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    Retsamehtmai got a reaction from 🚩ADirtyCouch in [Nao] Monthly Ornac Music Contests   
    In case you missed this month’s music contest, here is a video recap :D


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    Retsamehtmai got a reaction from 🚩ADirtyCouch in [Nao] Monthly Ornac Music Contests   
    Hello all!
    My guild, Ornac, currently hosts music contest every month (on a sunday) on Tarlach. Here's a video recap of the most recent one:
    Contests are held at Emain Macha stage around 3pmPST, ch7. Each contest has a theme that can give you bonus points if your song fits it. In order to enter, you must use a song that you've made, no copypastas. First prize is a steam card, 2m gold and a composition item if you need one. The next contest is scheduled for May 20th with the theme "Baroque"!
    Main forum with more detailed rules here: http://forums.mabinogi.nexon.net/discussion/1177/ornac-events-and-offerings
    Please let me know if you have any questions!
    -S- Sahmei -S-
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