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🚩 Blargel

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Mabinogi - Solo Hall

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Everything posted by Blargel

  1. Are you british? Those names are not the ones I learned but a brief Google search tells me those are British names. It may be helpful to include the American names for these as well. Whole note Half note Quarter note Eighth note Sixteenth note Thirty-second note There is also C64 which you may want to include just for completion's sake (Hemidemisemiquaver or Sixty-fourth note). For the Crotchet/quarter note, I think you should just put C4 in the final column and explain that this is the default duration later on or something. That's all I have for now. I'll read more later.
  2. @Endymion0, if you have nothing to really share for the thread, as is clearly the case in your first post, then there's really no need to post. @tanino, I dunno what tone you intended, but you mostly came off as an asshole. @both of you, don't make me lock this thread. Don't need to reply to this post. Just stop the derailment.
  3. Blargel

    Tasogare Otome x Amnesia - Requiem

  4. Blargel

    Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai ED - Inside Identity

  5. Blargel

    Sonic 3 - Ice Cap Zone

  6. Some parts of this I like better than my version and some parts I like my own better... Overall I might like yours better than mine, lol. Well, either way good job.
  7. Blargel

    Yoshi's Island - Bonus Game

  8. I've gotten lazy over time about tuners but what's this about tempo changes? If I made a mistake that causes a desync in game, please point it out to me so I can fix it. I haven't really played Mabinogi in ages so I can't test those things anymore. EDIT: Wait are you just pretending to talk to a hypothetical copycat? I'm so confused.
  9. Honestly, I think I would suggest someone to learn some basic music theory first before trying to use MML. It's definitely difficult to teach MML stuff when someone has no idea about musical terms.
  10. Do what I do and pretend to be interested in their work as a fellow composer. Slowly ask more and more specific questions about how the MML was made until it becomes apparent to everyone listening that either a) the guy has no idea how to compose MML at all, or b) the guy knows less about this MML than you do This will work 99% of the time since almost no one will actually look at how an MML is constructed if they didn't make it themselves. It's a pretty fun way screw with people who deserve it, lol.
  11. Everything I've posted is made from sheet music or by ear (mostly sheet music because doing it by ear is a massive pain in the ass). I've been trained in music theory as a child and practiced piano seriously for at least 15 years. I can offer some help if you have any questions, but please spare me from entire song requests, lol.
  12. From the story, it didn't sound like she claimed she made it, just that she had a version she liked better which happened to be yours... Did she actually say that she made the MML herself? If so, what happened when you said that you're the real original author? EDIT: Also, I think all your songs have been removed now.
  13. Your request is being taken care of right now by one of our SSR members. This is just my opinion, but I feel like if your song is popular enough to be played a lot, even if no one knows you made it, it's something be proud about.
  14. Blargel

    Yoshi's Island - Underground

  15. AKA the super pay2win item thread. Post screenshots of ridiculous items you've seen other people wearing or that you own yourself! I'll start off with this: And then here's something ridiculous in a completely different way. I'm so glad I got this screenshot before the enchants got renamed, lol. I wish I could find find the screenshot I had of my friend's lance but it seems like I lost it somewhere... I've also seen the craziest Demonic Gloomy Sunday but forgot to screenshot it. But I'm sure a few of you guys have a crazy one too.
  16. Well at least you can AFK fish. You can't AFK grind a dungeon, lol.
  17. Fishing is like the worst way to get this book. I fished for weeks (literally weeks of my computer being on and switching bait tins every few hours) and never saw it. My fishing setup even gives me a 100% success rate on auto fishing (or so it seems, it never failed when I watched). Barri Adv for 3 is a much quicker way of getting it but getting the pass for that is still a pain in the ass... Incidentally, I've also tried to fish for a Rosemary Glove manual for weeks with the same result. This game is dumb, lol.
  18. The wiki tells you exactly what happens if you say you hate it though. -100 disposition, +30 stress, chance at an extra "special" gift. The disposition and stress part is mentioned in the table about disposition and stress near the top of the page while the special gift part is mentioned within the gifting section. I suppose splitting that information is pretty confusing though. I'm defending the wiki because I'm also a moderator on there.
  19. According to this page, VAC bans are automated and based off detecting cheats on the connecting computer. A player can't report you to get you VAC banned. If you got VAC banned then maybe your computer has some shit installed that it didn't like, or you were on another guy's computer that had that stuff installed.
  20. Lol, well there's the gacha. Now where's that AFK event?
  21. AFK event + overpriced gacha.
  22. Blargel

    Yoshi's Island - Map

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