.... Posted March 31, 2015 Report Posted March 31, 2015 Alrighty. Let's start with, Tips 1. There is no way to use campfires/food while inside. Take care of that outside. Only potions can be used inside. Also Crisis escape does not work. 2. The orb in which begins the monster summoning spawn CAN BE USED as a campfire-like object, saving you from direct liniar attacks like Claimh Solas's charge and Master Lich's Fireball. Good placement is required. 3. If the game provides you with it, use it. Use any buff you can grab your hands on. Now for my, Method 1.Sneeze through giant spider, small golem, tabhartes, siren, and succubus. I recommend hanging back at the initial spot behind the orb so they dont aggro you and use a long range attack to slam a dent in them, so they will be easy pickings as they get closer. I do firebolt/fireball as I see fit for Tabhartes and up. 2. For Claimh Solas I immediately begin using movement speed boosts. March song, Fleet feet, Shylocks step, Shield of Trust etc. You don't want to get run over by him. squishy or not. His hp is fairly easy to snip off if you use Ninja/ Fighter. Lullaby and Lance smash or something stronger ought to make a nice dent for you to work off of but make sure to not use something slow or he will punish you. 3. For Merrow, the waifu (please be gentle) her attacks are fairly easy to avoid, but use movement boosts just in case. Her debuff isn't as bad as grim reapers but it may still cause a problem later on. I use firebolt/ninja for her. 4. The key element in Grim Reaper is to not get hit. It's going to be tough even with movement speed buffs since his slash ranges have been doubled in size. If you find yourself using too many pots, then your falling right into what I call the "Cave Trap", which is basically getting royally screwed by pot poisoning and fighting a steroided Glas. I use way of the gun for Grim Reaper. 5. For Master Lich I immediately use shadow cloak and get close to him and the ghast that first aggroed (Only one will target you at a time). Lullaby, Battlefield overture, and Tranz should set up the perfect Sakura Abyss, eating up 75% of his HP or 1 shot him if I crit on all hits. If I'm lucky enough to crit then It's smooth sailing, but if not, I use demigod and I start snipping off the rest of his HP with Ninja. However if I have to use tons of pots to stay alive due to his attacks then I'll be falling further into the Cave Trap, especially if I get caught with that purple bubble bs that negates the usage of pots until it's gone. 6. Glas. The Master of the Cave Trap and the key element of screwing you over. To put it bluntly, if you are pot poisoned, you will be since his shoop da whoop pretty much puts you into deadly now, no matter how much HP you have. The point of the trap is so that the combination of Grim Reaper's debuff, and Master Lich's hellbent damage (no pun intended) cause you to be pot poisoned early on, resulting in a Trap where you fight a regenerating, steroided Glas Ghaibblean with little to no stats. A fight in vain. I spent 20 minutes in an epic battle against Glas the first time I tried the Cave, with most of my stats at 0 and Glas just kept regenerating. Now if you manage to begin fighting Glas without pot poison (or not as bad) try to catch some breathing room until the Ghasts despawn. I use Doppleganger (by killing the gargs) to avoid most of Glas's lazers, or I use smokescreen. Wotg, Ninja, Fighter, and Lance smash works great, the last one being the riskier one, but if you can land those hits, Glas won't pose much of a threat. Hope this guide helps!
🎶Flameberge Posted March 31, 2015 Report Posted March 31, 2015 crisis escape does work. its useless if your in range of a instant aggro monster when it wears off though. yeah lance smash is pretty safe vs glas when he uses def.
🎶Atoyume Posted March 31, 2015 Report Posted March 31, 2015 My ninja skills and fighter skills are a flop.
.... Posted March 31, 2015 Author Report Posted March 31, 2015 On 3/31/2015 at 8:08 PM, Flameberge said: crisis escape does work. its useless if your in range of a instant aggro monster when it wears off though. yeah lance smash is pretty safe vs glas when he uses def. Odd. I have my crisis escape (and other sudden circumstantial skills) hot-keyed to a certain command, like ctrl C. Wouldn't ever go through though. Atoyume what skillsets do you use?
🚩Falaflame Posted March 31, 2015 Report Posted March 31, 2015 Would Master of Lullaby + Yvona be needed to put the master lich to sleep? Or is max damage titles more important?
.... Posted March 31, 2015 Author Report Posted March 31, 2015 Max Damage is more important. I have almost 1k max damage with the set I have, and R1 lullaby is enough to sing Battlefield overture + charge Sakura abyss to it's max.
🚩Blargel Posted April 1, 2015 Report Posted April 1, 2015 On 3/31/2015 at 11:55 PM, Falaflame said: Would Master of Lullaby + Yvona be needed to put the master lich to sleep? Or is max damage titles more important? Lullaby's chance is a fixed 75% no matter what anyways. By increasing your music buff stat, you are only increasing the duration of the Lullaby and the bonus damage that it provides.
