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Everything posted by HozzieHozzbourne

  1. I would really love to have Hellfire from Hunchback of Notre Dame on solo piano ❤️
  2. Another great cover! ❤️
  3. Great piano cover! Can't wait to use this one
  4. Élan sounded great ❤️ Storytime was a little too slow for my taste.. I experimented and found that 155 was a better tempo. And there are some parts that sounds quite off for me.. mainly around the 4.50 mark.
  5. Hello. I would like to request these two songs by Nightwish: Storytime: Élan
  6. Hello guys! I would really love to have "Why Should I Worry?" from "Oliver and Company" Piano, solo, please
  7. Would a normal guitar work instead of the bass guitar?
  8. My Little Pony - Winter Wrap Up Nightwish - Nemo Nightwish - Wish I had an angel Star Wars - Imperial March I'd like them all on piano, solo
  9. Solo, Piano. If someone could make this song for me, I would be very very happy
  10. Piano, Solo. Would be super happy if someone could fulfill this request for me ❤️
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