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🚩 Blargel

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Everything posted by Blargel

  1. For the dice, I saw that happening in Tarlach. That was clearly a hacker because the person was dropping like 10 dice a second while running around at the same time.
  2. I love that song too and I considered making it many times. It's really just too difficult to make a solo version that does the song justice imo...
  3. It's pretty well done, but you stacked violin's notes on top of each other to make it louder in 3ML. Unfortunately, that doesn't work in Mabinogi
  4. I first heard about Amiibos from this article. It definitely sparked my interest that what should be a simple toy could somehow learn this well.
  5. I was able to recognize Mami easily, but not Madoka, lol.
  6. Since @Viersell mentioned it in the ESO thread... any players here? My char's name is Jaune.Clafoutis (named after that tiger girl in Dog Days) and I'm on the Tempest Reach server. I recently started up again last weekend and got my old ass 60 berserker to 65 and I'm starting to work on getting Ambit gear now. My friends randomly threw me into Bathysmal Rise Hard Mode yesterday despite being only in Idoneal and pretty much laughed at me as I died over and over on the last boss. I wasn't geared enough to block anything he did, lol.
  7. I'd say voicing his opinions is perfectly fine actually. It should take more than just one guy saying he doesn't like the game after playing it to discourage someone from playing a game, I'd hope.
  8. Moved to the marketplace. I assumed it was Alexina, but lemme know if I was wrong.
  9. I don't play but here's something I knew would happen since I heard about the premise of the game. http://nintendoeverything.com/splatoon-getting-free-ika-musume-squid-girl-collaboration-costume/
  10. Congrats! What did you guys play?
  11. It's probably more like she's doing this while she's at work too. Office worker problems, lol.
  12. Even if I were still playing Mabinogi enough to want to do this, I'd be at work anyway.
  13. http://store.steampowered.com/app/264200/ This is kind of an old game, but it's really fun. The controls are really simple but the difficulty can ramp up to absurd levels. It also has the most hilarious survival mode ever.
  14. How... what... HOLY HELL THIS IS AMAZING!!
  15. My brother told me about it when it was coming out of open beta so I gave it a try. Back then I was a huge Touhou nerd and there was a fair amount of people from the Touhou community playing in Tarlach (the Emain Seal Breakers are Cirno and Patchouli for example) so I enjoyed socializing there. I did end up quitting for a while when these guys stopped as well, but came back with the introduction of free rebirths. At that time, I had just finished Ar Tonelico 2 and absolutely loved the character Jacqli, so I made a new character named after her in Mabinogi when I started again. My goal was to make my character as similar as possible to the original, which meant she was going to focus on magic (since she was widely considered to be the strongest mage in that universe). Along the way, I also picked up making MML and when I got tired of training skills or grinding AP, I had fun making MML. It was great because in the Ar Tonelico universe, mages cast magic by singing. It meshed with well my character goal. What's funny is that by the time I stopped playing a lot, I was starting to get known as one of the strongest mages in Tarlach AND a good bard. I guess I accomplished my goal after all this time.
  16. I can spend hours working on MML for a single song. For me hearing it slowly come together on 3MLE is its own reward. Maybe I'm just weird, lol. I definitely need to like the song in order to work on it though.
  17. ​Haha, I remember this when it was new. Freaked me the fuck out the first time.
  18. Be OP and spam MA tournament for levels. Also, if you only do the daily quests for rafting, ballooning, and exploration (Alexina's), you'll get a decently high exploration level within a week.
  19. I try really really hard not to rant, but you might be able to get me going on the fighting games I play (damn you Street Fighter 4's input system and BlazBlue's complex hitbox interactions).
  20. Oh that song. Right. I got another version of that. Also, how about the classic of all classics.
  21. Holy hell, it sounds spot on!
  22. Blargel

    Darude - Sandstorm

  23. What am i doing with my life?
  24. Okay, I'm done: http://mabibeats.com/solos/videogame/mega-man-2-medley-guitar-version-r1020/ That was a pretty hard conversion honestly.
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