🚩Falaflame Posted April 1, 2015 Report Posted April 1, 2015 Oh. Any alternatives to sakura abyss on the master lich? Cuz mine is only r9 ._. I main lances, and all of my bard skills and range skills are capped. I'm toting a step5 secret pen dlance, step 5 untamed violent anju's shuriken, and a ele4 bdk bow atm. And a lot of my ninja skills are r1 except for abyss and EK. Just giving you ideas on what you can suggest me to try.Edit: None of my fighter and gun skills have been trained atm.
🎶Flameberge Posted April 1, 2015 Report Posted April 1, 2015 On 3/31/2015 at 10:40 PM, Endymion0 said: Odd. I have my crisis escape (and other sudden circumstantial skills) hot-keyed to a certain command, like ctrl C. Wouldn't ever go through though. Atoyume what skillsets do you use? mainly just lance smash everything. and only switch during masterlich fighter to lock its skill and smash. for glas guns and smash when it uses def. op ele 6 lance
.... Posted April 1, 2015 Author Report Posted April 1, 2015 On 4/1/2015 at 12:13 AM, Falaflame said: Oh. Any alternatives to sakura abyss on the master lich? Cuz mine is only r9 ._. I main lances, and all of my bard skills and range skills are capped. I'm toting a step5 secret pen dlance, step 5 untamed violent anju's shuriken, and a ele4 bdk bow atm. And a lot of my ninja skills are r1 except for abyss and EK. Just giving you ideas on what you can suggest me to try.Edit: None of my fighter and gun skills have been trained atm. I would say as soon as Lich shows up, Shadow Cloak up to him, sleep him and the ghasts, and let him have a point blank magnum shot, then spider shot him, and do either a lance smash or another magnum. Rack up damage by exploiting opportunity.
🎶Atoyume Posted April 1, 2015 Report Posted April 1, 2015 On 3/31/2015 at 10:40 PM, Endymion0 said: Odd. I have my crisis escape (and other sudden circumstantial skills) hot-keyed to a certain command, like ctrl C. Wouldn't ever go through though. Atoyume what skillsets do you use? All rank 1 Bard and Puppeteer. Still working on Alchemy. I'm not really a faced paced player. I'm slow as a snail I take my godamn time lmao But i think my problem is what to use what and what goes good with what. Please teach me some nice combos senpai.
🚩Falaflame Posted April 1, 2015 Report Posted April 1, 2015 Ah, thanks Endy. I'll try that next time.
👑tanino Posted April 1, 2015 Report Posted April 1, 2015 Endy what ele was your lance before Kaga screwed you over with that Amazing Reforge Tool...? If it was Ice it'd of rekt the lich easily.
.... Posted April 1, 2015 Author Report Posted April 1, 2015 On 4/1/2015 at 1:05 AM, Atoyume said: All rank 1 Bard and Puppeteer. Still working on Alchemy. I'm not really a faced paced player. I'm slow as a snail I take my godamn time lmao But i think my problem is what to use what and what goes good with what. Please teach me some nice combos senpai. Puppeteer won't really help you for Master Lich much unless you sleep Lich and then run him over with Colossus, except most likely Master Lich will only take 1 hit and not all 3 due to his adv heavy. Idk how good you are in Alchemy but if you have Hydra, sleep Lich, plant Hydra, and then smack him with Dischord right before he wakes up. The second you land the hit, Crisis and then try to hit him with sand burst to stun him from 5-15 seconds depending on your rank. Use that time he's stunned to smack him with another Dischord. Do the Red Circle of Fantastic Chorus at the beginning if you are quick enough and make sure you are overtured. If you insist on using puppets, then when you use crisis, summon a puppet so a ghast and lich will aggro it. When you return from Crisis they will be distracted by the puppet and you can land another Dischord. I think your main source of damage will be Hydra and Dischord imo. On 4/1/2015 at 4:31 AM, tanino said: Endy what ele was your lance before Kaga screwed you over with that Amazing Reforge Tool...? If it was Ice it'd of rekt the lich easily. Fire 3, but I used a fine recently on it and it became Ice 3, Fire 3, so ele 6 ftw!
