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👑 StarGazerz

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  1. Upvote
    👑StarGazerz got a reaction from ThatPichu in Music Request a song from latale Piano plz   
    u could just copy the whole thing and import into 3mle or
  2. Upvote
    👑StarGazerz got a reaction from ThatPichu in Music Request a song from latale Piano plz   
    Didn't think you still wanted it. I made it a few weeks ago for piano
  3. Upvote
    👑StarGazerz got a reaction from ThatPichu in Music Request a song from latale Piano plz   
    O my laptop broke down with all my mml files Ill start redoing the song lol
  4. Upvote
    👑StarGazerz got a reaction from ThatPichu in Music Request a song from latale Piano plz   
    Always liked this song but never knew name.
    Ill take a gander at it but it'll prob take me a bit long b/c of skool. o3o
  5. Upvote
    👑StarGazerz reacted to 🎶Kyubeii in what are you buying on black friday.   
    Screw Nexon Ordered ps4 pro and preordered steelbox ff15 
  6. Upvote
    👑StarGazerz got a reaction from 🌟Yasuno in Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter   
    I'm currently working on this version during my free time. Josh's version actually seems better for me since I transcribe via E-piano to Midi (MML), but I might as well finish what i started.
    EDIT: Welp someone beat me to it
  7. Upvote
    👑StarGazerz reacted to Imzy in Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter   
    Hi there! Someone recently released a midi/pdf file of notes on YT of their version of Shelter by Porter Robinsona and Madeon. I was wondering if one of you would kindly make it into an MML for me? ^^;
    http://josh.agarrado.net/music/anime/index.php?searchterms=porter robinson
    Thank you!
  8. Upvote
    👑StarGazerz reacted to 👑opalthira in The Scariest Little Ghost event guide   
    NOTE: I found a forum thread with all the answers on it  you can find it here:http://mabinogi.nexon.net/Community/forums#%2Fshowthread.php%3F1556027-The-Endings-You-Got-The-Choices-You-Made-(Little-Ghost-Event-Possible-Spoilers)%26nxid%3D10
    However I have also posted the answers on this thread as well Enjoy.
    I would recommend trying to do this event on your own first so that you can enjoy it more. 
    I figured i would post how to get the all the ending for the event so that people don't get too stumped. 
    This guide should be spoiler free.

    Aflie 1: (This one works)
    Find the little ghost
    Who says you need to be scary?
    I know i know
    I want to go to the haunted house
    Leave him alone
    Fight Colton
    Fight Colton again
    Tell me about your past
    We should go together

    Alfie 2:
    Find the little Ghost
    So what happened Yesterday?
    Take your time
    (Fight Colton again)
    I saw Colton
    It is better to know
    We should go together 
    Look behind you

    Kyle 1: (This one works)
    Haunted House
    You should be more kind to your brother
    I was there for a minute
    (use force)
    Is that really best for him?
    Will you think it over once more?
    Kyle 2: 
    Haunted House
    You should be more kind to your brother
    I was there for a minute
    (use your words)
    (Use force)/Will you think it over once more?
    Colton 1: (This one works)
    Go to the pasture
    Force him to listen
    What happened Yesterday?
    Its his fault
    See Kyle
    Tell the little ghost to pretend he doesn't know
    Who are you talking about?
    Colton 2 
    (Wait for him to talk)
    No its not his fault
    Go see Kyle
    Give him a sincere apology
    William 1 (This one works)
    You intrigue me...
    We should go back to the house together
    With the little Ghost
    Not with those intentions
    Because this is best for everyone
    William 2 
    Go to William
    You intrigue me...
    We should go to the house together
    With the little ghost
    I will not stop you
    Because you are wrong
    I will continue to update feel free to add your choices on here as well. 
  9. Upvote
    👑StarGazerz reacted to Kayleitha in merry x-mas   
  10. Upvote
    👑StarGazerz reacted to 🎶Viersell in Merry Xmas From Viersell Of Alexina   
    I wish you all a Happy Holidays, Merry Xmas and all that jazz!

    See you all after Xmas!


  11. Upvote
    👑StarGazerz got a reaction from 🎶Viersell in Jam Problems   
    In 3MLE, the tempo of all tracks follow the latest tempo change. My tip is to treat each instrument(3 tracks) like a new score. You have to match one score's tempo with another or they won't synchronize in-game. Whenever you place a tempo change on one instrument, make sure you place one on your other instruments as well.
  12. Upvote
    👑StarGazerz got a reaction from 🎶Viersell in [Fulfilled] Eternal Senia - Magaleta Theme (Piano)   
    It's not the entirety of the song and kind of rushed, but PM me any changes that you want. I used an E-Piano + Midi Adapter to write out the actual song so it might sound like it's missing some parts due to mml's restrictions. o3o
  13. Upvote
    👑StarGazerz got a reaction from 🚩cookies1 in [Fulfilled] Eternal Senia - Magaleta Theme (Piano)   
    It's not the entirety of the song and kind of rushed, but PM me any changes that you want. I used an E-Piano + Midi Adapter to write out the actual song so it might sound like it's missing some parts due to mml's restrictions. o3o
  14. Upvote
    👑StarGazerz got a reaction from 🎶Viersell in [Fulfilled] Eternal Senia - Magaleta Theme (Piano)   
    I made a short sample in 15 minutes o3o.
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