I got unbanned 3 days ago from my permaban on mabi forums, thanks to a tiny chat I had with Sabina. I will admit, I was kinda cheerful when I did get unbanned, but then I quickly remembered that the state the forums was in before I was banned and when I returned was the same. Mods moving/deleting threads incorrectly, and having bias on certain threads over others. I wasn't going to say anything until I noticed that twice my threads were moved in less than a minute to incorrect forum sections ( one was an endgame player question and the other a social mabi food thread that somehow didn't belong in general???), and then I saw a thread about sexual harassment, completely in the wrong section (general) and going strong for 14 pages. I was baffled at how idiotic this sad moderation was deemed acceptable and just, so naturally I made a thread questioning the moderators.
No offenses thrown, no profanity or insults, just me questioning and providing constructive criticism. Just like that, I was banned once again. Back to permaban btw.
It's funny because on that thread someone said I might get banned again for questioning the mods while another said "He can't get banned over simply questioning them, otherwise they would be tyrants". To which I responded "That's debatable". Looks like my response was prophetic, as I was promptly and unjustly banned once again from the nexon forums. I really don't know if they just see me as a threat to their ego or something. If so then they are easily deconstruct-able and fragile internet warriors.
I found it hilarious how hellbent they are to protect their fragile sense of "authority" that they have to delete any posts questioning them. Just like a scumbag politician, or those deushbag cops who hunt people down for tickets instead of being a productive part of the community. Come Thursday when the GMs come over I'll personally give Sabina this message:
"As long as you and your mods decide to act like tyrants, covering up your biased actions and deleting any posts questioning you, don't bother unbanning me again. I don't put up with corruption. You should know this by now. Feel free to unban me when you and your mods change your bias and become more than just the final nails on the coffin of the dead forums you have created."