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🎶 KuramaVII

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Everything posted by KuramaVII

  1. Because hacker is clearly the only logical first thing that should come to mind, not composer who knows how to rationalize their tracks or anything like that.
  2. any more people planning on coming tonight?
  3. ​so glad I started rebirthing less now.
  4. ​There is, it's called reporting.
  5. Just ignore them. You specifically haven't done anything wrong. I'm from US and stuff like that, we can't really call anyone else out on because US has done some pretty bad things in the past. ​They're not trolling, they're just being prejudice.
  6. I'll stick to console, my laptop struggles running skyrim on medium.
  7. Ah, trying to combine the two. ​Kind of yeah, but not really, I mean, I guess if you're going to be performing (in a jam), you could stand in the other line as a means to separate the performers from the audience.
  8. Now that I think about it, the one where the party leader waits in line, and the jam party waits in the audience sounds like it would be more organized, so lets go with that, if everyone wants to.
  9. ​You know what, challenge accepted. Oh, wait, you're on Tarlach -sad face-.
  10. Welcome
  11. KuramaVII

    F-Zero - Mute City (Remix)

  12. finished it http://mabibeats.com/?app=cms&module=pages&controller=page&path=solos/videogame/kingdom-hearts-another-side-r841 everything after measure 10 I had to make by ear, then I looped it a few times. EDIT: if you copied the code go recopy it, I added better volume control.
  13. xD, I'll start working on when I get home from classes in about an hour.
  14. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kSkSvK6Zx_I And https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PLhGvzu5kKo
  15. That sounds good, and made me feel nostalgic from back when Code Geass use to come on.
  16. Ohhhhh my god. That come back, 1 hit from dying and just owns him. I'd be salty.
  17. Last time I logged on was like 3-4 years ago lol. I forgot it existed until this post.
  18. I've seen some being sold for under that before, like 400-600k, just hang around dunby for a while.
  19. ​That's also a pretty good idea as well. Have the composer/person with the scroll stand in line while the rest of the party waits in the audience for them to go up. We should just have a vote to figure out how we do it. I still side with Jain's idea.
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