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Everything posted by JoeyDee9

  1. The key thing is that after you complete a goal you need a new one!
  2. Share you fantasy life goals. Where do you want to be tomorrow? What are you working on? Is progress being made? currently I've done most of the things is this beloved game. My personal goals are getting a bhafel hunter and capping all skills. I need 5000 ap to finish and a BD eye eludes me. What are you guys up to? Exited to have like 400 Ap from this weekend?
  3. I apologize for the lack of progress...blame my new minecraft server. This is still on my todo list. ^^
  4. ...Well it lined up for me but I'm not in any rush to complete the game right now. With less than 5k AP till I have enough to r1 everything this is just a small boost on the long journey ahead.
  5. I absolutely love my homestead one of my favorite things in game.
  6. I have eclair from dog days done.
  7. Lets see, lance is 600% smash damage for humans without thames. Bash is 920% damage without celtics. On an elemental immune enemy it's clear that duel weapon bash will win. On an non elemental immune enemy the max bonus (with a single lined elemental reforge) is 55% for lances and 44% for duel weapons. AKA 930% lance smashes and 1324.8% bashes. Lets take r6 into consideration now. Bash crit with two ele 3 r6 weapons - 3423% damage Smash crit with ele 6 r6 lance - 2901% damage Lets not forget than bash stuns monsters and has a quicker animation than smash. While you will have to build it up to the maximum step to achieve these results a 1st stage bash crit under the same circumstances is 2928% damage. Basically under ideal situation a humans duel weapon bash will be better than a lances smash. Now piercing will probably tip the tables in smashes direction for some enemies but the speed of bash might actually increase it's DPS. Personally, with the current content even without piercing a bash will one shot most mobs and since the combo meter doesn't disappear when changing enemies bash just outclasses smash in every way. It might be a bit different for giants though. They wont have access to Royal Celtics and will have to duel wield blunts.
  8. But, rage impact is free bonus damage. Bash is now OP (when we get the change to it), and Duel weapon mastery is free damage.
  9. ​But new skills coming soon. I need the AP for them.QQ
  10. Some super quick tips. Abuse shooting rushes movement for glas and claim. You can easily avoid claims rush attack just by using shooting rush and traveling behind your enemy. Just basic spam guns and use SR to avoid damage. The same trick can be used to avoid glad laser although the majority of the time glad just WM spams me. Lich is pretty hit and miss, don't forget the power of elementals. If you run a full ice set you'll to nearly 2x the Damage to the lich. My plan is to roflstomp the reaper (not too hard abusing SR for avoiding damage) until he is within one shot from death then run to the middle. At this point I lullaby the reaper so that he's in the middle and just about dead. One shot the remaining reaper HP with gun basics and use lullaby. If all works well you've just put the lich and ghasts to sleep. Load WotG and kill lich in 10 second and unload the rest of it in glad to destroy 25%++ hp. This strategy had worked very well well for me. An alternative strategy is to daze lich ASAP with knuckles. Load WotG for win. Conversely because if my damage a few shooting rush crits wins as well, this is very very unreliable as lich just has a lot of stun and damage.
  11. Could have done better but low leveled right now. Just about done within game str and int isn't too far behind. No stat buffs on my character at this time.
  12. Yeah, I got banned for harassing/trolling Arjune this time. I'm heavily contemplating dropping the third person chat structure as I feel it's detrimental to my opinions and influences me to be more obnoxious that I normally am. as for this guide I plan to have it done in a week or so. I changed up the formatting to one skill per document page and added in the wiki charts for reference. My goal is to have skills done tomorrow so I can get to the meat of formulas and gear. Now that I think about it I'll have to do the r-type vs s-type discussion in this guide as well.
  13. Maybe instead I'll write up a talent calculator for Alchemy specifically.
  14. Don't expect too much too fast. Between school and work it's just going to crawl along. Just figured I'd get a nice compendium of my knowledge and share it. But, do you think I should add in the wiki skill tables into the document?
  15. So basically I'm in the progress of writing a comprehensive Alchemy guide. I'll probably update it a few times a day. I intend to hit everything EVER. Reforges, every skill, gear, equipment, damage formulas. I even plan to incorporate my interactive damage spreadsheets into this. Anyways, I just started this today and I'll keep it updated. Comment, Criticize, and enjoy. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-G1skrY0s-CkYfagF5Vexjzq9dIX_57HHzOk9f_0uJw/edit?usp=sharing My biggest question right now is if I should include the wiki tables for skill ranks in each of the skill sections, should I?
  16. I had an account eons ago, well I still do cause I keep a document if all my online accounts. Needless to say I have quite a lot of good memories from the site. I used to sit in a super old laptop that needed a wireless adapter card (not USB) to use the Internet. I'd be up late I to the night with greater than or minute per page loading times.
  17. I need to write down a spreadsheet of what comes out on what days so I keep keep track of everything. Nyaa just gets so messy when trying to get downloads. Currently I'm in love with Plastic Memories. Out of the non continuations this one has resounded the most with me so far. Danmachi was good as well so looking forward to that. I watched Kyoukai no Rinne yesterday I think and it will get a few more episodes although it seems pretty generic I'll give it a bigger chance. Kekkai sensen was decent, will continue that although it doesn't seem like it's going to be anything special just a fun shounen ride. Show by Rock was entertaining although the CG bothered me. I'll continue to watch it for the cute that it brings. Arslan Senki set up a great plot, we'll have to see where that ones goes. The new Gainax anime Houkago no Pleiades made my day yesterday. Within the first 30 seconds I fell in love with the soliloquy about stars and people. Nanoha Vivid is a must watch as well as UBW but you know those are continuations. Re-Kan! and Seraph of the end will be continued by me as well nothing too notable about them other than enjoyment. I'm still looking forward to watching Digimon Tri, Etotama, Grisaia no Rakuen, Punch Line, Sidonia no Kishi, and Yamadakun to Nananin no Majo. It's turning out to be a pretty good season so far.
  18. Played a lot of the CBT and it's quite a fun card game. I'm currently looking forward to the OBT release although I'm sad my previous Nao card was erased.
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