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🚩 Blargel

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Everything posted by Blargel

  1. You'd have to change the duration of the notes themselves. If you double all the numbers for duration (c4 -> c8 for example), your song will be twice as fast while keeping the same tempo. Unfortunately, this is super tedious... I have a song I wanted to do that to, but when I tried to do it, I messed everything up because I probably forgot to change the duration on one thing.
  2. I'm playing TERA Online again. Anyone here play and is on Tempest Reach?
  3. Did you really make a Papyrus account just to shout at Sans, lol?
  4. So the new partner can play musical instruments and do jams. Doesn't this mean if we have an 8 person party and all of them have a music partner, we can do 16 person jams now? @Yasuno 9 through 16 person ensemble sections please.
  5. 7x4 which is enough for 14 scrolls.
  6. Well you can just put o0 and 3ml will use it. It just can't reach octave 0 with < for some reason. It will also screw things up in octave 0 if you optimize so you'll have to remember to replace certain <'s afterwards. Yeah it's inconvenient, but I'm pretty sure that's what everyone here who uses octave 0 is doing.
  7. If it's a song in major key, you can try transposing the song into the C major key. If it's in a minor key, you can try transposing the song to the A minor key. Both those keys do not have any sharps or flats. EDIT: I see the original song is in G minor. Here's a handy transposition guide from G minor to A minor. I'll write it like x -> y where x is the original note, and y is the transposed note. C -> D C+/D- -> D+ D -> E D+/E- -> F E -> F+ F -> G F+/G- -> G+ G -> A G+/A- -> A+ A -> B A+/B- -> C B -> C+
  8. Blargel

    Chrono Cross - Spring's Gift

  9. What do you mean lower octaves? Are you trying to use octave 0? Or do you want instruments to play lower than they are intended to go?
  10. Aren't slurs just a grouping of notes to be played without any breaks in between? Just don't put any rests between the notes in a slur.
  11. I don't mean to rain on your parade but... http://wiki.mabinogiworld.com/view/User:LexisMikaya/MML_101_Guide/Instrument_Ranges
  12. Sleeping and gaming. Also I'm always single at all times of the year, Omni. Probably due to lack of effort, but still. Screw all you happy couples
  13. "That was a perfect song" Playing Instrument +0.03
  14. I've been messing with the sounds as well and they're a bit hard to use for the kind of songs I usually make. I prefer the Lyre still.
  15. The instrument sounds are stored in a file on the client side that can be easily replaced as long as you know how to create a replacement. You can make any instrument in game sound like anything you want but like you said, no one but you will hear the new sounds.
  16. More stuff from Couch. I found out from trying this in game that his MML is actually a bit wonky so I'll try to help him fix it later on today.
  17. This instrument in Mabinogi please.
  18. Nice! More Super Mario RPG songs are great. I considered doing Booster's Tower as well, but got lazy, haha. Sounds great and awesome use of festival instruments.
  19. I moved this over to Off Topic since... that's what it is. Gaster, I recognize that you're roleplaying as an Undertale character but this is pretty much just spam to anyone who doesn't get the reference. Please refrain from making threads like this in the future. Also, please actually write a proper thread title so people can easily identify the purpose of your thread.
  20. This is an abomination. Just as intended.
  21. If you don't notice a change, you may have the tempo being set on other tracks as well. Check all of them.
  22. Speaking from experience, it would like to say that it is sometimes hard to decide what is the right course of action as a moderator (though there haven't been any serious issues on these forums so far). In this particular case, it's hard to say that I wouldn't have done the same. This is how it probably looked to them You were a troublemaker in the past and got banned. Since you were a troublemaker before, they are going to be skeptical of you for a while. You wrote something that could be interpreted as an attack or as constructive criticism. However, because of #2, they immediately assumed it was just an attack. Obviously, I don't know the details of your circumstances, but I will say that the people I consider banning are the ones that make my job harder for me. The people that make my job harder are the ones that cause pointless arguments or drama. I believe when you first joined, a tiny bit of drama followed you here from those very forums so there's probably bias against you from the moderator's perspective from that. Also, I would like to point out that most forums do have a rule about not openly arguing with or criticizing a moderator. It's usually encouraged to send private messages if there's an issue and escalate it further (like to an administrator) if the moderator is being unreasonable in private as well. If the admin is a shithead, then you're outta luck, but then again, you probably shouldn't be in that community in the first place. I got nothing on the crappy thread moving though. Probably lack of attention and no higher authority keeping them in line. EDIT: By the way, I thought I should mention your post actually set off a bunch of moderation alarms in my head. This kind of thread can easily devolve into stupid drama so I was very tempted to just lock it immediately. I'll give it a chance, but the moment I notice it heading south, it's getting locked. EDIT2: Don't send that message. I guarantee they will think you're an idiot and just laugh about it.
  23. I just remembered a few more I've saved. Super fire glitching! They fixed this already though. I have no idea what I did to trigger this system message. This wording made me think I somehow managed to delete the character who sent me the mail.
  24. I believe the client can only play 15 or 16 tracks at a time for music, which is probably why 3MLE also has the track limit. If you want, you can hit this limitation with a single person with the Lyre or PIano since it has lingering notes.
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