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🚩 Blargel

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Everything posted by Blargel

  1. Seems like you fixed it up a little more since the last time you showed me this. Sounds even better now.
  2. Blargel

    Yoshi's Island - Flower Garden

  3. Uh. Blue? lol
  4. I CHALLENGE SOMEONE TO LIST ALL THE SONGS solution (look at the top comment)
  6. Blargel

    Tari Tari ED 2 - Kokoro no Senritsu

  7. This happened to me in Vindictus. This boss can only be beaten if you push him off the edge, but a glitch happened and...
  8. There's an FAQ and Troubleshooting thread in the Composer's Lounge section that would've answered this question.
  9. Windmill isn't as huge of a deal as it was before, but it's still a nice chunk of Will and Strength. It all really depends on how much effort you want to put into it. However, you should also be aware that if you do want to get Windmill to rank 1 at some point, then you should do it as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the higher your CP will be, and the harder it will be.
  10. Charlotte just threw a ridiculous plot twist at us. Oh boy.
  11. I've seen some pretty good Vindictus cosplays. That's probably a lot easier though since Vindictus looks lot closer to reality than Mabinogi is, lol.
  12. Rokka no Yuusha is good too. I'm like 95% confident that I know who the 7th is but I'll keep my mouth shut in case I'm wrong and I look incredibly stupid.
  13. It's one of the best shows of this season. Misa is actually my type but considering the powers are supposed to disappear after some time... yeah that won't end well for me. Also, Nao might as well have like 3 or so personalities that she randomly switches between. Indifferent, cutesy, violent...
  14. Blargel

    Super Mario Galaxy - Puzzle Plank Galaxy

  15. What was the guild that GHOSTLYBARD was the leader of in Tarlach? I swear that was a bard guild. Maybe it died though...
  16. *waves ban hammer around ineffectively* Seriously though. Keep your attitudes in check. 1. I really doubt it. 2. They can if they really wanted to. It can't be that hard of a code change in the game's files.
  17. Blargel

    Super Mario RPG - Fight Against Monsters

  18. For Engineer's, the enchant specifically states that it does not need pre-enchanting. You can put it even if you have no prefix enchant yet.
  19. If by epic you mean EPIC FAIL... endgamecornfight2hardplznerf
  20. Wake up -> go to work -> go home -> do random shit on computer while eating dinner -> sleep My daily life in a nutshell.
  21. If Mabinogi shut down right now, I wouldn't care much. In fact, I might welcome that since I don't play anymore, but I'm involved in moderation on a lot of Mabinogi related places, which takes a lot of time from me. If Mabinogi never existed, I probably would've gotten involved in some other MMO. I'm currently playing TERA and Vindictus so probably one of those.
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