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https://www.reddit.com/r/Mabinogi/comments/5tcm18/soluna_blade_handed_out_to_a_random_player_in/?st=iz0w1lws&sh=c4734509 As if random bans on forums for 0 reason with 0 warnings wasn't petty enough the child calling herself "Community Manager" decided to give the currently impossible to obtain best 2 hander in the game to a player. The Soluna Blade. Posts about it on forums are unsurprisingly being deleted about it on forums as it is a crime against God to speak against the divine mods of the Nexon forums, and people posting about it are being banned. Whether it's permaban or temporary it's hard to say since on my end I can't even log in to see if there's a ban duration, or reason for the ban (Implying they need a good reason) So yea. Thanks to our beloved unhygienic twilight reject of a community manager some guy on Ruairi is running around with a sword that shouldn't exist in the game until years later of blood, sweat, and tears of farming and grinding, and is silencing everyone who speaks out against the blatant unfairness like a true embodiment of bias and corruption. Why go through the trouble of making a new forums if they will be treated the same way as the older forums? Sabina, enjoy losing your job. It's long overdue with how your unprofessional and childish behavior is. The more attention this (specifically the reddit thread) gets the faster the nexon forums can go back to being a corruption-free zone with 1 less attention whore to worry about, and maybe we may get a new community manager who is actually willing to do their job correctly and not pick favorites by literally tarnishing the balance of the game by putting 1 player above the rest because he kisses ass more than the others.
.... changed their profile photo
(Song begins at 9 seconds in, done with electric guitar please) (Also done with electric guitar) (Electric Guitar) (Lyre) (Whatever Instrument you think fits best) (Electric Guitar)
Pretty much exactly how she operates. That's our dearest community manager. And just when you think she can't get stupid enough, she unbans Zaro. If the forums weren't dead before they sure as hell are now lmao
So you have your cowardly posse force me to sing and then cause me to "collapse" and ban me because I'm a threat to your ego, beating me while I'm down for your own pathetic amusement. I wouldn't expect anything less. I've mindgamed both you and other GM's to expose your corruption. For a lack of a proper conversation you resort to acting like a child misusing your authoritative powers. It wouldn't be the first time and certainly not the last. But guess what? I'm not the one running a dead forum, and I'm perfectly guilt free with my dealings with fellow people because I'm not a tyrant like you and your posse. You believe you have the final say and you can do as you please. That's why you will never be professional. That's why you look like a reject from the Twilight series. That's why you can't even pronounce mabinogi properly. All the attention whoring you do holds absolutely no merit except for what goes on in your sad little head. Your actions have consequences and karma comes back around with the same force as what you deserve. I won't waste my time or energy anymore on someone who can't even have a proper conversation without exerting force and bans because she's too scared of facts and truth. But hey, whatever float's your titanic. I know you read my posts because no one calls you out like I do, because it infuriates your fragile ego, that someone isn't kissing your ass like you think everyone's supposed to be. In the real world, what you did and have done would land you many years in jail. Lucky you for having the internet to hide behind like the coward you are.
Thanks for your thoughts. If their jimmies are easily rustled thanks to constructive critisim then I don't see any issue telling them their forums are dead due to their tyranny. Its not like they will change their ways but they will have to live with that guilt for as long as they have that sad ego. I knew I was going to have an eye on me, but what happened during the course of those 3 days wasn't exactly an "eye". It was a clutch. I couldn't post in the sections I wanted, without them moving it to absurd areas and If I spoke out against it, they would delete it. Somewhere in their little world they think they rule the internet. Also the reason why I didn't bother trying to use the contact mod section since they never reply to that. Like this thread and the apparent thread on nexon forums that got me banned, my intention wasn't to turn everyone against the mods. If I wanted to do that it would have been done by now. Too easy to do actually. I have too much dirt on them. My intentions was simply to urge them to make the forums a more enjoyable experience instead of a corrupted concentration camp of tyrants. I've seen them be good moderators, and by that I don't mean attention whoring as much as possible, I mean warnings, statements of their moving/deleting actions, and most importantly, actively participating in threads. That pathetic coward Dealer decided to post after I was banned about me. If you have moderator powers, what do you have to fear? To be that fragile and scared proves you aren't fit to be a beneficiary part of the community and instead a snake lurking in the shadows trying to bite anyone who rustles your jimmies. They can laugh, but im not the one running a dead forum.
I got unbanned 3 days ago from my permaban on mabi forums, thanks to a tiny chat I had with Sabina. I will admit, I was kinda cheerful when I did get unbanned, but then I quickly remembered that the state the forums was in before I was banned and when I returned was the same. Mods moving/deleting threads incorrectly, and having bias on certain threads over others. I wasn't going to say anything until I noticed that twice my threads were moved in less than a minute to incorrect forum sections ( one was an endgame player question and the other a social mabi food thread that somehow didn't belong in general???), and then I saw a thread about sexual harassment, completely in the wrong section (general) and going strong for 14 pages. I was baffled at how idiotic this sad moderation was deemed acceptable and just, so naturally I made a thread questioning the moderators. No offenses thrown, no profanity or insults, just me questioning and providing constructive criticism. Just like that, I was banned once again. Back to permaban btw. It's funny because on that thread someone said I might get banned again for questioning the mods while another said "He can't get banned over simply questioning them, otherwise they would be tyrants". To which I responded "That's debatable". Looks like my response was prophetic, as I was promptly and unjustly banned once again from the nexon forums. I really don't know if they just see me as a threat to their ego or something. If so then they are easily deconstruct-able and fragile internet warriors. I found it hilarious how hellbent they are to protect their fragile sense of "authority" that they have to delete any posts questioning them. Just like a scumbag politician, or those deushbag cops who hunt people down for tickets instead of being a productive part of the community. Come Thursday when the GMs come over I'll personally give Sabina this message: "As long as you and your mods decide to act like tyrants, covering up your biased actions and deleting any posts questioning you, don't bother unbanning me again. I don't put up with corruption. You should know this by now. Feel free to unban me when you and your mods change your bias and become more than just the final nails on the coffin of the dead forums you have created." Thoughts?
Or maybe said awkward instances involve explicit/irrelevant things nobody has any business of hearing?
Too many to count.
Yare Yare Daze.
I haven't requested in a while, and I don't think my last request was ever made so here's a new one! Choose whatever instrument you think fits best!
My potato computer probably won't be able to handle it ;w;
Not bad but I personally think Rokka was better. I'll have to pick up Charlotte again since it lost my interest.
Seems very fishy. "Hey guise! buy our most expensive item on the webshop for a *rare* chance to get a higher rank reforge! So is it above Rank 1? Or higher chance to get Rank 1? Either way, I think this is a huge scam and a sad excuse of an event.