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🚩 Blargel

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Mabinogi - Solo Hall

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Mabinogi - 6 Person Ensembles

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MapleBeats - 6 Person Ensembles

MapleBeats - 7 Person Ensembles

MapleBeats - 8 Person Ensembles

MapleBeats - 9 Person Ensembles

MapleBeats - 10 Person Ensembles



Everything posted by Blargel

  1. There's already a suggestion to make a new category for them in this thread: EDIT: Wtf, that link transformed into something neat, lol.
  2. ​Lullaby's chance is a fixed 75% no matter what anyways. By increasing your music buff stat, you are only increasing the duration of the Lullaby and the bonus damage that it provides.
  3. Blargel

    Angel Beats - Theme of SSS

  4. Blargel

    Golden Time - Sweet & Sweet Cherry

  5. Blargel

    No Game No Life - This Game

  6. Blargel

    Servant x Service - May I Help You?

  7. Blargel

    Mikakunin de Shinkoukei - Masshiro World

  8. Blargel

    Ar Tonelico 2 - EXEC_SPHERIA

  9. Blargel

    Natsuiro Kiseki - Ashita e no Kaerimichi

  10. Blargel

    Chrono Cross - Scars of Time

  11. Blargel

    Girls und Panzer - Katyusha

  12. Blargel

    Yoshi's Island - Athletic Theme

  13. I love this song! It was my favorite song from the anime. Your version is great but there appear to be a few notes missing near the beginning, possibly because the Lyre can't play notes that high? I think if you move everything down one octave, it'll work a lot better for the Lyre. It works fine as is for all the other original string instruments though.
  14. Blargel

    Kill La Kill - Blumenkranz

  15. Blargel

    Sonic - Green Hill Zone + Extra

  16. Blargel

    Haddaway - What is Love?

  17. Blargel

    Vocaloid - Senbonzakura

  18. Blargel

    Ar Tonelico 2 - METHOD_IMPLANTA/.

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