Ik I need mana shield real bad q~q
alot of your points are valid and I agree with your statement about being HS accessible, even the shops if your too lazy to go find one but I don't understand about how they learn to treat your partners right, hell I don't even use them as an Aoe pet and I don't exactly keep them 'healthy' and I haven't 'adjusted' In anyway but you'you're entitled with your own opinion. I do however enjoy my maid letting me keep up myfashinogi life :^) with the anywhere clothing repairs. Alot of your points are infact valid I disagree wth some and im not denying them, just alot of them do not apply to me. I tend to take my time while playing the game and remember sitting bellow lvl 300 for a month or two, and no way im spamming HM missions, otherthen the fact im probably to weak, also I don'tdon't care for celtics x.x and after two years of playing pretty sure I don't even have the gathering skill. And im not going to deny maybe I haven't used my maid to the best of its abilities. But what I stated were my opinions from my experiences not factual and in my opinion I found them useful here and there for you howeveryou seem to be loving it and taking full use of it, but thats why this topic is called "partneŕs~how much do you want them to return?" And in my opinion its a meh I already have 2 do I need another? I'd rather a larged inventory aoe pet and if you want to continue this conversation PM me (don't think others would appreciate a small argument)