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  1. Hey guys! I am looking for the Mabi people who have somewhat heard of me or know me because if you know me or heard of me you probably know of or heard of everyone else in our discord! ;O You see I am gathering the cool peepos of Mabi to form this one big gaming community! >;O A Noah's Ark of sorts for whenever Mabi comes down to the last of it's days, so that we would still have the people who made it fun with us for when we play other games! ;D https://discord.gg/0qw548QUvpTEkVks Drop in and check it out! ;D Even Endy is welcomed as long as he doesn't go nuts~ ;D Also I made a more typeable version with tinyurl.com! tinyurl.com/zarozian Now you can help me realize mah dream! SPREAD DA WORD!
  2. Hey guys! I got unbanned from Mabi Forums too! ;D Sabina was so nice and lenient to me! ;<
  3. Alexina best~ = 3=
  4. I need to form new connections to people with resources and make new friends and comrades and rebuild mah endless army~ = 3=
  5. We have Darkfire now~ And no there are no levels in this game~
  6. I have good news last night even Endy to joined my clan~ Would anyone else like to join as well?
  7. I have Joey, Azawarau, Zekkii, and Hellkaizer now~ And Joey's girlfriend~ Anyone else?
  8. Alright I have just about everyone now. Just missing a few friends who I have lost contact with and cannot be reached by any means sadly........and all my haters who refuse to join. o -o But don't worry. I have ways to get what I want all the time. Eventually I will have you all.
  9. Make sure you accept the friend request~
  10. Okay I am home! Gonna add you now~ Alliance invite sent ~
  11. Okay~ I will add when I get home~ I also have Joey now too!~
  12. Alliances work like this, where the clan who creates the alliance becomes head clan, then that clan's leader needs to talk to other clan leaders to get them to join, some may join right away and others talk it over with all their other members first. You simply need to tell me your exact clan name and I will send you the alliance invitation. Also I have added you on skype.
  13. That's why there are alliances~ Well unless you are in one too. Well I have added you but when was the last time you played warframe? It seems like you never made it to the point where things start to get interesting. I am going to add you to my Skype. o -o I highly recommend you join our clan if your clan is no longer active, however if you are its clan leader and you feel sentiment towards your clan then I suggest making an alt and inviting it into your clan and pass on leadership to it. If not then I will invite your clan into our alliance instead, I have even permitted Aza's one man clan to join. When you get on please accept my contact request. I guarantee you, you will play a lot more when you have more people to play with.
  14. Of course we do! Did you forget who Zaro was? ;O Correct~ But he's not very active on Warframe~ But he will start playing again when U17 rolls around~ Zaro is also friends with Quiette Shy aka CephalonShy~ She made a guide inspired by Zaro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDde_E5c60Y Check the Description~ I also managed to get Aza into our skype call~
  15. PC. If you can run Mabi then you can run warframe- on the lowest setting maybe~ It's an entirely free to play game. Watch this if you haven't already: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvqxTWbOXJg It's also on XB1 and PS4 but it was originally PC until it grew so the PC gets all the nice updates first and etc. If you are interested in joining add me as soon as you complete the tutorial for Warframe~ It's pretty cool and right now is the perfect time to join due to the Sentients- The ancient enemy that nearly wiped out the Orokin forcing them to abandon all ethnics and create the infestation and the Tenno to fight against them. O _O
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