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🚩 Blargel

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Everything posted by Blargel

  1. Blargel

    Mega Man 2 Medley (Guitar Version)

  2. I can try to take a look then and see if there's anything I can do.
  3. As a matter of fact, mandolin is the easiest thing to compose for. Electric guitar is also the hardest in my opinion.
  4. I'm back with another dosage of random music videos. This last one is in celebration of our Fate/Stay Night coming to Mabinogi.
  5. I had a similar experience before and took a screenshot. I have no idea what caused this either. You can see that I clearly do not have any potion poisoning or status effects in general.
  6. You sound like you need more stupid songs.
  7. I actually made that song in Mabinogi because of that video. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4234581/song previews/puzzle-plank-galaxy.mp3 It's not posted here yet because I need to redo the drums to work in-game as well. Also, have a Shimakaze version And a kinda related Kongou song.
  8. The flute is really really loud. But this is well done enough that I don't care so I gave 5 stars anyway, lol. I can easily adjust the volume to how I like it anyways.
  9. Pretty much what Flameberge says. The problem with Violins and Cellos is that they start quiet, then build up in volume as you play the note. If you have too many fast notes, there won't be enough time for the notes to actually get loud enough to hear clearly. This effect is even worse on the Cello than on the Violin so that might explain why Violins might get some more songs.
  10. What if they put new partners on sale, and they're the servants from the Fate series? Partners that are actually useful in battle.
  11. Lol, I doubt that. Probably just costumes, weapons, and some sort of battle event. There's no details on what this collab is actually going to entail yet.
  12. Unlimited blade works in Mabinogi!
  13. I'm pretty sure Doki Doki Island is a separate island. The unexplored Belvast area is just not implemented yet. Also, the original island that Doki Doki Island is a reskin of is called Nekojima, or literally translated, Cat Island.
  14. The best part of raising a partner's affection is when they ask for the most ridiculous requests. "Today, I want TWENTY FRIGGIN' DIAMONDS" "It's Friday so can you cook me THIS STUPID SOUP THAT REQUIRES INGREDIENTS YOU CAN ONLY FIND ON WEDNESDAY?" "I'm bored so let's go kill A GOD DAMN RED DRAGON IN THE SHADOW WORLD" (okay that's not that bad anymore, but it was ridiculous at the time for me) One time, my maid asked me for four days in a row to make Poisonous Mushroom Stew, making me wonder if she was a drug addict or something.
  15. ​Lol what. Pre-Big Bang MapleStory was so bad. Past level 70, you'd spend like 3 hours of mindlessly killing the same monsters over and over to gain 1% exp required to level up. I somehow managed to get to level 73 before deciding it was stupid. You do NOT want to play old MapleStory
  16. Topic over. Please stop talking about incidents that are prone to cause drama.
  17. On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if DevCat completely forgot that the rest of Belvast isn't completely fleshed out yet.
  18. This site is run by the same person who ran the older MabiMML.co site. I helped him out a lot by coding some tools to automate some of the processes for running the site and after a while I've gained his trust. He later took down the site when real life took away too much of his time to manage it, but I guess he's recently settled down so he started MabiBeats. By that time, I've been a moderator on the Mabinogi World Wiki for about a year already as well so he asked me to keep the forums relatively sane for him. As for how I became a moderator on the Mabinogi World Wiki... yeah that's a weird one to me, too. I was pretty much invited out of the blue, lol. EDIT: Anyways, this is way off topic now. If you wanna continue talking just PM me or something.
  19. Uh. Hi. Lol. I don't really play all that much anymore though. Also, I'm male irl.
  20. My drama senses are tingling. Keep the drama out of here please.
  21. Blargel

    Nisemonogatari - Platinum Disco

  22. Blargel

    F.I.R.- Lydia (Piano Version)

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