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  1. Very nicely done and a rare tuba song is always nice
  2. pretty good, around 12 seconds it kind of jumbles into a mess and melody could be louder, and background a bit softer as it overpowers the melody, but overall pretty good~
  3. bash is just beyond OP, i can get up top 6k crits with bash, not using any spec UGd weps, i made a friend celtic sword, and omg hes doing 7-8k with bash using non-UGd sword, and with faster weps,bash can double hit, that damagex2, insaaane~, im loving my royal 2hander axe
  4. lol why does it seem like im the only mari player here and almost every1 is in alexina ;;, ... ... do .. do i start the serve merge topic now D;?
  5. i may be able to help in some way o3o, and i want to but idk what i could do to help i could probly help think of names, BGMs, and make gossipy news time stuff ..neko tabloids anyone;3 call it the daily mews *shot for bad bad baaaad pun*? i even know a perfect first story ;3
  6. they rly easy to make, 7 iron 4 silv 9 myth a try, ~ 4-5 tries, finish is 4 fine leth 2 braid 1 giant emblem and 2 nails
  7. few of mine were the maple leaf event, Price's PQ event, i wouldnt call it an event, but i met one of the GMs in alby arena once, and he summoned a DD, PD giant lion and giant gator all in alby arena, this was back in like g9 or so, before guns or heavy damagers that let u solo them....they never died, just kept healing lol....anything that involves fighting and not just afking, like half of them now,i like the treasure one now cuz of the free reforges...buuuuut so frikken easy Dx
  8. As title says ill constantly be selling celtic warrior( and maybe war) weapons, roughly 1m a piece, you can buy one by finding my shop in belvast, or by noting me in game(Mousy) Side note: i also do r1 smithing or magic craft requests, just bring mats
  9. adding kagerous theme lonesome werewolf(touhou)
  10. Mousy

    Nekomimi Switch

    excellent job nya!~
  11. lowest his trample has done to me is 1k on a crit, and only way itd do 400 is with mana shield tanking, being it breaks mana shield and still does 400 damage to u, only way i can see it happening, and for most of monsters in trials, barrier spikes is best defense against solas, reaper, and glas, i posted video of my runs in tanis trial thread, using barrier, firebolt up to lich, then somersault wotg to destroy lich, then glas, i did slow magnum way, but been using more aggressive barrier and guns to speed it up(magnum is safe, but takes~20 mins, aggressive guns method only took me ~10
  12. ooh~ ty tani~ when i get on mabi again ill check it out~
  13. Pretty good, few minor things, but im just nitpicky, but very well done, just hope u dont get caught sleeping on the job♥
  14. ​that gif...made my night~ and ide post my stats if i wasnt to tired to log onto mabi
  15. and omg those cards are rly creepy looking
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