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Everything posted by Seraphim

  1. How dare you do this to my heart. </3 Absolutely lovely solo.
  2. Seraphim

    Drakengard 3 - The Upcoming Battle/Armaros

  3. I'm so happy other people enjoy Drakengard 3's music! I'm impressed you condensed it down so nicely into a solo <3
  4. One: ARIA OF THE SOUL HOLY BEJEEBUS THAT'S GORGEOUS. Two: When I mean choral pieces, I mean like four part choral music that I've been futzing with and making work on other instruments. I don't mean simply Fantastic Chorus. Thanks for the info though!
  5. Seraphim

    Portal - Still Alive

  6. Seraphim

    Mozart Fantasia in D Minor K.397

  7. I've been working on a few choral pieces that I'd like to post, however I have no idea as to which category they would fall under. Where should I put them?
  8. Name's Seraphim, pleasure to be here!
  9. Seraphim

    Epic Sax Guy

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