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🎶 KuramaVII

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Everything posted by KuramaVII

  1. ​It's not an HD remake, it's a full remake. 1. KH3 (then again I don't know, it looks even easier than Dream Drop Distance) 2. Destiny: The Taken King DLC 3. FF7
  2. ​No, they're both 4m. If they have low durability, then 3m. I think 40/40 is like 4m-4.5m.
  3. ​Well, with the higher level prison of elders and the nightfalls, yeah, you're almost guaranteed an exotic, doesn't necessarily mean it'll be for your class though unless you're just lucky. Last month I got 3 ghallajorns from nightfalls, this month I just keep getting warlock stuff (I'm a titan), but I'm not complaining, I recently got to the cap.
  4. ​That's because the dark below DLC. It made getting legendaries easier and even then, it doesn't take a week, because you only get 100 pvp and pve marks a week, it'd take you about 2-3 weeks (unless iron banner is on). Level doesn't matter in pvp though, only in pve and prison of elders, in pvp everything is capped (unless it's iron banner which is like 1 week out of each month and trails of osiris which is 4 days out of each week.)
  5. I'm not even sure I have 1m lol, lemme log in tommorow so I can check my bank
  6. xbox 360 GT: SidewaysBurner need more people to with play in Tekken, Blazblue, Persona 4 Arena, Anarchy Reigns, and Destiny, oh and Street Fighter.
  7. black dye for between 1-1.5m (try 1.5 then go down to 1.2 if it doesn't sell) white dye for 1m then everything else you should then have more than enough for a piano because they only cost like 3-4m. I may be interested in that white dye though.
  8. ​who told you that? And wouldn't PT be 5pm? I'm in central and California is 2 hours behind me.
  9. Welp, guess I'll be going as well.
  10. I'm an Aquarius. Mine says that I'm clever, witty, emotionless, stubborn, sarcastic, and rebellious. As for how I actually am, I disagree with rebellious. Also says that I'm calm most of time (I can count the times I've gotten angry or upset over my life time, which really aren't that many, and my happiness level is pretty neutral lol.) Says I don't show my true nature around people unless I know them really well, to a degree (a small one) that's true. Says I like to deviate from the crowd, true I do like being alone, but I'm pretty social. Also says I quickly adapt, I agree with that, I can get used to new situations easily and if I see something done, I can quickly catch on to it (usually). Says that I'm a true visionary and leader, visionary definitely, leader, I'm not quick to jump to that spot, but if I have to I will. That's a summary of what mine says about me.
  11. gotta get a math credit I didn't know I needed to get accepted to the university I wanna go to.
  12. Use 3ml, either import midis which is the easy way, read sheet music which is slightly more challenging, or try it by ear which is the hard way. You'll get better with time and experience.
  13. https://diegointhebuilding.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/maxresdefault.jpg?w=365&h=212
  14. They really aren't though. Well PC in the sense of personal computer because they are computers and they are personal, but you look at microsoft then back to mac and it's basically like comparing an ipod to an android. ​That too. Stuff that shouldn't be overpriced is and the things that should be are really overpriced.
  15. the top 6 things for me 1. saying anyone from Naruto can compete with continent on up busters. 2. defending something in a game that's really broken or unbalanced with a stupid excuse. 3. attacking something in a game that's useful, but hard to be used, saying it needs to be nerfed. 4. take 3 and 4 and basically apply them to fighting games. 5. people in games who boast about being good, but use the cheapest tactics 6. racism (I'm against it) aside from 6 (and a few others that aren't listed) a lot of small things make me rant xD.
  16. I cannot as track 3 is at 499/500 notes and I'd have to lower the octaves in several different spots which would make track 3 go over the limit.
  17. still around 1m, but you can get lucky sometimes and find them for like 500k.
  18. I could try chemical plant for mandolin.
  19. -wastes master ball- ew...nature i don't want -puts in pc and never uses- welcome.
  20. You think that's scary? Have you seen the car bullets? Or the car jacking animals? By animals I mean wtf animals like pigeons.
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