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👑 opalthira

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Everything posted by opalthira

  1. I was playing dced and now i can't connect to the game or the website but i can go on any other website just fine. Was wondering if anyone had this problem.
  2. Was wondering how much these items are ~ 10X10 Dev cat bag (10-15mil) ~ Hamelin Partner tuner Thanks in advance, Opalthira
  3. Wonderful.
  4. Wheres the mml?
  5. Step one: Be under level 1000 Step Two: Farm Par ruins HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of times Step Three: Rebirth every day and eat boxes until you have infinite AP? 33,576 total ap (elf) 1347500 exp to 50 explore 404 boxes min. to get 50 explore 50=50ap 33,576/50=671.52 672 rebirths for max ap 672x404= 271,488 boxes for max ap Rip any one who wants to get everything maxed out in this game. (like 30 real life days at 10 minutes per dungeon)
  6. Could always play it on Piano? I tried it with 3ml seems it might be too low in octave maybe. (Can always fix it with notepad, If we are allowed?)
  7. Update: I am now able to log in. Try to see if you can as well
  8. It appears that the servers are semi-broken and won't allow people to log in. So don't be alarmed if you cannot log in today as you are not the only one. Thought i was being hacked or something but i went on to the mabinogi forums and found out that its happening to everyone, so i thought i would let you guys know. http://mabinogi.nexon.net/Community/forums#%2Fshowthread.php%3F1537023-Cant-Login-to-Mabi%26nxid%3D10
  9. a normal skill rest only does it for one skill and one rank which why i have to use the all skill reset one instead. I have been hold off using one just because i dont know what will happen.
  10. I wanted to use a all skill reset to lower my theory so that it would be easier to play music i make. I only want to do this because i don't really do combat in this game and really have no use for the magical buffs on scrolls that i make. So i was wondering if you use an all skill reset that i could just level my skills or do i have to meet the requirements again? I'd rather not have to go through leveling composition up again just to have easier to play songs. Thanks in Advance.
  11. I got a basic piano for 5mil and then used the Coupon on it.
  12. Buying a Morning Glory Piano for 5 mill plus a Morning glory coupon.
  13. All i can find are morning or solar glory pianos for 5-10mil. The last time i saw a Normal Piano it was 8mil. Otherwise you need to farm commerce for about 1-3 months to get a normal piano.
  14. Yeah i figured the gate was the length of each note, after looking at some mmls. (Downloaded the Archive, Full of great songs btw.) I also thought that the vel/value was volume. The whole reason i was asking was because i found a midi of a song and when i put it into 3ml it had the vel/value set to like 88 or something like that so the notes never actually were playing i guess? But then when i put them in manually with the piano tool it actually worked. SO i spent 40 minutes typing it out and then couldn't figure how to change it, and gave up. So I'm guessing i would have to export the mml edit it and then import to actually edit songs? (I'm completely new to this and have no idea what i'm doing) Anyway thanks for your responses. Edit: So i can change the value through exporting it to notepad and then import it. Works great idk if it would work in game though.
  15. I was using the piano player looking tool to write songs but then i couldn't figure out how to change the "gate" and "vel/value" settings. I was wondering how you do this or if you can do this. I'm sorry if this sounds a little messed up but its late right now. '^'
  16. 780K exp? Geez, wish i could get the much. >.>
  17. The beginning sounds so much better in this version, and the rest of the song doesn't suffer from being sound down. I think i like this version much better ^-^
  18. I've been thinking, and what if you made the notes play slower? It might make it sound less jumbled up and sound better.
  19. She loses clothing when she attacks
  20. The starting notes are a little weird but, hey you gave it a try and the rest of the song is pretty good. So i'd say your efforts weren't in vain ^-^
  21. Well the start maybe lacking a little its understandable based on how the violins are unable to make the quicker sounds. Overall the quality is there, so you did a great job
  22. If someone could make this for solo or duet for violin/cello (at a shortened version) I would be very happy There's also some others I'd like to request (only Clannad '^' ). I'll try to go for easy(ish) requests for now as i know you guys are all busy ^-^ Existence Piano/Lyre solo if possible, with or without song. To the same heights Piano/lyre solo/duet with or without song I guess that's should be it for now. Special thanks to any and all who try to do this for me.
  23. She's the "mild suggestive themes" section :v
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