are a bit better.
  6. I haven't played piano in so long, but here are a few videos from way too long ago.
  7. If you're wondering why that optioned turned on by itself, the game asks you if you would like to optimize performance if it drops below a certain framerate during raids like the Black/White Dragon. If you click yes, it'll activate that option (among a few other things), but won't change it back automatically after the raid finishes.
  8. How rare are these things anyway? I might log in just to nab one if it isn't too expensive.
  9. Quality is randomized even if you perfectly follow a recipe so try it multiple times if you need to.
  10. The main issue with the current solo voice set (that I have anyway) is the same issue I have with the Electric Guitar's distortion octaves. Some of the notes just randomly have a delay on them, causing the rhythm of the song to just screw up completely.
  11. Oh wow, only the leader needs it? That's amazing. Please do let me know how your later testing works out.
  12. I heard there's an accessory that makes instrument playing succeed 100% of the time. A must have for band play! I hope they aren't super expensive. I might pop on and buy one if they're reasonable.
  13. Gimme a way to do dubstep. (Just kidding, I actually don't like dubstep all that much.)
  14. Animenz is godlike. If he did a song that I like, chances are I used his sheet music to make an MML already, lol.
  15. Haha, that reminds me of one time I was in China for a year and STILL TRIED TO PLAY NA MABINOGI. It was awful. I ended up only doing dungeons where I can one shot monsters or just chatting. The Great Firewall of China didn't help either since that somehow causes even more lag.
  16. "Fulfilled" section means that the request has been completed already. Please do not post your request in that section. It will be moved at some point when someone finishes it.
  17. Archery renovation made Mirage Missile's mirage damage actually kill. This, stupidly, carried over to the PvP aspect of it and now people can decimate entire cities with their AIDS. I actually feared this would happen when I read about the change in the KR test server... lo and behold, my fears have come true. Good thing I don't actually play anymore.
  18. Done! I did a piano version that I found the sheet music for. It's not as good as the real guitar/vocal version, but it's not bad still.
  19. Blargel

    Vocaloid - Tengaku (Piano Version)

  20. I don't mean to be mean, but... why don't you just log in, read the quest, and read what the event NPC tells you?
  21. That explains why you rep'd my Masshiro World yesterday. :V
  22. I can vouch for every one of CorusDracos's suggestions, except I don't know about Gunslinger Stratos. I'm looking at my anime list and I can't be bothered to remember if some of these are actually from 2014 or later so apologies if some of these you've already seen. My suggestions, minus what Corus suggested, that I think most people will like in no particular order: Kekkai Sensen from this season, which is ending soon. Amagi Brilliant Park is hilarious. Blood Lad is also hilarious. Mekakucity Actors is pretty interesting, and it's done by Shaft so why not? Hataraku Maou-sama! is really funny and also has a good story. Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de is funny and has a good story. Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou is a dark magical girl show, similar to Madoka. Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai was unexpectedly pretty good. Outbreak Company is a great comedy. I highly recommend it if you are already a gigantic anime nerd. Kill la Kill is bizarre but watch it. Just... just watch it. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun is really funny. Nanatsu no Taizai is a kind of standard shounen show, but the characters are good. Death Parade is amazing. Hitsugi no Chaika and its second season Hitsugi no Chaika: Avenging Battle is good. Psycho-Pass 2 came out, but I think the first season was a lot better. It was still a great show nonetheless. And then here's a list of things that I don't know everyone would enjoy but that I did: If you're into the Dog Days series, the latest season is Dog Days'' Nagi no Asukara is kinda slow and focuses very heavily on character development. I liked it but it bored a lot of my friends. Selector Infected WIXOSS and its sequel Selector Spread WIXOSS is pretty damn good despite being about card games. Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? is super cute and is getting a second season soon. Hanayamata is another cute show, though the way one of the girls' faces are drawn bothers me. Mikakunin no Shinkoukei is cute and funny. And it has Mashiro in it. Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata is a comedy, but the main reason I liked it is hard to put into words concisely... Samurai Flamenco is a hilarious parody of super sentai shows. It gets more and more absurd as it goes on. Kiniro Mosaic, another cute series, got a second season that just finished call Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic.
  23. I don't think Mabinogi really counts as low memory usage. I think you might be looking for something that doesn't require a good graphics card since neither Mabinogi and MapleStory use it very intensively. That said, I don't really have any suggestions since I play TERA and Vindictus, both of which have really nice graphics, lol.
  24. Pretty much exactly what happens any time I consider making this song, lol. Minus the power lines being cut. I did try again after my first post in this thread and I didn't make any more progress than the last few times I tried.
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