🎶Alynnia Posted May 21, 2015 Report Posted May 21, 2015 (edited) Now the title says it all most likely but yeah. How did you guys ever start playing Mabinogi? Like start fresh as Newbie at the ttl of 0 and you practically don't know what you are doing? x) For me, I've actually started playing Mabinogi around 2007 when I was waiting for a long maintenance for this other game I've always played a lot. Now I didn't enjoy Mabi much when I started because I had a very poopy computer and I was lagging too much at the point where I just stopped 10 minutes into the game. About after a couple years later, a good irl friend of mine told me about the game and how he played it a lot. He mentioned that he would help me around if I join back and I decided to give it another try. I was just a poor squishy archer elf that is still clueless on what I'm doing but after a couple weeks I stopped again. When i heard about the talent "Gunslinger," again, i gave Mabi another go and i started enjoying using guns although i never realized how the stats were based off of STR and INT but one time, I was just minding my own business around Dunby and I've met a couple people playing some music and I was amazed by that. I asked around how they do all that playing music stuff and they guided me as I started to grow more interest to Mabinogi until this day~ Also a side note, I've been addicted to fashion in game since I was a fashion maniac in the other game i used to play a lot. #Fasionogi TL;DR: Playing/Sharing/Composing Music made me love Mabinogi. I honestly don't remember the full exact story but this is close enough.. xP Edited May 22, 2015 by Alynnia
🚩ADirtyCouch Posted May 22, 2015 Report Posted May 22, 2015 I think it was somewhere in 2008-2009 that I was invited to play Maplestory with a friend, but I couldn't really get into it. So he asks to try out Mabinogi with him and... He quits not even an hour into it. I thought that I wouldn't put time into Mabi until I saw someone barding at Tir. At first I didn't really care about the default tunes but then they started playing music from other games. I was like, "YOU CAN DO THAT!?!" And then my fantasy life began.
🚩Blargel Posted May 22, 2015 Report Posted May 22, 2015 (edited) My brother told me about it when it was coming out of open beta so I gave it a try. Back then I was a huge Touhou nerd and there was a fair amount of people from the Touhou community playing in Tarlach (the Emain Seal Breakers are Cirno and Patchouli for example) so I enjoyed socializing there. I did end up quitting for a while when these guys stopped as well, but came back with the introduction of free rebirths. At that time, I had just finished Ar Tonelico 2 and absolutely loved the character Jacqli, so I made a new character named after her in Mabinogi when I started again. My goal was to make my character as similar as possible to the original, which meant she was going to focus on magic (since she was widely considered to be the strongest mage in that universe). Along the way, I also picked up making MML and when I got tired of training skills or grinding AP, I had fun making MML. It was great because in the Ar Tonelico universe, mages cast magic by singing. It meshed with well my character goal. What's funny is that by the time I stopped playing a lot, I was starting to get known as one of the strongest mages in Tarlach AND a good bard. I guess I accomplished my goal after all this time. Edited May 22, 2015 by Blargel
.... Posted May 22, 2015 Report Posted May 22, 2015 Saw someone playing it at my school. Downloaded it immediately on my computer but was deleted since my retarded ass folks who think they know it all thought it would "mess up their computer". Had to wait to get my own laptop to be able to play which was 1-2 years afterwards.
🎶Kazachi Posted May 22, 2015 Report Posted May 22, 2015 A friend forced me and I said no. 2 Years later he said you can make your own music Then, I downloaded it in a heartbeat. (tbh: the game is not bad. It literally takes my life away XD)
Laviexclaus Posted May 22, 2015 Report Posted May 22, 2015 was playing Tiner Me back in 2010(?) -or something like that- and saw the ad of Mabinogi and I was like, "sure why not" suddenly I was reading about hamlet and romeo and juliet, and all my teachers were like "o _ o is she seriously reading shakespear wow" and stuff, not to mention how many friends I've made, although many I do not see anymore also I really into my violin at the time and fathoming the thought that I could make music in game was amazingggg 8D so yeeeeah
👑BeastExe Posted May 22, 2015 Report Posted May 22, 2015 let's see... back in 2007 or something, my brother was in cbt and had me watch. Note: he's five years younger than me. I couldn't really understand it, plus i got motion sick. (I get motion sick from games quite easily.) A year later, my friend was like, "PLAY THIS WITH ME NOW." and eventually came to like it...? I never really got into making music because it was 300 times more work than actually playing the music irl. However, I broke a finger several summers ago which made playing the piano a painful task. I needed to do something, so I started playing around with mabi music making until I got used to it.
👑Pokemonher01 Posted May 22, 2015 Report Posted May 22, 2015 I got bored of Maplestory being alone, so I went to Mabinogi cause the video everyone was in a Campfire and there was a music talent and I was in~! I am a Human Archer and Bard I did archer because I was a level 160 Bowmaster on Maplestory <3. I meet a lot of great people but I still lonely most the time now always doing stuff alone cause peeps be busy.
