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🚩 Blargel

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Everything posted by Blargel

  1. Haha, same sheet music that I used. I agree with your review on my version that your version is better, but I'm sad that you left out the best part of the song.
  2. I'm back from work... I'll log into Mabinogi. Just whisper me in-game if you wanna do Peaca again and hopefully I'll notice the sound, lol. EDIT: I should probably mention that I'll be in ch7. Been on Vindi too long and I can't remember if you can whisper cross-channel in Mabi.
  3. Don't count me unless you plan to be running like 4 hours later.
  4. I'm kinda getting bored of Vindictus. Maybe I can go after work.
  5. Those free reforges gave me like 3 rank 1s because I had 5 alts on my account that I could gather reforges from, lol.
  6. I used to have a goal of being a super bad ass mage. I achieved it and then shortly after I quit Mabinogi, lol.
  7. People call hax on the dumbest things...
  8. ​As long as you guys aren't completely assholes, I don't give a damn.
  9. What's that? You want my Mana Herbs? Good luck.
  10. ​I forgot to mention that this is only a problem if the same instrument is trying to play the same note. I'll edit that into the first post. ​I'm actually not sure why your example would cause Mabinogi to add a long delay before the skill finishes. I'm also really confused on how your solution works... Damn it devCat, why is your programming so shoddy.
  11. I've noticed that a lot of people are not completely familiar with the quirks of MML so I thought it'd be nice to write an FAQ about it. I'll add to this first post as time goes on as well if I see more questions that get asked quite often. Where can I learn how to write MML? There is an excellent guide on the Mabinogi World Wiki that also covers the answers to the questions below. It's pretty in-depth so if you just want to figure out what's wrong with your MML, check the answers below first. If you want to learn everything there is to know about MML and how Mabinogi interprets it, then check out that guide. Why does my jam's parts not sync up correctly in Mabinogi when they do in 3ML? The first and obvious thing to check is if your instruments are all playing at the correct tempo. If they are, then you probably ran into a quirk of Mabinogi's MML parser. 3ML and Mabinogi actually parse MML differently. The parser in 3ML behaves how you would expect, but the Mabinogi parser has some weird bugs in it that you have to work around. For this particular problem, Mabinogi for some reason messes up the duration of rests when you put them next to a tempo change; for example, "t100v15r2c". To get around this problem, you can use a silent note instead, like this "t100v0c2v15c". Why do some notes get cut off prematurely in Mabinogi when they play for the full duration in 3ML? This is, again, a problem with Mabinogi's MML parser. If you have a track that plays a note, but another track of the same instrument plays that same note in the middle of the first track's note, it will stop the first note to play the second note. So for example, if you have something that looks like this in 3ML: It will actually sound like this in Mabinogi: This is only a problem with tracks being played by the same instrument. If you have a flute play the same note as a mandolin, they will not interrupt each other. You can read more about this here. Why does my song get cut off before it finishes when I play it in game? Why does my song get a ton of extra silence at the end when I play it in game? Yes, the answer to this question is actually the same. The way Mabinogi detects the duration of a song is very different how 3ML does it. 3ML seems to check if there are still notes to be played, but Mabinogi calculates the duration of all the tracks, picks the longest one, and sets the skill to cancel when that longest track is finished playing. However, the way it calculates the duration of a track is faulty. If there is no tempo specified for the track it's calculating, it won't check the other tracks to see what tempo it should be, it'll assume that the track is supposed to use the default tempo, which is 120. This means that this track's duration will be calculated incorrectly. tl;dr The easiest way to fix this without too much thinking is to just add the tempo to all parts of the song. I saw a song being played where the cymbals sounded like a gong. How the heck did they do that? If you play cymbals at o2d+, you'll get a deep gong sound. It sounds like this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4234581/gong.mp3. Incidentally, the bass drum can also play a note at o2d+ and it'll be a much deeper drum sound than usual.
  12. ​The problem is in your second instrument. Also, as stated above, you only need tempo once per instrument, but the actual problem is that Mabinogi's MML parsing is buggy and messes up the duration of rests if you put them near a tempo change. You can fix it by replacing any rests near a tempo change with a note at 0 volume instead. So for your above example, can be fixed like this (I'm assuming you're using volume 15 but you can adjust it to any volume you want): melody 1: t80v0c8c8v15o3g8&g&g8a2<f#8&f#&f#8ba harmony 1: v15r8r8r8g&g8r2r8c#&c#8r2 harmony 2: v15r8r8r8b&b8r2r8e&e8r2
  13. This is less amazing and more bullshit. Why did this even work? lol (Also, timestamped video to where the bullshit happens)
  14. Responding to a troll is the worst thing to do. Whenever I want to respond to a troll because I feel he's a dumbass, I still don't respond. Instead I share what they say to my friends and we ridicule the stupidity of the messages. In the meantime, if a troll feels like no one is giving him attention anymore, he should eventually give up.
  15. It's unfortunate, but I believe that's the only way to tune a drum actually.
  16. I gave a piano example in PM as well, but ObliviouslyOblivious's post is a lot more thorough. I would say that the notes that linger is a matter of preference, though. I usually let the top-most notes linger. Another obvious suggestion is to just ignore the arpeggiation altogether and treat it as a normal chord. This might be the path you want to take if you're not that great at MML yet. Arpeggiation also definitely increases the character count of MML quite significantly so you should only use it when you don't mind inflating your character count.
  17. I find it hilarious that I answered a question by suggesting arpeggiated chords a little while ago. Here's my answer: ​I didn't actually give the code for it, but here's the code for this particular piece: b64>d64f+64b1 If you need an example for the specific section of sheet music or for an instrument other than a Lyre, I can give an example for that after I get back from work.
  18. "Oh cool, so the last one is going to be Bla-- wait what." -- Me as I read the last post.
  19. ​Haha, I made a Remilia too so that I could use two computers to have them stand next to each other. Too bad a friend of mine accidentally got that account locked and we can't get it back. I even have black demon wings for her to wear to finally complete it.
  20. When you get bored in Mabinogi, you do some really dumb things. Like make your characters dress up like other characters from other things. Here's a few of the things I've made. Has anyone else done anything like this? Jacqli (Maid Version) from Ar Tonelico 2 Tsukihi Araragi from the Monogatari Series Flandre Scarlet from the Touhou Series
  21. Holy hell that's ridiculous buff levels, lol. It's not important nor is it recent but... BEHOLD! THE DEADLIEST WEAPON EVER CREATED!
  22. I assume you're talking about the duration of a note. In this case, it sounds like you're talking about a dotted half note. If you put a dot on a note, you'll extend the duration of it by 50%, so a half note extended by 50% will become 3/4. In MML, you can use "c2." to represent a dotted half C. Incidentally, MML is able to handle any duration of notes. If you're unable to get what you need with just numbers and dots, you can also use the & symbol to tie notes together. For example, "c4&c16" would be the C note played for the duration of a quarter note and a sixteenth note put together. I hope that makes sense.
  23. I do have it, but this was taken before then. I also normally use Cichol for even more Mana to tank with.
  24. There's a magic power potion and catering in use in this screenshot because I was trying to see what my absolute max magic attack was. However, my base intelligence is 4 digits, which is why the display is bugged for it, lol.
  25. Oh you meant the genre of the music. Yeah, I dunno, lol.
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