never took a music class in my life alot of things im doing might be wrong. oh well
Important letters in 3mle coding
L= the length of all notes after it default is L4 which is a quarter note i think. basicly it makes all the notes in front of it the same more or less.
T1~250=tempo how fast your song is default is t120
N= basicly a note in number form n12 = o1c n13o1c+ n14=o1d n15=o1d+ and so on
o1~7=ocatave dunno how to explain this one moves your notes up and down.
<> = same thing as o
i used Initial D rage your dreams for this guide.
first open 3mle go to file > import standard midi file> (whatever song u want) i used rage your dreams
i used these options
Velocity shows you the loudness of every note if u dont have this every note with have a default loudness of v8
convert on midi tracks to multiple mml tracks shows all the hidden tracks. theres is 6 tracks in this one if u dont select it u only get 1 track.
even though it has 6 tracks we are going to make it a solo song.
click ok should look like this now
now do this makes coding easier,
i like to do 3-5 sections at a time. easier to break song down in small parts.
double click on that note where the black arrow is. It will highlight a+ on the bottom of screen copy that and the rest of the text behind it
r2.v7l8ga+v11>c4cd+c4.d+d4<a+ga+4g+a+ ull get that. open up a new 3mle window and paste it in track 1
now we are going to do track 2 and stoping on the same point where track 1 ends
we are going to use those notes. some people are going to say theres 3 different colours on there dont i need 3 tracks to fit them all in.
if u look closely all the notes are staggered so u can fit them all in one track u just have to make some notes shorter.
just hover over the bars too see what notes they are if u cant eye it out.
the bright blue notes is how the track 2 should look like.
r1<l8d+g>d+c<g+d+>d+c<a+g>fd<rg>d<a+ ull get this code.
r1o3d+8g8o4d+8c8o3g+8d+8o4d+8c8o3a+8g8o4f8d8r8o3g8o4d8o3a+8 or like this if your bad it coding they are the same code just the first one is more optimized.
now for track 3
we will be using that part for track 3 there are 2 easys ways do this
click on the pink track. double click that bar and select all that code u see on that screenshot
or u can change all those pink o2r1l4.b+r8g+r8a+r8gr8 note to
o2r1l2b+g+a+g this one save more space since track 3 has the least amount of maximum notes.
now copy those 3 new tracks u made on a new 3mle window and u shoud get something like this should sound more or less the same as the orginal 6 track midi.