👑Bran Posted May 22, 2015 Report Posted May 22, 2015 I was playing MapleStory at the time, and I checked out what this new game called Mabinogi was, so I signed up for closed beta, but didn't get in because I was too late and my account's age wasn't over 13. Officially started a month after it went into open beta, didn't understand what I was doing, and then I quit some months later. My first char was named robloxianman and I started in Nao (Mari). That IGN is so embarrassing, it shows how young I was... .____. I came back in 2010 on a new account and began to understand the game a bit more, played on a giant named Axsento at the time. Made a few friends, then suddenly quit. Came back in 2012 and played on a human that I had made on the same account, and that's when I officially became Omnicity. I honestly hate how I typed "city" instead of "sity" at the end. I don't know what I was thinking... Nowadays, I stay in Tir playing music, talking to people, or going AFK while I make transcriptions on MuseScore. Music is literally the only thing that is keeping me from quitting... well, my close friends are also a reason, but music is mainly why I'm still playing.
aecus Posted May 22, 2015 Report Posted May 22, 2015 i came to mabi for no important reason at all c: just random steam search and decided why dafuq not
Wolfboy_Gamer Posted May 22, 2015 Report Posted May 22, 2015 I believe I was 14 years old when I started playing......It was the year 2010 when I first found Mabinogi. I was bored out of mind during the summer and wanted to find a new online game to play. One mourning, I just went on to google and typed in, "Free MMORPG", in the search bar and found a link to the nexon corporation. In the big list of games only one visual actually caught my eye, and that was the title of Mabinogi. I was curious on the game so click on the webpage and read the description, and soon was eager to test it! I soon spent 2 whole days leaving my computer on downloading all the content required for the game, and like most people waiting hurts my soul. But when I finally entered I decided to create My first character Wolfboy60, a name I choose wisely due to the fact the twilight fandom was going crazy during that time, and wanted my character to have no relationship with the werewolves at that time. It was on that first day, that began my adventure.... I was amazed at the freedom it offered! Allowing all skills to be used at once, made it so much more enjoyable!...especially since most players back then were complete jerks and tried to have me killed for giggles. Was so sick of the crappy treatment that I almost quit 2 months in, but was soon rescued by one person who became my first friend Resza. Her friendship that day, allowed me to really enjoy the game and soon make 100's of new friends. I fell in love with this game, and been playing it for a good solid 5 years, and was known as the most frequent player in my first guild aristocratic. That is my story
👑Pokemonher01 Posted May 22, 2015 Report Posted May 22, 2015 I still only 8 months into this game -3- I want to be experienced like you guys
🎶Alynnia Posted May 22, 2015 Author Report Posted May 22, 2015 On 5/22/2015 at 2:02 PM, Pokemonher01 said: I still only 8 months into this game -3- I want to be experienced like you guys It's okay Poke, You'll experience more throughout this year and more.
🎶Jainnifer Posted May 22, 2015 Report Posted May 22, 2015 On 5/22/2015 at 12:47 AM, Blargel said: My brother told me about it when it was coming out of open beta so I gave it a try. Back then I was a huge Touhou nerd and there was a fair amount of people from the Touhou community playing in Tarlach (the Emain Seal Breakers are Cirno and Patchouli for example) so I enjoyed socializing there. I did end up quitting for a while when these guys stopped as well, but came back with the introduction of free rebirths. At that time, I had just finished Ar Tonelico 2 and absolutely loved the character Jacqli, so I made a new character named after her in Mabinogi when I started again. My goal was to make my character as similar as possible to the original, which meant she was going to focus on magic (since she was widely considered to be the strongest mage in that universe). Along the way, I also picked up making MML and when I got tired of training skills or grinding AP, I had fun making MML. It was great because in the Ar Tonelico universe, mages cast magic by singing. It meshed with well my character goal. What's funny is that by the time I stopped playing a lot, I was starting to get known as one of the strongest mages in Tarlach AND a good bard. I guess I accomplished my goal after all this time. At times like this, I almost wish I started in Tarlach. The thought of a Touhou community immortalized in a server makes me squeal.I started in 2007, around the time when G6 was just about to transition into G7. The very first event I ever participated in was the Imp's Dream Event, followed by the 4th of July one. It was my Sophomore year in High School and, at the time, I was a fairly accomplished YuGiOh player. I had a falling out with a certain archetype at the time (I still despise Blackwings, even now) and wanted to try something new. A friend of mine told me about Mabi and how unique its system was, lamenting that his computer couldn't run the game properly and how wished to go back to it. Somewhere down the line, I fell in love with its music and atmosphere, meeting friends that has both changed me as a person and as a gamer. I did attempt to break off with this game during the 2011 gold duping fiasco. The rollbacks were the last straw, personally. Then someone told me about the Merlin update and here I am, still frustrated with this steaming pile of lazy programming. Admit it, Mabi's always been a love/hate relationship.
latias1236 Posted May 23, 2015 Report Posted May 23, 2015 A friend of my brother wanted him to play it. My first reaction was laughing at the giant eagle pet, but I later decided it seemed fun and downloaded it. Definitely glad I did.
rimedragona Posted May 24, 2015 Report Posted May 24, 2015 Hm, back during G...2, maybe? A friend of mine convinced me to play this MMO that had a battle system unlike anything else I'd tried before. I was really reluctant, because I'd been... *cough* slightly addicted to Everquest back in the day, and it made me really leery of MMOs in general. But I agreed to try it out, and it was the most frustrating game I'd ever encountered. ;p Nothing like the "press 1, press 2, press 3, okay, press 1 again" type of battle that EQ had. So I never really quite got into it. But he kept telling me about all the things and prodding me to come back and play some more. Eventually I did for realsies instead of just to placate him occasionally, maybe around the time of Iria's release? And somewhere along the line, I adapted to the battle system, and the rest, as they say, is history. So, I started playing Mabi because of a pushy friend who wouldn't take no for an answer.
👑Ivy Posted May 24, 2015 Report Posted May 24, 2015 I started to play around G17, towards the bard update, thanks to a friend. I was looking for a new MMO to play at that time, and I never regretted playing Mabi. In fact, it just made me more critical of any possible MMOs i might play.... and the ones I've played before.
Darlok Posted June 9, 2015 Report Posted June 9, 2015 Was looking into a 3d mmorpg that didnt try to be another WoW
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