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Everything posted by enrlichhartman

  1. Artist: Rigël Theatre This artist makes songs really impresive using a combination of modern instruments with classical style .
  2. Indeed this version is more diverse and complex without changing the essence of the song . really good.
  3. Good use of strong songs with the melody creating a "bass" efecto without changing the clasical feeling . all in harmony well made , all the detaisl is in this song .
  4. Wow sounds so well made an detailed even for a solo ver song
  5. One of my favorite songs of this game , is well made and holds the spirit of the original song
  6. Ahh emlaaaa cheky breeky iv damke ! ❤️ you did it manually ? or used a program to convert it ?
  7. I love iT !
  8. Awesomly acuarte and well made . i like it .!
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