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Partners~ How much do you want them to return?

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You know that one thing everyone wants but some people always miss out~


I want the partners so bad they so useful and their carriages too. If enough people want them back they're bound to return :blush:

Posted (edited)

Well it doesn't affect me because I was around when they first came out and the second time aswell :hahaha: but I do have a problem which I would need another maid/butler for I accidently bought an extra set of carriage and broom:aty: can't store in bank can't destroy can't drop and can't trade...:cries: so I would totally buy another just so I can get them 8 squares back.  :byeb:

Edited by Riamz

Well they do have inventory space which is also useful and imagine the carriages it be nice. I want them so bad since I am not strong at all I'm mainly all about support so I'd want in since they can gather with you so you get 2x more which is useful


I can't see why they won't just have them as permanent additions to the Web Shop. It's not like the partners are broken or anything. It just makes life skills a little more bearable. (and life skills are already nigh impossible to want to do)


Their inventory space is the same as your characters, but I would never use them in combat their skills ranks are locked so I believe so you can't rank  them up (please don't quote me on this), also the carriage isn't the fastest thing and you can't have more then two people on the broom and on top they are not as fast as most pets nowadays, can't even do a hard SM not that i can do a Hard SM by myself :aty: and I can tell you my partner doesn't help me with that, but a commerce partner are useful pretty sure they can revive you once a day so that's always a plus.



Yeah they're supposed to come with 3 tools each to arrange their stats not sure how that works and Mythwind Sebastion from Black Butler is not missing from this thread he's in our hearts <3

  On 5/3/2015 at 11:42 PM, Riamz said:

Their inventory space is the same as your characters, but I would never use them in combat their skills ranks are locked so I believe so you can't rank  them up (please don't quote me on this), also the carriage isn't the fastest thing and you can't have more then two people on the broom and on top they are not as fast as most pets nowadays, can't even do a hard SM not that i can do a Hard SM by myself :aty: and I can tell you my partner doesn't help me with that, but a commerce partner are useful pretty sure they can revive you once a day so that's always a plus.


​You're forgetting 5 important details.
-Portable shops. You can buy gold pouches, elite powders, bandages, feathers, and NPC-sell things on the go. There's very few pets that can do this.
-Weapon choice. Depending on who you got, you can give them a CC lightning wand for crowd control, or you can give them a CC+2 ice wand, which depending on the enemy, ensures they never lose a 1v1 match depending on what AI you program for them.
-AoE effect: That extra stun helps more than you think. It buys you time to pot. it buys you time to WM. It buys you time to turn on mana shield. It buys you time for whatever you want.
-Homestead Entry. Who cares if they aren't the fastest things on mount. They're the only thing you can summon that can enter homesteads. That means you can pick up anyone from ANYWHERE.
-Double Gather. DOUBLE. FREAKING GATHER. Do you know how much of a GODSEND this is for life skillers?

Posted (edited)
  On 5/4/2015 at 1:19 AM, Falaflame said:

​You're forgetting 5 important details.-Portable shops. You can buy gold pouches, elite powders, bandages, feathers, and NPC-sell things on the go. There's very few pets that can do this.
-Weapon choice. Depending on who you got, you can give them a CC lightning wand for crowd control, or you can give them a CC+2 ice wand, which depending on the enemy, ensures they never lose a 1v1 match depending on what AI you program for them.
-AoE effect: That extra stun helps more than you think. It buys you time to pot. it buys you time to WM. It buys you time to turn on mana shield. It buys you time for whatever you want.
-Homestead Entry. Who cares if they aren't the fastest things on mount. They're the only thing you can summon that can enter homesteads. That means you can pick up anyone from ANYWHERE.
-Double Gather. DOUBLE. FREAKING GATHER. Do you know how much of a GODSEND this is for life skillers?

​well first of all I don't have mana shield sooo I wouldn't know... I also didn't realize that they stunned thought they just windmilled from experience :/ also one v one  I just get puppets which are stronger doesn't really help my point tho :P Homestead Entry yeah it's nice, however you can't just double gather off the start you have to raise their affection and deal with their stress yeah its a godsend but only if you can keep it up and getting its affection can take ages plus it goes down if you leave it so to keep it like that it will take time and money e.g paying their salary I mean as a poor mabi player q~q 100k is alot for a week. all im trying to say its a lot of damn work, too much for me at least. and saying that there semi windmill stun thing gives you time... so does every other AoE pet...


Edited by Riamz
  On 5/4/2015 at 4:45 AM, Riamz said:

​well first of all I don't have mana shield sooo I wouldn't know... I also didn't realize that they stunned thought they just windmilled from experience :/ also one v one  I just get puppets which are stronger doesn't really help my point tho :P Homestead Entry yeah it's nice, however you can't just double gather off the start you have to raise their affection and deal with their stress yeah its a godsend but only if you can keep it up and getting its affection can take ages plus it goes down if you leave it so to keep it like that it will take time and money e.g paying their salary I mean as a poor mabi player q~q 100k is alot for a week. all im trying to say its a lot of damn work, too much for me at least. and saying that there semi windmill stun thing gives you time... so does every other AoE pet...


First off, Mana Shield is a great skill, and you should definitely look to getting it as soon as you can.
Second off, it isn't 100k per week, it's 50k.
Third off, you don't /have/ to spend the 50k. Sure it's faster, but you can get by without paying a fortune, and gifting them random slices of meat/cheese and raise their affection.

