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Hey guys~!
I'm Pokemonher01, I'm the Concert Coordinator but recently a SSR Trainee~! We burned through most the Que except a couple of songs we're contacting the Owners about.
We're trying to keep the Que low but if you may. I didn't see any errors in the ones I approved but I'm still new at it so if you submitted a song it's probably already approved. So if you would please check everything is correct

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 I didn't see any errors in the ones I approved but I'm still new at it so if you submitted a song it's probably already approved. So if you would please check everything is correct

Yeah, that's a thing. There's apparently 5 "ghost" songs in the queue that can't be approved, Yasuno knows of this already.

(also there's that one "content deleted" report we cant get rid of.)

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