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    dante reacted to 🎶Hanaan in 2 Man Ensemble - Make a Man Out of you.   
    This... is definitely something Ill add to my ~~long~~ list of things to do! Sounds like fun!
    Are you ok with ensemble? Stuff like this I dont like limiting to a single instrument.
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    dante reacted to Coffeeholic in MS2: Zombie - The Cranberries/Bad Wolves   
    I’ve already seen a Mabligoni version of the alternative rock  “Zombie” song but I’d like to request one for Maple Story 2.
    Preferrably a solo electric guitar version of the Cranberries version of the song. Or, a duet version of electric guitar and piano of the Bad Wolves version of the song. 
    Zombie - The Cranberries
    Zombie - The Bad Wolves
  3. Perfect!
    dante reacted to Simply in Come Along With Me- Adventure Time   
    In honor of the finale of adventure time, thought I'd drop a request for this lovely little song. Perhaps once better version of 'Time Adventure' come out as well those can be done too! But for now. A copy of this would certainly be lovely, to give the people of Mabi some feels in their day. Fair warning of spoilers in the video! Unless you're ready for them or have already watched it yourself!
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    dante reacted to Coffeeholic in Ac/Dc TunderStrike please!   
    Brrrrrrrrrrrrt! I’d love to farm as a heavy gunner with a mini gun while a musician plays this in the background! Also are you sure the song is not called “Thunderstruck”?
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    dante reacted to 🎶Nekololizu in Guilty Crown SuperCell my dearest   
    It has not been approved yet, so have to wait for that
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    dante reacted to 🎶Nekololizu in Guilty Crown SuperCell my dearest   
    My Dearest.mml
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