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  1. Upvote
    Mikaya reacted to 🚩Blargel in Harps are a thing now   
    "That was a perfect song"
    Playing Instrument +0.03
  2. Upvote
    Mikaya reacted to 🎶KuramaVII in Harps are a thing now   
    When she says "be rough".
  3. Upvote
    Mikaya got a reaction from 🚩Blargel in Harps are a thing now   
    Not mine:

  4. Upvote
    Mikaya reacted to 🎶Kazachi in Funny Photoshops   
    My friend has been has been addicted to Nao.
    So I decided to make him a bg with a little surprise.

    Then  I have another friend that's obsessed with "Shirtless Rurari"
    So i made her own bg also

    Feel free to use them =3=
  5. Upvote
    Mikaya reacted to Chi in ' ^ ' Incompetent Mikaya hops around!   
    welcome!!!!! enjoy your time here 
  6. Upvote
    Mikaya reacted to 🎶Argysionnach in ' ^ ' Incompetent Mikaya hops around!   
    Welcome to Mabibeats, Mikaya!    We're a pretty nice little group, although a lot of us seem to mostly just be lurking.  Still, I hope you enjoy the site! 
  7. Upvote
    Mikaya reacted to 🎶Kui in ' ^ ' Incompetent Mikaya hops around!   
    Welcome to Mabibeats! Hope you enjoy your stay here! And fear not! We've quite a few lurkers lurking about!
    And as a bonus for joining, enjoy this free chocolate bar of nomness! It's totally nommable in a virtual and imaginary sense!
  8. Upvote
    Mikaya got a reaction from 🎶Alynnia in ' ^ ' Incompetent Mikaya hops around!   
    I'm just hopping on by. I'm a wiki mod from Mabinogi World Wiki, and was rather active in-game up until Combat Renovation.
    I'll probably lurk more than anything, but I might move some compositions from Mabinogi World to here...just as soon as I figure out how this Genre thing works for submission. Most of my stuff is on the Mabinogi World forum for music. This place seems very organized and nice to see a good selection.
  9. Upvote
    Mikaya reacted to 🎶Alynnia in ' ^ ' Incompetent Mikaya hops around!   
    Glad to have you ^^ Welcome to Mabibeats and hope you enjoy your time~
  10. Upvote
    Mikaya reacted to 🚩Falaflame in ' ^ ' Incompetent Mikaya hops around!   
    Hi there!

    Welcome to MabiBeats, hope you enjoy your stay! Now, here are your cookies, munch away~
  11. Upvote
    Mikaya got a reaction from 🌟Yasuno in ' ^ ' Incompetent Mikaya hops around!   
    I'm just hopping on by. I'm a wiki mod from Mabinogi World Wiki, and was rather active in-game up until Combat Renovation.
    I'll probably lurk more than anything, but I might move some compositions from Mabinogi World to here...just as soon as I figure out how this Genre thing works for submission. Most of my stuff is on the Mabinogi World forum for music. This place seems very organized and nice to see a good selection.
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