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🎶 andrewngn13

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Everything posted by andrewngn13

  1. andrewngn13

    Rewrite OST - Philosophz

  2. andrewngn13

    Overlord - Clattanonia

  3. andrewngn13

    Spice and Wolf - Tabi no Tochuu

  4. andrewngn13

    Deemo - Suspenseful Third Day

  5. "IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS JUNE 30, you are most comfortable in home surroundings." ....I think they're watching me.
  6. Sometimes my raid group just isn't around to raid, or we all feel too lazy to go kill Girgashiy. Good thing Saga 1 Episode 3 still throws out money with little effort. /doll bags and hydra all day
  7. andrewngn13

    Spice and Wolf- Ringo Biyori

  8. If you can find a giant broken emblem and the manual, I'd be happy to make one for you.
  9. andrewngn13

    Vocaloid- Lost One's Weeping

  10. -a rare ssr member appeared- Hello and welcome to MabiBeats.
  11. then someone hit the world reset button which
  12. ​Alchemy and cooking really boosted my stamina.
  13. Mabinogi goals(Alexina: andrewngn13) -r1 my combat tab -Adonis fishing set -Finish enchanting thames set -Create music buff/production quality set Bhafel Guard set creation Master engineering Gather money for mabi fan creation art Cartel 67th Floor my blue Demonic lance and reforges it Not necessarily in that order.
  14. I think it's argueable of close combat being the greatest base class. True, it holds many of the essentials to many classes, but the game is easily passable by ranking up shield mastery alongside complementary skills to firebolt. Heavy armor mastery might be needed, but you can always just grab some potions then. The shield prevents you from being killed and the firebolt will kill most things in 1-3 hits. I think what you really need to address is that the player needs to empower themselves and to answer the original question, how to obtain more money. When a newbie asks me the same question, I tell them to become strong(alongside advice on their chosen class). Although close combat is one of the easiest ways, and renovation should also help with this, it simply isn't a great way to deal with mobs at the higher end game. One of the greatest flaws in becoming strong is the fact that it is hard for newbies to obtain levels, and therefore ap early on in the game. This restricts their growth and puts a bottleneck on their growth. My remedy for this is to try and get a newbie into a guild quickly where there are people that can help them with their chosen talent and also help them level so that they become strong enough to tackle activities that earn moderate gold.
  15. -would have thought a 2h axe would go into the vaults- My plans are to grab the 2 celtic royal swords and a royal celtic axe.
  16. ​This is...a giant character then I assume? -doesn't see any reason to have 2 hammers and 1 royal celt sword-
  17. -late to the welcoming party- Welcome to MabiBeats~
  18. If you used only one tempo for all the instruments, it should be fine. If you're changing up the tempo, that's where the desync should be. I'm not really certain of any other desyncs besides this one of tempo change.
  19. Oh...goodbye... Hey wait a second Welcome to MabiBeats.
  20. The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky - The Whereabouts of Light My only mml that I'm working, just trying to mix and match a duet into a solo piece that still fits in r1.
  21. I've pretty much given up Elsword and stayed true to Mabinogi. That whole thing about stamina I heard about somewhat deterred me also.
  22. ​-throws more peanuts from the peanut gallery-
  23. Welcome to MabiBeats~ We may have to hook you up with Jainnifer...
  24. Welcome to MabiBeats~
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