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🎶 Darkfire16

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Everything posted by Darkfire16

  1. ​Oh yeah, i can definitely make it. I'll play Piano.
  2. Well hai thar.
  3. ​A. Don't use anything after "pxmVtiXReiU" in the URL code. B. Your video settings are set to private. Switch to Unlisted so that links work. I'll explain by example. "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD_imYhNoQ4", produces:
  4. I'd love to do piano if chosen. I've got a red and black solar glory i've been dying to use. also rank 1 instrument playing, so
  5. Why is it when i see this: ​I think of this:
  6. I played that like 5 - 6 years ago. I'm still questioning how it still exists today.
  7. I like the base of it, but it just doesn't feel right. Interesting try, though.
  8. ​ ​Absolutely love this idea. I'm all for it.
  9. Played it once for a single, solitary hour. Got to level 20 on Eve. Never played it again.
  10. This isn't gonna be another afterparty and then you come back 6 months later, is it? Anyway, good luck.
  11. ​My fists just eat people. And also rabbits.
  12. ​I don't tend to use crusader skills. If i even touch Ninja or gunner, even Alchemy, it's to start a combo i can follow up with fighter. I'm guessing your fights end up like i mentioned? i.e
  13. ​Haha, you've probably seen me around like that.
  14. So let's chat about PvP in General. What do you think of it, and if you do duel actively in the community, it's easy to answer questions and discuss what's broken and what isnt. What techniques do you use? Have you formed your own combo? What do you find cheap in fights? What percent do you prefer? What's your record? How long do your fights normally last? Have you ran into a hacker or a cheater during a fight? (Rare occasion, I've actually ran into this myself once) When was the last time you had a challenge? TL;DR - Discuss Mabinogi's PvP mechanics or just general PvP, and ask yourself if your fights usually end up like this:
  15. I saw the topic and was like "Oh cool a fight i can do". Saw card games. Was not disappoint.
  16. The fact that Scott sold out to them to make a movie is laughable. GG, Humanity. GG.
  17. Got my ele6 bracers up another red step. It's at 5 now. HAPPY COMBINE DANCE
  18. I swear, I've heard your name before...If i haven't though, it's great to meet you. Welcome to MabiBeats!
  19. ​I've seen your shop, it's a great one indeed. Welcome to MabiBeats!
  20. ​-155/10 needs more illuminati triangles
  21. I'm late to the party, but welcome nonetheless!
  22. ​ Also love that INT stat btw.
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