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  1. Upvote
    Solodarkness got a reaction from sans in [Fulfilled] sans secret room   
    I can help contribute to this. https://musescore.com/user/5215761/scores/1495481 but as the vid description says its at a slower pace.I dont trust my self with trying to make an MML of this sorry  there are far better people here for that.
  2. Upvote
    Solodarkness got a reaction from 🎶danilo227 in [Fulfilled] YMCA!   
    Its amazing, Great job! >.> you should put it under review ^^ 
  3. Upvote
    Solodarkness reacted to 🎶danilo227 in [Fulfilled] YMCA!   
    i tried it isnt the best but i hope you like it  
  4. Upvote
    Solodarkness got a reaction from 🎶danilo227 in [Fulfilled] YMCA!   
    Hey guys I have  a request of a classic! I am surprised its not anywhere to be found   I would greatly appreciate this being made, Ill provide the score.
  5. Upvote
    Solodarkness got a reaction from 🌟Yasuno in [Fulfilled] Invincible-World Of Warcraft   
    http://mabibeats.com/solos/videogame/world-of-warcraft-invincible-r1582/ It wont be the best you have ever heard. It is a tuba and has chorus to it which is not easily heard. I am no master, if anyone wants the midi file i can hand it over.
  6. Upvote
    Solodarkness got a reaction from Laviexclaus in Pretty huey Glitch I was experiencing the other day   
    had this happen to me too, i  was on my piano in dark knight form, I transformed back and was randomly in the ground at tir, and the same thing with aoe pets happened. I went afk and found out some guy was playing with me  
  7. Upvote
    Solodarkness reacted to Selraym in [Fulfilled] Invincible-World Of Warcraft   
    RIP Arthas D: Will love bunches for this song if someone already has it, I cant imagine its a solo though.
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