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    kyungi got a reaction from Gaeyong in Song of Ancients - Atonement from NieR: Automata?   
    Wondering if anyone could help me out! This is one of my favorite songs from the NieR Automata OST and I'd be extremely grateful ☺️. I tried doing it myself but it always ended up sounded like a mess.
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    kyungi reacted to 🎶Mythra in Song of Ancients - Atonement from NieR: Automata?   
    Here is my own version, it is not complete but essential is in it. It still does about 2min 30 for the 5k characters .
    Song Nier.ms2mml
  3. Love
    kyungi got a reaction from Skewrah in Song of Ancients - Atonement from NieR: Automata?   
    Wondering if anyone could help me out! This is one of my favorite songs from the NieR Automata OST and I'd be extremely grateful ☺️. I tried doing it myself but it always ended up sounded like a mess.
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