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  1. The other problem is for people who are already in a guild they enjoy. I see heaps of people not in guilds but plenty of people are already. As for leadership, not sure if leader is something I could do but I'd be all for helping support the guild since until I figure out 3mle I wont be posting any music scores and I have a feeling there are more like me out there. I guess my point is that a guild would be good, you just need to get the members for it.
  2. Here's a list I would recommend, in no particular order with a bit of variety. Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches, Your Lie in April, Log Horizon (S2 came out recently), World Trigger, Is It Wrong To Try And Pick Up Girls In The Dungeon?, Invaders of the Rokujyoma?, Aldnoah Zero and No Game No Life. I haven't seen Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma but apparently it's good too. And Gunslinger Stratos looks interesting as far as I've watched it.
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