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🎶 TripDering

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TripDering last won the day on December 4 2021

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    Electric Guitar

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  1. Me~ by xKokone from Tarlach
  2. 8pm eastern? Might make it, I work until 8 today... Would it be possible, if there's enough people with Hamelin's Tuners, to try my Aerith's Theme jam?
  3. All my want. Also we need an option to disable PvP completely (like when you right click to "request duel" that option would not show up / same with pet battle) and a way to hide our duel ratio. And as an expansion to the aforementioned "All dungeons get boss trial passes" let those passes have a solo or party option (party mode wouldn't register on the boss board, obviously)
  4. We still need a real Cichol demigod first. And guaranteed 100% repair NPC's, Even if they cost twice as much as the 98% ones. I've so many ideas that would improve the game... lol
  5. A few more things I'd like to see: - Ability to hide Titles. - Ability to hide other players completely (this would help during big events where you need to find an NPC) - could be "hide all" or "keep my party". - A way to get rare gachapon items with NX or Seals.
  6. That would be amazing. Personally, I want a way for any player to re-do their Generation quests (namely the final boss fights of each) and be able to instance raids/dungeon bosses. For example, there could be an option at the Crystal Ball in Dunbarton library to "Replay Generation" or "Refight Boss" for the Generation quests... the other dungeons (not just Ciar/Rundal) could get Boss Trial passes (even for Abyss bosses - Duke and Sephirot), the Iria dungeons could get special "Boss Rush" artifacts to use instead of passes, and perhaps a new area could be added somewhere (maybe the gate of Metus?) for players to confront the raid bosses directly (solo play would have less/no 'army' spawns in the case of White/Black Dragons). It would certainly make getting transformations easier.
  7. "our concerts are always held on saturday" "concert on 11/6/2015" le sigh. another one missed.
  8. Tomorrow being sunday, some of us won't be able to make it. Me in particular, as I'll be at church at that time.
  9. TripDering

    Pokémon RSE (Gen 3) - Bicycle Theme

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