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👑 BeastExe

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BeastExe last won the day on June 6 2019

BeastExe had the most liked content!



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  1. BeastExe

    Honeyworks - Ima Suki ni Naru

  2. BeastExe

    Honeyworks - Wolf

  3. Welcome~ I'm more or less the same. Except I barely even have time for barding these days...
  4. BeastExe

    Honeyworks - Tokyo Summer Session

  5. 15 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  6. BeastExe

    Monti - Csárdás

  7. Don't think you can really do anything about slurs, but as for ties you use '&' So using measure 5 as a reference, it'd be e-2&e-8. And idk if this is the correct section to ask. I probably would've asked this in the composers lounge.
  8. Working for next semester's tuition. Studying for my classes next semester. Being single for life.
  9. Welcome, welcome~ Glad you like the music around here. See you around after finals...? //dead
  10. ...stacking the stats from titles like in Vindi. At this point, I don't know if there's really anything I'd like added on. I guess if they could magically make this game run better...? Getting stuck on that beautiful pleione engine then watching the game crash and burn... - w-
  11. What time zone? I can probably join you after I get back from work. o 3o b
  12. Maybe. o: I haven't been on playing for a few months because of school. Only getting on... or attempting to get on for these attendance events. x_x I usually sit around channel 5 if I do decide to do something.
  13. Welcome~ Maybe I'll see you around Tarlach over the weekends. I'm not much of a social person though. ; w;
  14. It was the usual for me. I went to work. I went home and studied. Rolled up in a ball and wonder why I'm such a klutz cause I knocked my raspberry pi off my desk while I was coding. Then proceeded to make my house dark before the kids in the neighborhood came so I didn't have to have more social interactions than necessary. I usually just take candy from my younger brothers after they come back from trick-or-treating.
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