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  1. Wizardblizzard

    Easter Eggs!

  2. Wizardblizzard

    Lock Lomond

    This sounds amazing. Can we maybe have a short (single verse) version of it too, please? You know, for short skill-training runs - why use blanks when you can have actual good music. ("Lock" should actually be "Loch", by the way, though I know it's pronounced more like "Lock".)
  3. My starting offer's 500k. (I'm not rich.) Help a Bard out, somebody?
  4. not very polite, no. but yes I agree, you aren't likely to get them for free - they're not the kind of thing that is "big for me but peanuts for someone richer", as a lot of things are in Mabinogi, the higher-level Bard skill books are hard for anyone. Also, many of them aren't tradeable at all, like Nele's wretched Composing Rank D book, which I'm currently trying to summon up the willpower to get myself! So you'll definitely just have to grit your teeth for those... When you get to the stage of needing Empty Bottles (Musical Knowledge rank something or other) though, you can normally borrow those if you ask around, as they can be reused as often as you like. Musical Knowledge F to C and Composing F to E, C to A and 5 to 3 you can just buy from NPCs, though they get expensive at higher ranks (the last Composing books require Ducats, by the sackful). Where are you up to so far?
  5. Wizardblizzard

    Contentment is Wealth

  6. Other way around I think - yourself dressed up as your Mabi character, not your Mabi character dressed up as yourself. Though that would be fun too. Riamz, I don't get why cosplay is considered creepy by definition? (Maybe just for the same reason as roleplay is - there's a lot of NSFW roleplay so a lot of people actually think that that's the definition of roleplay.)
  7. Wizardblizzard

    The Bellman's Song

  8. Wizardblizzard

    The Skye Boat Song

  9. Beautiful, I like it. First time I've heard this piece, who'd have thought Mabi was so educational?
  10. Wizardblizzard

    Witch Doctor

    This music cheers me up. Just what the witch doctor ordered! Spot on arrangement, not one false note that I could hear. By the by: the song is originally by David Seville aka Ross Bagdasarian, 1958: http://www.songlyrics.com/david-seville/the-witch-doctor-lyrics/ . On Mabi mandolin this version sounds quite different (same tune, different effect) but in a good way. EDIT: Review was written before I'd tried it in the game. When played in Mabi, there's something the matter with it - it plays fine at first, but then the parts begin to get out of sync, and it ends in a jumble. Don't know exactly what's the matter but presumably someone more experienced (like the poster) would!
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