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🎶 Darkfire16

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Everything posted by Darkfire16

  1. Wow, This is surprisingly accurate. Nice work!
  2. Yet another release! Again, if the soundcloud playlist below doesn't work, or even if it does for you, you can still download the album here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/mgubuq2olfxbhe3/Solar+(2015).zip Let me know what you think, and if it's any good! <3
  3. Your obligatory dose of gaben for the month of june, ladies and gentlemen. ​
  4. This is the greatest movie of all time.
  5. I personally like it, but it feels like it could the bassline could be way more prominent.
  6. May god have mercy on our souls.
  7. First time i get to play in a Nexon concert as a solo. Shweeeeeeeeet.
  8. Hey guys! New remix coming your way! This one's a redux of my most famous single, "Date with Dracula". Check it out!
  9. ​They're ment for this forum only. I only use Soundcloud as a platform to view them on. This is also the same reason when i upload my videos to this site, it's meant for this site only, therefore most of my videos are unlisted.
  10. If you didnt see it in the DESTRUCTION thread, i edited this with a fitting song. I hate myself.
  11. I did my own version of Grand Theft Auto V because it doesn't have a good enough intro. Welcome to Los Santos: PC Version.
  12. So what have you listened to that you don't normally listen to? I've actually been listening to funk. I like this remix track.
  13. <redacted> Crap, realized your in mari.
  14. ​My apologies, my sources were invalid, the blog was taken down. Still, the modder getting 25% is absolutely ludicrous. Valve did nothing towards creating the mods, Bethesda I can understand because it's their base game, 40% is reasonable. But valve taking 35% is ridiculous. In my honest opinion, it should have been 40% to the modder, 35% to Bethesda, and 25% to Valve. I understand it's their workshop, but it's not their game. Neither Valve nor Bethesda had any say nor contributions to the mods in the steam workshop. Expanding on this, The entire paragraph above would make sense if this was implemented correctly. It should have honestly been an option to donate money instead of forcefully charging 4$ for a bloody sword. Honestly, that's no sense. THIS was going to be an Axe you could buy for 5$. Absolutely ridiculous.
  15. Let me make one thing clear here: This is a discussion on the concept of paid mods, not how Valve implemented it. I personally believe modders should be entitlted to some form of payment for their work, and this isn't just for modding itself- It honestly boils down to a simple fact: Talented people should be compensated for their work. ​It wasn't "scrapped", It was taken down until they can find a better way to implement this system. Likewise, Skyrim wasn't exactly the best choice to do this, as their community has had free mods for years now, thus why it caused the entire Nexus community to rush out in an uproar. The hilarity in this is that Valve actually warned Robin Scott, owner of Nexus Mods, to be prepared for the fallout. It's almost as if they knew this backlash was imminent. Modders didn't even get 25% anyway, Valve got 75%. Bethesda got nearly 10 - 15%, and the creators themselves get nearly 10%. Hell, even 5% of Valve's cut goes to the Nexus Mods websites, which was and is the main server provider for Skyrim mods in the first place. However, i do agree with your argument that there should at least be a donate button. Nexus Mods does it right, Steam blew it up like a microwaved egg. And for gods sakes, there was so many troll mods and protest mods on the workshop during this that it was sickening. 100$ for a golden potato?
  16. It's an old topic, I know, but I really want to see what some of you had to say about the recent "Paid Modding" incident that happened in the steam workshop. What do you think of this? Personally, I agree that modders should be compensated for their work, but the way Valve implemented it is rather rampant and absurd, even though it got taken down not 1 or 2 days later. Seriously, a 75% cut on something they didn't even curate, nor make themselves? The modders themselves get like, 10%, Maybe not even that. What do you guys think of this atrocity?
  17. Welcome to Mabibeats!
  18. Here's another one, folks. This one you may like if your interested in halloween, castlevania, or any other spooky stuff. I'm also well-known for this one, just ask Viersell.
  19. What is "OSU"?
  20. That treasure hunt event that gave out free reforges. Good times.
  21. Getting this god-forsaken thing: 89 attempts to get Royal Alchemist, all have failed. Gotta keep ranking, i guess.
  22. I have now brought forth Dr. Hax. Godspeed to us all.
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