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Hi All,

It has been some time since we have had a website update, our license expired a while back for the software behind the site so we were not able to update for some time. Thanks to those of you that do not use ad-block on our site we were finally able to meet the minimum requirement for a pay-out from the ads. We used the ad money to renew our license and then upgrade the website. I also ported over the dark skin I have been working on.

There are a few other goodies available now that came with the update and the theme refresh, I will touch on them below via spoiler tags so the page does not get dragged out.



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Profile Backgrounds & Youtube Videos

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Changes to Group Icons

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Solo Music Hall Changes

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There have been many other slight changes throughout the board over-all since the theme was completely re-done but here are some specific things that are no longer enabled/available at this time.

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