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🚩 cookies1

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cookies1 last won the day on August 24 2023

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  1. Long since I composed last. It's not perfect, but here it is. I want you to mind that there's no tuner in it
  2. cookies1

    The Cab - Angel with a Shotgun

  3. I'm from Sweden so our "black friday" knock-off marketing thingy is pretty weak, so nothing special. Actually, I did get a good deal on my favorite kind of energy drink though, so I guess that's something!
  4. A really nice take on one of my favorite songs from MM.
  5. Maybe he just really likes your song? A more serious response would be that Yasuno probably checks around to make sure everything is fine with your profile, so you're not a bot, don't have any bad/lewd/illegal stuff on there etc.
  6. Same here. I also went through all your 1 p submissions and couldn't find it, so it seems like it isn't in the database. Edit: You're correct about "Re:Zero" though. For some reason neither "Re:Zero", "re" or "zero" brings anything up, while the rest of the title like "hold my hand" for example brings up songs from Re:Zero. We'll look into it!
  7. Ohai Finnish neighbour, and welcome to Mabibeats! Looking forward to hear what you have in store for us
  8. cookies1


    Welcome to Mabibeats!
  9. cookies1

    40mP - Clockwork Clown

  10. Our fancy green new auras has motivated us to work harder. We shall be on the look out o7
  11. cookies1

    Trial of the Angels

  12. Hi and welcome to Mabibeats! We hope you'll enjoy your time here
  13. 3! Am I doing this right?
  14. Hello and welcome to Mabibeats! You definitely came to the right place. We have everything from helpful members to great music submitted by our wonderful bards. As others have already mentioned, if you have any questions about music, MML, 3MLE or how to best make a pizza with four different kinds of cheese, go ahead and ask!
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