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  1. rimedragona

    Wonderful Wonder World

  2. I haven't done many big sales,but the one I did do was so nerve wracking, I dread the next time I see something expensive for sale that I want. ^^; I wanted the odd-eye belisha support doll, and I really can't recall what I paid for it, just that it was all my liquid gold. All of it. I had only a couple hundred left after. *gonk* And it was done with a check, so I had to have the check fee, and I kept thinking they would decide it wasn't worth it... ^^; I don't usually want things so bad, so it was a bit of an odd experience for me. The only other thing I've been wanting for a long time is one of the 8x8 shop bags like the devcat or vocaloid ones. I never used to sell things, so when they came out I was like, pff, whatever, but now I do... and *sigh* they are never available. Someone had one like right after I bought the Belisha doll, and I was like, o: *points* D: *points* D8, and cried a little inside, but I was still very happy with the doll. ^^;
  3. Hm. I guess I would like them to return. I have one of each type, but... tbh, I wish I hadn't chosen the cheerful personality for my maid. (should have gone with clumsy) ^^; So, perhaps I would like another maid. But that's also a bit frivolous, isn't it? If they show up again, and I'm sure they will at some point, then I suppose I'd have to see how willing I am at the time to spend the extra NX. I've gotten to the point I just rely on gift giving to raise their affection. They always ask for the most outrageous things and it's like... Really? So I don't even bother most of the time. ^^;
  4. Hm, back during G...2, maybe? A friend of mine convinced me to play this MMO that had a battle system unlike anything else I'd tried before. I was really reluctant, because I'd been... *cough* slightly addicted to Everquest back in the day, and it made me really leery of MMOs in general. But I agreed to try it out, and it was the most frustrating game I'd ever encountered. ;p Nothing like the "press 1, press 2, press 3, okay, press 1 again" type of battle that EQ had. So I never really quite got into it. But he kept telling me about all the things and prodding me to come back and play some more. Eventually I did for realsies instead of just to placate him occasionally, maybe around the time of Iria's release? And somewhere along the line, I adapted to the battle system, and the rest, as they say, is history. So, I started playing Mabi because of a pushy friend who wouldn't take no for an answer.
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