.... Posted April 1, 2015 Author Report Posted April 1, 2015 (edited) On 4/1/2015 at 5:19 PM, Atoyume said: Can we see a videos :3 Hmm....I guess I haven't died in a while. Time for another Trial run! Feel free to post it on Mabi forums If you'd like. I will be doing a video sometime this week. Edited April 6, 2015 by Endymion0
Mousy Posted April 7, 2015 Report Posted April 7, 2015 as i said in the other post, barrier spikes TROLL reaper and glas BIG TIME, reapers only way to hit u is teleport mill behind u, and glas usually cant hit u, but RARELY he'll use, i think its his smash, which will plow through all barriers and hit u, but he almost never does it, and his lasors dont affect spikes, nor can his WM, only reason i think its his smash is that it does 4k damage, while lasors or do like 1k
👑tanino Posted April 10, 2015 Report Posted April 10, 2015 His smash did only 400~ damage on me on a crit </3
.... Posted April 14, 2015 Author Report Posted April 14, 2015 (edited) Yea I call bullshit. I know you like to 1-up everyone around you but honestly it gets old. On 4/10/2015 at 7:39 PM, tanino said: His smash did only 400~ damage on me on a crit </3 I'm sitting on 200 Def and 48 protection (This is without catering) and when he crits he always puts me into deadly. If you mean to tell me you do cave of trials with a prot set then your lacking massively on damage then, unless your relying on pay2win. If so, even more pity. I've always based my gear on offense, but I know for dang sure I'm not that squishy. Let's see you get only 400 damage off Claimh Solas's trample. Also before any fingers are pointed I didn't record with the purpose of proving you wrong, but while I was trying to record a Trials run I accidentally forgot to turn off meditation so I was going too slow to dodge his trample. Ended up trying to smokescreen at the last second but I was too late. Decided to post this to show that getting ran over by Claimh Solas and only taking 400 on a CRIT is a bold claim I'd like to see with proof. Edited April 14, 2015 by Endymion0
Mousy Posted April 15, 2015 Report Posted April 15, 2015 lowest his trample has done to me is 1k on a crit, and only way itd do 400 is with mana shield tanking, being it breaks mana shield and still does 400 damage to u, only way i can see it happening, and for most of monsters in trials, barrier spikes is best defense against solas, reaper, and glas, i posted video of my runs in tanis trial thread, using barrier, firebolt up to lich, then somersault wotg to destroy lich, then glas, i did slow magnum way, but been using more aggressive barrier and guns to speed it up(magnum is safe, but takes~20 mins, aggressive guns method only took me ~10
JoeyDee9 Posted April 15, 2015 Report Posted April 15, 2015 Some super quick tips. Abuse shooting rushes movement for glas and claim. You can easily avoid claims rush attack just by using shooting rush and traveling behind your enemy. Just basic spam guns and use SR to avoid damage. The same trick can be used to avoid glad laser although the majority of the time glad just WM spams me. Lich is pretty hit and miss, don't forget the power of elementals. If you run a full ice set you'll to nearly 2x the Damage to the lich. My plan is to roflstomp the reaper (not too hard abusing SR for avoiding damage) until he is within one shot from death then run to the middle. At this point I lullaby the reaper so that he's in the middle and just about dead. One shot the remaining reaper HP with gun basics and use lullaby. If all works well you've just put the lich and ghasts to sleep. Load WotG and kill lich in 10 second and unload the rest of it in glad to destroy 25%++ hp. This strategy had worked very well well for me. An alternative strategy is to daze lich ASAP with knuckles. Load WotG for win. Conversely because if my damage a few shooting rush crits wins as well, this is very very unreliable as lich just has a lot of stun and damage.
.... Posted April 15, 2015 Author Report Posted April 15, 2015 On 4/15/2015 at 3:15 PM, JoeyDee9 said: Some super quick tips. Abuse shooting rushes movement for glas and claim. You can easily avoid claims rush attack just by using shooting rush and traveling behind your enemy. Just basic spam guns and use SR to avoid damage. The same trick can be used to avoid glad laser although the majority of the time glad just WM spams me. Lich is pretty hit and miss, don't forget the power of elementals. If you run a full ice set you'll to nearly 2x the Damage to the lich. My plan is to roflstomp the reaper (not too hard abusing SR for avoiding damage) until he is within one shot from death then run to the middle. At this point I lullaby the reaper so that he's in the middle and just about dead. One shot the remaining reaper HP with gun basics and use lullaby. If all works well you've just put the lich and ghasts to sleep. Load WotG and kill lich in 10 second and unload the rest of it in glad to destroy 25%++ hp. This strategy had worked very well well for me. An alternative strategy is to daze lich ASAP with knuckles. Load WotG for win. Conversely because if my damage a few shooting rush crits wins as well, this is very very unreliable as lich just has a lot of stun and damage. What if Shooting Rush placement hates you 90% of the time? I swear unless im facing the enemy a centimeter away I can never get the red indicators half the time.
👑tanino Posted April 15, 2015 Report Posted April 15, 2015 Endy, I used Mana Shield. That;s why it hit 400, throw 70 magic prot on mana shield and it'l reduce the damage by that much. You took 1.8K so you'd take about what I took as well. These were my def stats in cave.
.... Posted April 15, 2015 Author Report Posted April 15, 2015 On 4/15/2015 at 5:28 PM, tanino said: Endy, I used Mana Shield. That;s why it hit 400, throw 70 magic prot on mana shield and it'l reduce the damage by that much. You took 1.8K so you'd take about what I took as well. These were my def stats in cave. -Looks over in the stats you posted- So what kind of ridiculous prot set are you using?
👑tanino Posted April 15, 2015 Report Posted April 15, 2015 The stats I posted was with my magic setup, holding some guns, when I did cave I was using a prot/def cater and a rk set with prot/def enchants on it.
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