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🎶 Mythra

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Everything posted by Mythra

  1. 3k characters . Nirvana ED.mml
  2. Hi, I'm doing it little by little. Here is my progress and I do not know when I will have finished. Night market.mml
  3. Mythra

    Toaru Majutsu no Index III OP - Gravitation

  4. Finish. 3k characters Gravitation.mml
  5. Mythra

    Tale of Berseria - Velvet Theme

  6. Mythra

    Carnival Phantasm - Super Affection

  7. Mythra

    Naruto Shippuden OP13

  8. Here is my own version, it is not complete but essential is in it. It still does about 2min 30 for the 5k characters . Song Nier.ms2mml
  9. Here it is, optimize for 3k narutoshi op13b.mml
  10. yes. Superaffection.ms2mml
  11. 5k characters. Theme lillie.ms2mml
  12. Here in 3k character . This is my person favourite of the series Tales of . Edit : Adding a 10k version Theme velvet.ms2mml theme velvet ver2.ms2mml
  13. Here in less than 3k characters . super affection.mml
  14. Try this to see, I think the result is the one expected. The 2 parts are in 3k characters . nierAutomata-Kaine(piano part).ms2mml nierAutomata-Kaine(violin part).ms2mml
  15. Mythra

    Linkin Park - Numb

  16. Mythra

    Linkin Park - Robot Boy

  17. Mythra

    Kingdom Hearts 2 - Passion

  18. Mythra

    Pokemon Heros - Search for the girl

  19. It's safe in orchestra, it would take 10 intrument and more. I propose you in small orchestra of 4 person with in ideals a violin, a cello obligatory, a bass of preference (but a piano can do the staff) and a 4th can play a little bit of everything (I have test with harmonica, pan flute or even the harp). All instruments that require less than 3k characters . One-Winged_Angel(Cello_part).ms2mml One-Winged_Angel(Violin_part).ms2mml One-Winged_Angel(Bass_part).ms2mml One-Winged_Angel(4th_part).ms2mml
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