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Chrono Cross - Dream of the Shore Near Another World

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Q.) Silent Notes?
A.) If you have silent notes in your song preview, and they are not on pitch 89 or 90 then that means they are out of the allowable range for that instrument and therefore will not play.

Q.) No sound plays at all? || The wrong instrument sound is playing?
A.) The Instrument ID Map is most likely not set correctly, please report the submission so that it can be fixed.

Known Issues
- When replaying a song preview from the end the scroll bar does not snap back to the beginning of the song.

Author Comment By 🎶Clotaire

Also known as Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World.

This song must be timed properly, as you can't use Jam Session with Fantastic Chorus. Without the Fantastic Chorus, this song loses much of its identity. The Fantastic Chorus must also be the female variety, as it doesn't sound quite right with the male version. You can maybe replace it with a Flute/Tuned Flute and bump it up one octave, and do an actual 4-piece Jam Session with that, but it won't feel the same. I suggest using Fantastic Chorus with the Lyre part, as it is far easier to time the jam session with the opening notes given to the Lyre part. I will include the Fantastic Chorus part in text below. Copy and paste that into the Song portion when creating the Lyre score.

Female Fantastic Chorus Part (Use with Lyre; Rank F):



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