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  1. I love this, good quality song from one of my favorite games
  2. One of my favorite songs, you did it justice
  3. Perfect, and so beautiful for the Lyre
  4. Absolutely beautiful, sure to impress all who know Mario :3
  5. ACK! I love this song, and you did such a great rendition!
  6. Well done, this is perfectly timed and sounds awesome
  7. Beautiful song, and I don't even like Mario games that much!
  8. Why, WHY doesn't this have more views and reviews? This is perfect. PERFECT. I love this song and now I have it to travel with. AAAAAND it's long
  9. That... Actually doesn't answer the question. The question was, how does he turn his MML files into one that's compatible with Maplestory 2. You've just basically told him to compose in MS2, which is why we're using 3MLE; so we don't HAVE to compose, but rather import them into 3MLE, which doesn't seem to actually work.
  10. Merancapeman

    FFVIII - Waltz for the Moon

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