Yes, it takes a lot of time, but it's time well spent. It saves you even further time you would've spent gathering herbs, ores, dyes, and what have you. And having partners also lets you learn how to manage your partners. It's a welcome change and a welcome adjustment to make, because you no longer can just summon them and starve them around for however long you feel like it as if you were your "pets" and call it a day. There's actually a point to keeping them healthy, whereas with nimbus/dragons/scooters/trucks/gray wolves/what-have-yous there really was no point to upkeeping them.

I must have saved several hundreds of hours double-gathering with these partners. That's several hundreds of hours I would've spent gathering materials and only getting single amounts (no lucky bonuses or probability upgrade counts included).

Homestead Entry is also a major selling point. I don't feel like going all the way to Bangor to pick someone up to take them to Scathach Camp/Avon/Metus/Some far away place. Why do that when I can just pick them up at my/their homestead and teleport them to my area? Saves me extra time, and saves them time for having to come here too if I can't go anywhere.

Besides spamming HM missions for a probability of a drop, partners are your other, more reliable source of Elite Passes. And with materials flying everywhere for Celtics, those are a hot topic. (Can't believe I didn't mention this earlier)

AoE effect is a bonus. Portable shop is a bonus. Weapons are a bonus.

If that isn't worth the investment in buying partners, I really don't know what is.

Posted (edited)
  On 5/4/2015 at 10:18 AM, Falaflame said:

First off, Mana Shield is a great skill, and you should definitely look to getting it as soon as you can.Second off, it isn't 100k per week, it's 50k.
Third off, you don't /have/ to spend the 50k. Sure it's faster, but you can get by without paying a fortune, and gifting them random slices of meat/cheese and raise their affection.

Yes, it takes a lot of time, but it's time well spent. It saves you even further time you would've spent gathering herbs, ores, dyes, and what have you. And having partners also lets you learn how to manage your partners. It's a welcome change and a welcome adjustment to make, because you no longer can just summon them and starve them around for however long you feel like it as if you were your "pets" and call it a day. There's actually a point to keeping them healthy, whereas with nimbus/dragons/scooters/trucks/gray wolves/what-have-yous there really was no point to upkeeping them.

I must have saved several hundreds of hours double-gathering with these partners. That's several hundreds of hours I would've spent gathering materials and only getting single amounts (no lucky bonuses or probability upgrade counts included).

Homestead Entry is also a major selling point. I don't feel like going all the way to Bangor to pick someone up to take them to Scathach Camp/Avon/Metus/Some far away place. Why do that when I can just pick them up at my/their homestead and teleport them to my area? Saves me extra time, and saves them time for having to come here too if I can't go anywhere.

Besides spamming HM missions for a probability of a drop, partners are your other, more reliable source of Elite Passes. And with materials flying everywhere for Celtics, those are a hot topic. (Can't believe I didn't mention this earlier)

AoE effect is a bonus. Portable shop is a bonus. Weapons are a bonus.

If that isn't worth the investment in buying partners, I really don't know what is.

Ik I need mana shield real bad q~q

alot of your points are valid and I agree with your statement about being HS accessible, even the shops if your too lazy to go find one but I don't understand about how they learn to treat your partners right, hell I don't even use them as an Aoe pet and I don't exactly keep them 'healthy' and I haven't 'adjusted' In anyway but you'you're entitled with your own opinion. I do however enjoy my maid letting me keep up myfashinogi life :^) with the anywhere clothing repairs. Alot of your points are infact valid I disagree wth some and im not denying them, just alot of them do not apply to me. I tend to take my time while playing the game and remember sitting bellow lvl 300 for a month or two, and no way im spamming HM missions, otherthen the fact im probably to weak, also I don'tdon't care for celtics x.x and after two years of playing pretty sure I don't even have the gathering skill. And im not going to deny maybe I haven't used my maid to the best of its abilities. But what I stated were my opinions from my experiences not factual and in my opinion I found them useful here and there for you howeveryou seem to be loving it and taking full use of it, but thats why this topic is called "partneŕs~how much do you want them to return?" And in my opinion its a meh I already have 2 do I need another? I'd rather a larged inventory aoe pet :happy:and if you want to continue this conversation PM me (don't think others would appreciate a small argument)




Edited by Riamz

Alright. That's fair enough for me. ^^

it wasn't really an argument. It was kind of a difference in opinion and experience.

For me, I hope they become a perm addition someday.


The best part of raising a partner's affection is when they ask for the most ridiculous requests.



"I'm bored so let's go kill A GOD DAMN RED DRAGON IN THE SHADOW WORLD" (okay that's not that bad anymore, but it was ridiculous at the time for me)

One time, my maid asked me for four days in a row to make Poisonous Mushroom Stew, making me wonder if she was a drug addict or something.


I want them to return...however i want a few changes too them.....allow them to hold more weapons and have new personality! I want a maid that wields a huge battle axe!:01145202-2-4A95:

  • 3 weeks later...

Hm.  I guess I would like them to return.  I have one of each type, but... tbh, I wish I hadn't chosen the cheerful personality for my maid. (should have gone with clumsy)  ^^;  So, perhaps I would like another maid.  But that's also a bit frivolous, isn't it?  If they show up again, and I'm sure they will at some point, then I suppose I'd have to see how willing I am at the time to spend the extra NX. :)

I've gotten  to the point I just rely on gift giving to raise their affection.  They always ask for the most outrageous things and it's like... :/ Really? So I don't even bother most of the time.  ^^;

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